Sunday, May 18, 2008

My #1 Free One Way Link Building Method

If all you had to do to get a top ranking on the search engines was acquire thousands of inbound links to your site then it would be a simple case of popping over to eBay and buying a whole stack of sitewide links. Back in the old days (like a couple of years ago) this technique actually worked. These days those clever search engine people have worked out a way of combating this clumsy method.

When you are in the market for purchasing a link or two then please do not be fooled by those who offer you thousands of links on the same site. In the very best case scenario you only receive credit in the search engines for around 20 to 50 of those links. Only a small percentage of those will give you any real value.

People who sell sitewide links are either ignorant to the fact that the search engines have cottoned on, or they are actively trying to scam you out of your hard earned cash. Unfortunately you will usually find that it is the latter.

Some of the more effective ways of promoting your site via a link building strategy would be article promotion, press releases, non-reciprocal linking and simply buying links. You could also get involved in forums and blogs related to your niche, leaving your links in your signatures and your blog comments.

Writing articles has to be one of the best ways I know of creating inbound links to your web site. The trick with article writing is to make sure that your article is actually useful. Best not to simply rewrite someone else's article in a half-hearted fashion without changing much of the original. For one, you will probably get some grief from the original article author when they find out that you have obviously ripped off their article.

A great little tip for writing articles is to subscribe to some google news alerts. You can get google to send you an e-mail every time your chosen word or phrase appears in the newswires, blogs and press releases. This is a great way to be among the first 'reporters on the scene'. You can quickly collect lots of content in this way, research your angle a little more and create a unique article. It is a surprisingly quick way of creating content.

The second most important thing when article writing is to ensure that you include your resource box at the end of the article. This is where you write a little bit about your self in the third person and include the all-important link. Make sure you choose your anchor text carefully as this is one of the most important factors in getting ranked highly on the engines.

Now, when you submit your article to three or four of the more popular article sites (it's not usually worth your time submitting to any more than the top five most popular article directories) you will get a one-way link from each directory. These directories are what are known as authority sites. The links from these sites are valuable.

An added bonus is that web site owners and ezine owners will pick up your article (that's if you followed my advice and made it useful) in order to use the content in any way they see fit. The rules are that they must not modify the resource box. This gives you another one-way link on another IP address.

The more popular your article the more sites will pick it up and provide you with a growing pool of quality unique incoming links. If you try to create an article related and linking to every page on your web site, you will soon find that your whole web site becomes fully indexed and you'll be receiving visitors from all over the Internet. Not to mention the fact that your search engine rankings will increase and you'll begin to receive more and more organic search engine traffic. The best kind of traffic there is ;)

If you don't feel confident in writing articles then you can always outsource this task. Places like 'Rent a Coder' and 'Script Lance' are a couple of the more trusted outsourcing web sites.

All in all, pursuing an active link building strategy is an essential part of promoting your web site. If you have not started your link building campaign yet then now is the time to begin.

Riley McBride is an Internet entrepreneur and enjoys nothing more than creating a meaty article about Internet marketing. He highly recommends you go and get your self a free one-way link here: Free Web Page Promotion


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