Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Successful Article Marketing Strategy

As you read this article, I am assuming that you want to get better at your article marketing, which is why your reading this. There is a great strategy that every article marketer should use, and it's called, no thinking article writing. This is the article marketing guru's secret. To not think when writing an article.

When you think when you write an article, your just wasting time. And for an article marketer, time is everything. The more you think, the more time you waste, the more time you waste, the less amount of articles you produce. You have to learn how to write an article without thinking. I bet your thinking, how do I do that? How am I supposed to write without thinking? As I write this article, I'm not thinking, I'm just typing in whatever my mind is telling me to type in.

This is no thinking article writing. It wastes the less amount of time, to write an article. When you actually try to think when writing an article, you end up brainstorming, and writing a rough draft, even before you start writing your final draft. This is horrible! You can be using that time that your wasting, to make more articles. As an article marketer, you need to know, that the writer who writes the most amount of articles, the fastest, is going to win over the market! You have to stop wasting your time preparing to write an article, and just do it.

Writing an article isn't Shakespeare. When you write one, your not trying to create a work of art. You just want to get information out into the world so people can read it and decide whether they're interested or not. Your article just needs to be good, not great. If you were to use the school's grading system as a reference, you should be trying to create a C article, not an A+ article.

Looking for some internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I've got a bunch! Check out my free website at


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