Friday, May 23, 2008

Start Up An Internet Business With Internet Article Marketing Online - Part 1

If you are one of the many people that are looking for Legitimate ways to make money online, then one of the easiest, zero to low cost investment businesses I know of is Internet Article Marketing.

Exactly what is this business and is it for you? In this series we will explore this lucrative opportunity and you will discover that it truly is the Foundation to making money online.

Before we go any further, I have to clear up something right now. I know, so many people say, "but I can't or hate to write." Have no fear, if you can talk to someone, you can write. This series is designed for people who are unsure of their writing skills and for those of you who don't like to write.

If you want to make money online and you don't consider article marketing, then you better have one of two things---$1,000's of dollars and a vast knowledge of how Google Adsense, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN works. Or, your own proven service or product. Because that is really your only option.

The one question I get on a consistent basis, is "what kind of an Online Business Can I start for Free?" My answer is always the same...Article Marketing.

When I first started my online career, I hated writing too! But, when I finally understood how to make money online-- short of inventing something tangible, I realized that not only did I need to write, but I began to actually enjoy it!

In fact, I enjoyed it even more when I started receiving checks every two weeks just for writing simple 500 to 700 word articles. After all, it cost me less than $5.00 to start and when I got the hang of it, I could write an article in under 30 minutes.

Let's get you on your way to your first check! First you need to understand how Article Marketing ties into the bigger picture of Affiliate or Internet Marketing. Affiliate or Internet Marketing in a nutshell is where you, the affiliate, markets a product or service and gets paid a commission for doing so.

The Second thing you need to know is-- WHY article marketing actually works.

See in the world of websites and search engines it can take months and even years for a website to get natural listings with search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. But if you write a compelling article and submit it to say, this kind of helps you take cuts to the front of the line. Your article and the very important website link will be listed in the top search engines within days.

If you already have a product/service you are familiar with then that is great! Or perhaps you have your own website and you want to market that. Maybe, you don't have a product yet and that's ok, too. Just go to and view their Marketplace. Once you've got a product that you find interesting and hopefully know a little about, then you can begin to write articles about that product. When people read your article, click on the link and buy your affiliate product, you have a sale!

It almost sounds too good to be true, but it isn't.

I must caution you though, there is definitely a success formula for Internet Article Marketing and if you follow it your articles will make you money. For the purpose of this series we will be looking at the Internet Business of Article Marketing as a way to get paid for our affiliate products that we wish to market. We will also use our articles for content to give away as a thank you or enticement that expands on the product being discussed within the immediate article.

And here's the bonus, not only will you get paid if people buy the product/service that you are marketing, but this is a passive income. In other words, if you follow the success formula correctly, you will actually continue to earn money from your article for months and years to come.

In series 2, we will jump into a strategy to writing an informative and compelling article so that you can Start up an Internet business with Internet Article Marketing Online. is your source for Legitimate Work at Home Opportunities. For Zero to Low Cost Internet Business Ideas Please Visit


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