Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fresh Content Should Be Your First Thought In Website Marketing Strategies!

What would you say is the number one reason a blogsite fails? The answer to that question is probably lack of fresh content. You see if a person has the idea that they want to have multiple blogs with the thought of making big money it becomes quite an effort to produce fresh content regularly. But producing fresh content is imperative in your website marketing strategies.

It seems difficult and even kind of frightening at first to produce fresh content to your blog on a regular basis. But like I've said in the past, "it should really not be that big an issue". The most important part of proven website marketing strategies, especially where blogs are concerned, is providing your readers or visitors with informative, interesting, and even entertaining information. This should be your primary concern.

Producing enlightening and interesting information on your blog will not only help to make your blog popular, but will also attract the search engine spiders. Obviously it is the business of search engines to provide answers to search queries.

Taken one step further, to make it even more simple, if the search engine spiders see your web pages as providing more relative information, then your web pages will be displayed to provide the answers to keyword searches. Which means relative, interesting, informative, and even entertaining CONTENT is still KING of website marketing strategies, period.

Why should producing fresh content for your blog or website be such a struggle? You know your niche, right? You know the questions that people are searching for answers to in your niche, right? If you don't know then you had better find out! You better start providing the answers to the questions your visitors are asking for when they do a search using the keywords your blog is targeting.

The Captain of my ship made me realize something last night while we were navigating through the St. Mary's River. He said; "At least you have your business to keep you occupied in your off time". He is so right, isn't he? I can write my content in my chosen niche anytime I feel like it. And, the content I write is going to make my blogs successful without much more effort than that if I've chosen my niche carefully and done my keyword research well. Again, in a nutshell, Content is King of website marketing strategies!

Doug LaLonde writes about blogging, fitness and boxing, and his greatest interest, internet marketing. To visit his blog and receive the latest free gift go to;



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