Saturday, May 24, 2008

Internet: Wholesale Hoaxes And Internet Marketing Tips,Trends, And Truths

Welcome friend to a very informative newsletter that looks at both sides of the vast world of internet (Buying&Selling) tips,trends,and truth.

Here I believe you will find some very useful imformation that will aid you in your journey through the internet corporate jungle trail called the internet market of gifts,collectibles,wholesale,retail, and marketing programs.

I looked high and low all over the internet for "Wholesale" items to purchase to sell on auction sites like Ebay,U-Bid, and Yahoo and was overwhelmed. There were so many sites that claimed to be true wholesale warehouse dropshippers,they all had different products but most seem to have one thing in common before you could see their entire site you had to make a good faith payment that would be your first monthly payment. ($39.95 to $300.00)

Well that seemed a bit vague to me they showed a few of their less expensive items for free so I opened a few of the sites in my multi tabbed browser and tried to compare some simular products and copied and pasted some in notepad then began to search for those items on the auction sites and whatI noticed was that most of the items were priced higher than what the same items were selling for on the auction sites.Well I thought maybe if I join one ofthe wholesale sites and looked at all their products they would have lower prices because I paid the setup fee,well let me tell you that was not the case.

I found that I couldn't sell a thing because my prices were to high because the warehouse I had joined was selling at well above wholesale pricing.

So there I sat looking at my auctions(almost a month went by) the items weren't selling and in a few short day's another $39.95 would be due to the wholesale warehouse I had joined.So the next day I called them and cancelled my subscription.then I sat back and thought for several hours what was I doing wrong.

Then I started a more involved study of internet marketing and these are the things I found out.

We offer everything you need to succeed:

A dynamic, fast-selling line of thousands of items, fully guaranteed

Rock-bottom, true-wholesale prices a merchandising team that constantly scours the globe for new products to add to your line

Your own Business Coach to help you jump-start your business

Solid, practical money-making programs

A huge warehouse stacked to the rafters, ready to ship your order within 1-2 business days

We offer several money making programs:

Program-1 Catalog Distribution
Program-2 Swap Meet & Flea Market Sales
Program-3 Wholesaling
Program-4 Sub-Wholesaling
Program-5 Fund-Raising
Program-6 Party Plan
Program-7 Mail Order
Program-8 Gift Shop
Program-9 Internet Marketing

Armed with my new found information I began to search the internet for a true wholesale warehouse that offered these services, I found some that met my criteria and I thought alright,yes yes yes finally I can start making some money so I started filling out forms and most of these (good wholesale warehouses) were fantastic eccept I didn't have the $200.00 to $500.00 startup capital they wanted to become a member plus you needed a business, tax license to buy at true wholesale prices.

Solution for success:

I decided to scrimp and save then when I had enough money I bought in to a factory direct marketing group and now I own and operate my own company. and now I want to share with all that read this artical a true wholesale warehouse that has everything you want and need with out any of the hard-work, and start-up fees. ( all you need to buy at true wholesale and no tax is a business license, about $20..00 in most states).

"ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Douglas Graham is a recognized authority on the subject of Wholesale and Retail Internet Marketing. His web site, , provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about Wholesale and Retail Internet Marketing."


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