Saturday, May 24, 2008

Promote Keyword Phrases for Your Website

It's no secret that the keyword phrases you select will make or break your site. And yet it's also true that most people are terrible at selecting keyword phrases that end up being effective and generating traffic for their sites.

The most common mistake made is being too ambitious in selecting keyword phrases for which you don't stand a chance of generating traffic from. In other words, keywords that are way too competitive.

Yet with the right understanding and approach, any site owner or online entrepreneur can greatly increase the traffic they receive from search engines through keyword phrases.

You Must Arrive At Only One Keyword Phrase

Most people believe that the more keyword phrases that they select for their sites, the better. Actually nothing can be further from the truth. If anything the very opposite is true. You must consider the content and objectives of your site very carefully and when you have done that, you must come up with a single keyword phrase. That keyword phrase will clearly portray the narrow niche that you are interested in going after and dominating. Now most people panic when they hear this, believing that it will be ridiculous for them to focus all their energies on a single keyword phrase for the rest of their days.

Actually what is supposed to happen is that after you have selected your keyword phrase, you are supposed to find all synonyms and related keyword phrases. In most cases, the keyword phrases list will easily be well over 100 keyword phrases. In addition, there are other longer keyword phrases that hardly anybody pays attention to because they are not yet popular enough. These are the keyword phrases you will tend to notice in your stats, these could easily number in the thousands. In other words there is much more to the single keyword phrase than you think.

When you put all those thousands of keyword phrases together, you will find that the potential traffic your site is able to attract will number in the millions. One of the greatest secrets of success will come into play, which is the more you limit your target market and niche, the bigger the market you are creating of potential customers and clients. In fact most people believe the exact opposite, which is the more you narrow your niche, the more you limit your market and number of potential clients. This is just NOT true.

The Power of Focus

The World Wide Web is a huge place where it is very easy to drown and get lost forever. The secret to survival has to do with focus. It is indeed a very powerful strategy to narrowly focus on a tiny niche that you can totally dominate. And the way to do this is by selecting a single keyword phrase that best describes what your site is all about.

There are of course other factors that will help you in reaching your decision about what particular keyword phrase to focus all your energies on. Your past experience and skills are critical. You must have an edge that will help you easily win any competition that you end up facing from any other site on the niche subject that you have selected.

In other words, you must be confident enough of at least being in the top 10 worldwide in terms of your ability to deliver on that particular keyword phrase. This would mean that you would have a good chance of being in then top 10 of search engine results.

Actually many people forget that when you are on the web, the competition is not local but in fact worldwide. So you have no alternative but to really know your stuff.

When you make the decision to focus with laser beam precision on a particular keyword phrase for your web site, what you will have actually done is greatly expanded your potential market. The reality which many webmasters have seen in their own experiences is that if you aim for everybody you will most certainly end up with hardly anybody. The proper approach and use of keyword phrases on your site is bound to revolutionize your fortunes online.

Terry Detty finds Website Marketing Promotion and Business Marketing and Online Advertising his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a new Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing Software program he's been using.


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