Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Opt In Email Marketing List Thank You Pages

Once you have completed your squeeze page for building your email marketing list, it is time to think about where your new subscriber will go next. Getting your visitor to subscribe to your opt in email list is the beginning of not only building your relationship with that individual, but it is also the start of building an income for your internet marketing business.

Now that you have gotten a new opt in list member on your squeeze page, you have to guide them through the rest of the process to get them on your email marketing list and to their free to download product. When they download their ethical bribe they will begin their initial contact with your sales process.

Double Opt In, The First Step To Joining Your Email Marketing List.

When your visitor puts their name and email into your opt in form and presses the submit button,they have not officially joined your opt in email marketing list. Not if you use double opt ins for your subscribers, which I highly recommend because it gives you the most protection against spam complaints.

What they have done is taken the first step in joining your email marketing list. Now it is up to you to help the get completely through the process by giving them very clear directions on what steps you want them to take next.

The Confirmation Page.

When your visitor puts their name and email address in the opt in list form and pushes the submit button, you will have the opt in list form set up to take the subscriber to a confirmation page. On this page you will thank your new opt in email list member and give them DETAILED instructions on what to look for in your first email.

On your confirmation page you will have a picture of the exact email your opt in email list member will receive from your auto responder with the confirmation link highlighted and a little box with an arrow pointing at it with the words "Click This Link To Confirm" in the box. Below that you need detailed information on how to white list your email account.

To increase your confirmation rate, usually it's about 70% and we want it above 90%, you can let your subscriber know that by clicking the confirmation link in the email they are receiving, they will receive a surprise bonus on the download page. This really works.

In the email that your auto responder sends your opt in email list member you will tell them exactly how to confirm their subscription just as you did on the confirmation page. You will also tell them how to white list your email account. The more detailed your instructions the better!

Your Opt In Email List Confirmation Link.

Your auto responder email confirmation template allows you to either write the email or to add your personal thank you to it. It also allows you to select where the link will take your new email list member. Since those who are viewing this page have just said yes to you about joining your email marketing list, now is a great time to make your first offer.

How to Present Your First Offer to Your Email Marketing List Member.

The thank you page you send your new opt in email list member to from your confirmation email is a great place to introduce your new subscriber to their first look at one of your products. Here you give them the download and bonus your offered for them to join your email marketing list and give them a special offer you made on the thank you page just for your new opt in email list members. Oh yes, make sure that you stress the time sensitivity of the offer.

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