Friday, September 12, 2008

Building Quality Links to Your Web Site

Building Quality Links to Your Web Site

If you want to boost your search engine rankings, search engine optimization is one technique you can use to drive targeted traffic to your site and turn your clicks into cash. Optimizing your web site requires the use of several techniques to develop an overall search engine optimization strategy. One of these techniques is building quality links that lead to your web site. High quality one-way links to your site are valuable in terms of search engine optimization and improving the traffic to your Web site. Knowing how to build links that are high quality can help you to improve your SEO efforts and drive targeted traffic to your site.

Build Relevant Links

When youre building links to your site, you must consider the relevance of other sites in comparison to your site. All links are not created equal, so choosing web sites with a high relevance to your business will improve the quality of your links and help your optimization efforts. If your business focuses on computer repair, think about submitting links to sites focusing on computer graphics, software sales, or other businesses related to computer repair. If someone is visiting a Web site on software, he or she may be interested in computer repair at some point, so having your link on a relevant site can help you boost traffic and sales at the same time. If you own a computer repair business, having a link to your site on a Web page devoted to sports equipment or crafts is probably not going to help increase your traffic. Stick with relevant links and youll be better able to manage your optimization efforts.

Build High Quality Links

Links can actually be of low quality or high quality. The more quality links you have leading to your site, the better your chances of succeeding with search engine optimization. Links are either high or low quality based on their location on the Web, what keywords are used in the links, and other factors. When you place links on Web sites that have relevance to your site, these are high quality links. When you place links to your site on any Web site available, these are low quality links. With link-building, quality is preferred over quantity.

Avoid Link Farms and Exchanges

Link farms are designed to allow people to submit Web site links so that they can increase the number of links leading to their Web sites. The problem with link farms is that they usually accept links from anyone, which means that the quality of the links on these sites is very low. Links to computer repair shops may be published next to links leading to clothing retailers. Another problem with link farms is that you cannot control the links displayed. If there are adult sites or other questionable material linked to from the link farm or exchange, you run the risk of having prospects associate you with that type of Web site. Knowing how to keep your links high in quality and relevance can help you achieve the best results from your link-building efforts.

Copyright 2006 Donna Konley, Better eMarketing. All rights reserved. Donna Konley is the Chief Strategy Officer and Principal of Konsultcos Better eMarketing Better eMarketing specializes in Online Marketing that Works for Today's Decision Makers websites, search engine optimization, custom content, email marketing Your Integrated Marketing Solution Team Sign Up For Our Newsletter


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