Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Contrary to what the name suggests, search engine optimization is about optimizing your web pages for the most relevant search result's in the search engines. If you understand this you will be miles ahead of the rest. Just try to keep in mind what it is the searcher will be looking for when surfing the net.

Keyword research is the greatest means of finding out what people are searching for. Once this is accomplished, you are armed with information that can be put to good use in creating web pages full of relevant content, this is all supplied by your keyword research. High result placement is imperative to receive targeted traffic to your website.

Why do we need to have our website in the top ten result' s of a surfers search on the engines? Knowing that 80% of surfers only peruse the first page of any result' s thrown up by the search engines means we have to have a high placement in the search result' s for our particular keyword or phrase. If you think of those annoying TV adverts and compare your marketing to them, that is the same effect you are after. You want to be in their face every time they type in that keyword or phrase.

Search engine optimization is used to get a high placement result, it is after all sensible to think that the best supplier is the one with high placement result in the searchers point of view. This occurs because, not only do you need to optimize your web pages but having other websites linking to yours, will also give great weight to your expert status on what ever subject or product you are promoting. This linking will happen naturally because of your high result placement. In other words success breeds success.

Considering the millions of searches made everyday and that four out five people use search engines, it is only common sense that you require a high placement result. Referring back to a previous statement you need to be " in their face " at every opportunity.

The high placement result' s can be achieved by pay per click advertising but a more longer lasting method of this, is done with the organic listings, and with other free advertising can be more beneficial to the web master who has limited funds for such endeavours. The result' s of this type of advertising can maintain better result' s than the big national companies throwing money at their pay per click advertising campaigns.

If you are interested in finding further information on the organic result method and how to get the free listings for your website, no matter what niche you are targeting, then you definitely want to check out the website below.

Affiliate marketing is the method of seeking targeted website traffic for any product you wish to promote.


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