Sunday, May 18, 2008

How To Grow Your Network Marketing Business On The Internet Using Proven Online Marketing Strategies

The biggest problem with traditional network marketing is it requires people to do things the average person is not comfortable doing. For example, approaching friends, family, and strangers with the intent of persuading them to join their business opportunity.

The thought of selling is extremely intimidating to most people. The industry has attempted to ease distributor's anxiety by simplify the selling process with the use of CDs and DVDs, but even that is too much to ask of someone who is terrified of approaching prospects.

Although the task of approaching prospects, and offering them some marketing materials may be physically easy to do, it will not be executed if it is psychologically challenging.

It is scientifically proven that the average person is more likely to avoid discomfort rather than seek pleasure, which explains why 95% of the people who join network marketing opportunities drop out within the first year.

The traditional approach to network marketing is extremely inefficient because the 5% distributors who are willing to stick around, must go through the motions of recruiting distributors only to realize a 5% retention rate when it's all said and done.

In order to get the most bang out of a multi-level marketing business, distributor's need an alternative marketing strategy that appeals to the other 95% who are not cut out for traditional network marketing.

Imagine what an alternative execution strategy that maintains the effectiveness of word-of-mouth advertising, but doesn't require any face to face interaction would do for an industry that has already produced a record number of millionaires!

The Internet is the solution!

The benefit of promoting your business online is that you will be able automate the three biggest problem areas in the network marketing industry...prospecting, follow-up, and sponsoring.


You can't turn a hermit into a butterfly. People are simply not comfortable approaching people with the intentions of recruiting them into their business.


The fortune is in the follow-up but this activity is typically a last priority for intimidated distributors who don't want to deal with evasive and/or rude prospects.


The home business industry is diluted with people who have little or no marketing skills who are expected to train the people they recruit. The blind leading the blind inevitably results in little or no organizational growth.

By automating these activities, you can be certain the the necessary activities are being consistently conducted throughout your downline organization!

Furthermore, your downline will be able to remain at home, in their comfort zone, so you should experience a much higher retention rate!

An Overview Of The Online Marketing Process

(Compared To The Offline Process)

Although the processes involved with networking online is different from the offline process, the objective is basically the same...You find prospects (or they find you), you expose them to your opportunity, you get their contact information, and follow-up with them until they join or tell you to take a hike.

Below is a correlation between the steps involved with online and offline networking.

1. In offline networking, you randomly approach prospects. In online networking, you strategically attract interested prospects to you.

2. In offline networking, you expose the prospect to your opportunity with a live presentation or by giving them some materials to take home. In online networking, you expose the prospect to an online business presentation.

3. In offline networking, you ask the prospect for their contact information and follow-up with them via phone. In online networking, the prospect has already given you their contact information by opting in to your mailing list to receive information about your business, and an autoresponder will follow-up with them via email.

Offline networking is less effective because it requires you to expend time and resources randomly approaching, exposing, and following up with people who may or may not be interested in your opportunity.

However, with online networking, not only will you be attracting interested people to you, but only the highly interested prospects will proceed to the next step of giving you their contact information by opting into your mailing list.

Growing your business online is not only more effective, but it is also more efficient. 2/3 of your work will be automated by online services...

You will not have to physically present your business opportunity because website services will do that for you. You will not have to personally followup with your prospects because an autoresponder service will do that for you.

The only thing you will have to do is drive traffic to your website using proven online prospecting techniques.

On top of all that, online marketing allows you to turn your operating expenses into income-producing assets, that not only cover your expenses, but generate additional profits!

Learn proven online marketing strategies to grow your network marketing business on the Internet.


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