Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Article Marketing - I'll Tell You My Fears if You Tell Me Yours

Here are some common fears, misconceptions and hesitations that I myself experienced when I first began writing articles for the web. Do you know what carrying around such fear accomplishes?


Your fear and self-doubt prevents you from submitting web articles that serve as global marketing for your website, ebook, ezine, blog... and any other place where you market your unique product and services! And that stops your business from booming like it can so easily out here on the web.

Some of the below fears took me as long as JUST LAST WEEK to expel from my brain! (Okay - maybe last month).

Dina's Article Fear 1: My article must not have any typos, ever!

Dina's Article Fear 2: No one will notice my articles in such a congested (popular) category as mine.

Dina's Article Fear 3: I can't write an article that's under 800 words.

Dina's Article Fear 4: I can't write articles as fast as I need to keep up with the volume needed on the web.

Dina's Article Fear 5: I will attract "lower food chain" clients if I write articles that are short and simple.

One noteworthy point about my past article fears:

Ultimately, my fears never stopped me from writing articles. Hence, I was able to blow past all of them and move closer toward my article marketing goals.

I took my articles to the next level by following along with what Chris and the EzineArticles.com team had to offer in the way of article direction, support and motivation. YOU CAN, TOO. And if you want to grow a business on the web - this information is crucial.

So, now it's your turn. What stops you from writing articles? How can I help you overcome your obstacles? Let's conquer those fears together. After all, the only thing that's *really* stopping us is... US.

Copyright 2006 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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