Monday, April 28, 2008

Making Money Online - Big Fish, Little Pond or Little Fish, Big Pond?

So what's your answer? In the field of Internet Marketing would you rather be the little fish or the big fish?

Without a specific reference made to what pond we were referring to, across the board the average American said they'd rather be a little fish - 66% to 33%.

Answers like little fish have more to explore, to see - more opportunities for adventures and more fish to meet and get to know. But this was without knowing what sort of pond they were in. Once you have that little bit of knowledge, I'd say hands down the answer would be - I wanna be a Big Fish!

This leads us to a few lessons we can learn from our analogy:

  1. The first thing you've got to know is what pond you're swimming in. If you don't understand your pond, you won't know how to proceed. You'll either swim in circles and make no headway, or luck into success only to be gobbled up by the big fish. You've got to know your pond.
  2. Big Fish know they're Big Fish. They're always bumping into the banks of their pond and hardly notice all the little fishes tagging along in their wake. Because they're so big, it would be difficult for them to miss the big picture. If you're contemplating what you'd rather be in this scenario - face it, you're a little fish. And because we can't see the big picture, we have a hard time knowing where we're headed.

    The best way to get the big picture is to ask the Big Fish. On the internet, it's difficult to distinguish between the Big Fish and the 'Wanna be a Big Fish'. Find a Big Fish who has been around for a while and get the big picture. If that Big Fish can't make it clear to you, find one who can. Then swim with the big fish.

  3. Are we there yet? If the little fish in a big pond said, "I going to stay right here until I understand everything there is to understand about this big pond I'm in - otherwise I might get lost, or become someone's dinner," we'd understand immediately there is a flaw in his thought process. By staying where he is, he is never going to learn about his pond. You have to swim around and see things for yourself.

    Before you can become a Big Fish, you're going to have to follow these three steps just like all the other Big Fish did. Oh when they were little fish the pond may have been different, but they had to adapt as their pond changed. You have to take action. Yes you're going to fail sometimes. But sometimes you're going to succeed. Just keep swimming.

If you need help assessing where you are, where you're headed or how to get started with your internet marketing career, visit our website.

Joyce Filbeck helps folks learn to make money online at


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