Thursday, May 22, 2008

Increase Profits Using The Best Article Submission Sites

To increase profits online, you should use all available sources to improve your Internet business. Make every effort to obtain inbound links and traffic. Some of the typical, inexpensive techniques that work are blog comments, forum postings, and my favorite; article submissions.

By submitting articles to the best article submission sites, you get high quality links from sites with a Page Rank of 4 or higher, as well as increased page views, traffic, and improved search engine rankings for your site.

I have a number of articles listed at one of the best article submission sites and through that one source; I have generated over 12,000 page views, 1200 URL clicks, and over 400 articles with external ezines and websites. These are some powerful numbers. And that is just from one directory. When you consider that I submit each of my articles to about 30 directories, the numbers are pretty impressive.

To get these kinds of numbers, you have to submit to what I call the best article submission sites. That is, directories with a Page Rank of four or higher. In addition, the site must be more than 1 year old. The reason for this is simple. Sites that have been around for a while get a greater number of visitors. That translates into more page views for my articles. Also, if it has been in existence for more than a year, it is probably not going out of business any time soon. That is very important because the average new article directory lasts just three months.

In addition, by submitting to the best article submission sites, the Page Rank of my site increases. Each time I post an article, it provides a backlink to my website. Search engines see the large number of backlinks at the article directory as well as ezines and other sites that have published my work. As a result, my Page Rank numbers increase. This increased Page Rank number means that my site will get a better placement when people do searches. This means that I will receive more traffic. And, of course, an increase in traffic will increase profits.

So, improve your Internet business and increase profits. Submit your articles to The Best Article Submission Sites and watch your business take off.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day!

Make Money Writing - It's easier than you think!


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