Sunday, May 11, 2008

Explode Your Opt-In List, List Building Strategies That Work

Below I outline 10 list building strategies that work and work well when implemented properly.

Helpful relevant content will get more opt-ins.

Today more than not you see marketers (especially newbies) offer material that is of no interest to readers. Mostly because this info is out dated and not fresh.

A sure way to get a handle on this is by asking your readers exactly what they are needing to help them. By asking what problems they may have will give you a heads-up on the problem so you can remedy it.

Another great way to find out what folks are looking for is to sign-up to a few newsletters to see what other marketers are offering their readers. This will give you some insight on what problems others may be having.

Use squeeze pages to maximize opt-ins.

A squeeze page is nothing more than a subscribe form on a page with info leading your readers to a free report or maybe an e-book.

Offering freebies is a great way to get yourself recognized as a expert in the field you may be writing about. People love free info that can help them solve a problem, so why not give it to them.

Give-away viral e-books, a proven way to get many subscribers to sign-up to your list.

A great way to get 100's if not 1,000's of new subscribers to sign-up to your list is by giving a viral e-books.

When implemented in the proper fashion can get your e-book passed around the internet in record fashion. Offer to everyone and ask them to pass it on to their friends and to their lists.

Write a quality filled e-book people are looking for and give it away, or maybe sell it offering reprint rights.

At this point you are not looking to make money with this e-book, you are looking to get as many people to sign-up to your list as possible. The more subscribers you get the better chance later down the road some of these folks will buy from you.

Don't just write one e-book and give it away. After the momentum slows on your first e-book write anther and another and keep do this, the whole time adding subscribers to your list.

Offering free bonuses to your readers goes along ways. Give them info that can help them also builds trust in the eyes of your readers. Building trust is a major stepping stone in your marketing venue that will in the long run result in more sales.

Always remember to use fresh material when giving away a free e-book. Write it yourself or h ire someone to do it for you. You don't want to be giving away materials every other Tom, Dick, and Jane are giving away.

Adding more subscription boxes to your website.

Every page on your website should have opt-in boxes so your readers have every chance possible to sign-up to your offer.If you have webpages that are rather long it is advisable to add more than one opt-in box.

Pop Over/Under Windows

This is still one of the more effective ways to get more folks to sign-up to your list. Some see it as an annoyance , but for the most part people really seem to jump at offers in these kind of boxes.

Installing them on your website is as easy as 1-2-3.

A great product out there today that isn't detected by pop-up blockers is a float-in instant pop-over. It has been proven that using these can increase your opt-ins by upto 400%.

Using reputable paid autoresponder services

Using free auto responder services could be the downfall of your business. Often time free services have downtime and are not that professional looking.

There are many great reputable services that will do the job.

Google autoresponder services and you will find many to choose from.

There are many more ways at getting subscribers to your list and if you want more info, click link below and visit my website.

Affiliate Home Business Guide

James Veach, Affiliate Marketing Advisor

Business Guide For Your Marketing Needs

| Linking Strategies | Affiliate Marketing |

| List Building | Article Marketing|



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