Sunday, June 8, 2008

Free Link Exchange - Improve Your Website

Are you looking to improve your website overall, such as traffic and search engine ranking, one thing you definitely want to consider is a free link exchange. A free link exchange can do wonders for the popularity of your website. One thing that most every search engine looks at, when determining rank placement of your website, is link popularity. The thing about link popularity is that it has now become one of the most identifying factors when it comes to website ranking.

Many people are not aware of what a free link exchange is or how to even begin using one. A free link exchange is a specific website on the internet that allows you to post a link to your website, along with a description, and Meta tags, in efforts of exposing your website to their users. However, most free link exchanges require what is called a reciprocal link. A reciprocal link is the act of exchanging links with another website. To put it simply, they would place your link on their website in exchange for you placing their link on yours.

While this may seem easy and you are probably ready to jump right into finding a free link exchange directory, there are a few things you should know before you get started. First, you want the free link exchange to be relevant or have relevant categories to your own site. If you operate a pet store website, you would not want to participate in a free link exchange with a music store. Instead, you would want to participate in a free link exchange that offers a category or sub category, or conducts business that is relative to your own site.

For example, with a pet store website, you would want to exchange links with a pet food dealer, pet lovers, pet supplies website, or even a breeder, any other site that has to do with pets. Another thing that can help with your link popularity is the ranking of the free link exchange website. The higher the site ranks on search engine, the more relevant your link to and from them becomes in the eyes of the major search engines.

Again, by using a free link exchange, you can improve not only your website, but the traffic and ranking on the search engines

Blake Hendrickson is owner & operator of several free link exchange websites. Visit today.


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