Monday, May 5, 2008

Easy Article Marketing - Brand Yourself With Articles

If you haven't branded yourself yet, using articles is the easiest (and in my opinion, the best) way to do it. Here's how to brand yourself with articles:

Decide your niche.

The first important step is determining your niche. Who is your perfect audience? What are their interests? What do they enjoy doing? How can you relate to them?

When you know your niche inside and out, it is easier to talk to them. This makes writing articles for them to read much easier and quicker as well.

Write often.

Once you've established your target market (niche), write articles as often as you can. It does absolutely no good to write a handful of articles to submit, then stop there. You have to write frequently to build up a good audience.

Speak openly about the topic(s).

One of the best ways to relate to your target customer is to speak freely and openly about the topics they are intersted in. Take a positive, but open stance, and openly discuss important issues. Remember to stay upbeat, despite the topic.

Stay on target.

Don't hop from one subject to another. Stay focused and on target with your niche's interests and concerns. If your target market is 50-something singles, don't write about marriage issues or child-rearing issues. Write about things that your target market is interested in, such as dating after 50, or introducing your new love to your grown children.

By following these simple methods, you can quickly brand yourself as an author. You'll build a following of people who enjoy reading your articles and will keep coming back for more.

Want to earn cold hard cash from your articles?


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