Friday, May 16, 2008

Article Research And Writing An Article Outline

When you write as many articles as I have it is easy to forget that not everyone can just sit down and write an article. Being able to write is the backbone of your future success, however, so you need to get your own system for writing quality articles.

It all starts with an idea and a little article research. One of my favorite tools I use everyday is called Search Automator. This makes researching content for any article a breeze.

Here's a couple of more things on writing articles. When you write try and write like you talk. Using fancy words and writing like you think will impress people does not work because it never sounds natural. Writing like you talk works because you are being yourself and you as become a better writer your articles will sound more natural and interesting.

Here is a simple formula you can use as an outline for your articles called AIDA.

When writing an article break it into 4 parts.





Your title should attract attention. If you don't get read your dead. For this reason we try to write around a primary keyword and include it in the title of the article.

Your introduction should create interest and lead people into the body. Let you reader know what the article is about and why they should read it.

The body should continue to create interest in the subject. Try and write short 2-3 word paragraphs which will help get the whole article read and not have people skimming down the article. Long paragraphs get skimmed over because they are hard to read on the Internet.

If you write a compelling article you will create desire to know more which leads into your resource box.

The resource box is where you sell yourself or your website. Your goal is to get action. The action you want is to get the click through to your website.

Using Search Automator to do good research and following this outline is a great way to develop a quality article and increase your website traffic with it.

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