Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Article directories are one of the best kept secrets for getting top Google rankings quickly and are exploding up almost everywhere. Article directories are HOT and getting tons of traffic every day for doing nothing but being there. They have become one of the critical tools in your SEO strategy. However, not all article directories are equal. Articles listed on the article directories are indexed by the search engines and show up on searches. Most article directories are free to submit to. I understand that links from article directories are very good. Mind you, its our duty to mention here that not all article directories are going to accept your article or not all publishers are going to publish your article. As you well know Article Directories are one of the primary places article publishers (like yourself) go to submit their articles!


Nearly every professional search engine marketer considers article submission as one of the main part in their link building process. To do this, you can use link building directory submission services or promote link building by submitting to article directories manually. While there are pros and cons to each method of creating inbound links, you will find that using link building directory submission services is very different than promoting link building by submitting to article directories.


Link popularity is crucial for search engine rankings. Linking campaigns can be boring, repetitive, and, if done correctly, incredibly successful. Link to your pre-existing pages if only they add value (so you write your article in that way) to the current article and use the anchor text specific to your website or web page. By submitting articles to announcement lists,directories and directly to websites looking for fresh and unique content is a fantastic way to build your "authority" in the market you have chosen and also build links back to your website. You need to have one-way links pointing back to you, and submitting articles is the key to get these valuable links.


Submitting articles to Article Directories can be an effective part of your marketing and publishing plan. When it comes to running a home based business you can concentrate at least 90% of your marketing efforts on writing good articles and submitting them to article directories, this is how effective this marketing method is. The TRUTH is: Article Submission will definitely BOOST your Internet Marketing Campaigns by generating backlinks and traffic both. This information should provide you with a good start on researching articles and submitting your online marketing articles to some of the better directories. Like any effective practice for search engine marketing, webmasters all over the world have abused this system, and many directories are flooded with poorly written articles designed for no purpose other than building links.


Quality articles get lots of publication credits. Getting quality articles written will be expensive up front, but they will pay for themselves in no time, either through affiliate sales or selling your own services, and everything from then on is pure profit. Steve Moore, who has become an online friend, tells me that he turns away a lot of articles because he specializes in quality articles for readers and publishers. These directories can be a powerful method of getting quality inbound links. By writing & submitting a quality article, you are not just informing your potential customers about your service, but are also sharing your knowledge with them. They also provide you with quality link backs. A quality article with good information goes a long place over the Internet ensuring loads of one way incoming links, high position in SERPS and permanent traffic propelling your website to new heights. Many inferior article directories have sprung up that serve no purpose other than to spread low quality content in the hopes of building inbound links. Submitting quality articles to trusted directories, using effective link text pointing to well chosen URL's on your website cannot be automated. Apart from creating quality content, one of the key to SEO is Link Building.

Article directories are the hottest thing right now in the web content business! Article directories are set up not just for us to submit our articles to, but it's also there for us so we can get tons of articles to beef up our website's content. Article directories are like free link brokers. Article Directories are hungry for content and are always looking for fresh NEW content to add to their databases for their readers, webmasters and for newsletter and e-Zine publishers. Article directories are one of the main ways that people create a successful Internet presence and build their businesses.

There are many article directories on the internet today - some good, some not so good. Just be sure of one thing: to submit to QUALITY directories - don't worry so much about PR with an article directory - that will come with time, and many times it's advantageous to submit to low-PR directories in order to build stronger long-term backlinking with those sites that will be a higher PR in the future. Visit the Free Articles Directory at to see a quality example of a new & upcoming article directory that only accepts worth-while articles in order to give you the best possible theme-related backlink in return! :-)


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