Tuesday, May 6, 2008

PeelAwayAds Review - Why This Little Script Is Making Its Way Into Mainstream Websites

PeelAwayAds is a nice little script that delivers website ads in a completely different way than traditional pop-ups, pop-ins, and pop-unders and is getting a lot of attention from some large mainstream companies. This type of ad is completely non intrusive and almost irresistible for the visitor to check out and click on. The PeelAwayAd sits in any corner of the site and "peels" the corner of the page back slightly revealing a "check this out" type of message under it. When the visitor moves their mouse over the peel, the corner of the page peels back further revealing the whole ad.

Besides being non intrusive, and attractive, PeelAwayAds are also fun to play with, if you haven't seen them before, so there is a really good chance that your visitors will click on your ad while playing with the cool factor. The PeelAwayAds script is now being used by companies such as MSN and Dell on their websites and is proving to be very effective at drawing attention to their products.

Traditional pop-ups have long worn out their welcome on the internet. They were only really tolerated to begin with because they were so effective. Once people got so sick of them that they created pop-up blockers, the effectiveness of the pop-up went way down, after all how effective can it be if almost nobody is seeing it? Then came the next incarnation of the pop-up with the unblockable fly-in type ads, until they got banned from most advertising services because they lock up the web page and won't let you do anything until you click on or close them. These types of ads became annoying really quickly for web surfers as well.

In our quest for an unblockable and non intrusive website ad, the PeelAwayAds script was created and looks like it will be around for the long term. I have found, in using the script myself, that my visitors not only do not mind seeing the ad on my pages, they love it. Even if they aren't interested in what I am selling at all they are fascinated with peeling the corners of my pages back. This is a very powerful thing because I actually have visitors clicking on my ads that have no initial interest in my product, so that gives me one more chance to direct their attention to my product and the benefits they can gain from it.

A University of Washington research study conducted in 1999 states "The average American is exposed to 500 to 1,000 commercial messages every day. That is anywhere from 182,500 to 365,000 commercial messages that a person will view this year alone." That was in 1999, these numbers are undoubtedly much higher now. With people being exposed to this many advertising messages every day, our advertisements must stand out amongst a huge crowd in order to grab those peoples attention and get them interested in our product versus the millions of others out there. If we can't sick out like a sore thumb to our visitors, we really don't have much of a chance to effectively advertise to our visitors properly.

In conclusion, the PeelAwayAds script and "peel" type ads, in my opinion, are going to be a must have among web marketers in the future. It is becoming harder and harder to grab our visitors attention with the public becoming more and more "immune" to our advertising efforts and it will become increasingly difficult as we move forward.

Les Tatum is a professional writer, internet marketer, webmaster, and product/website reviewer. If you would like to see the script in action please click here to visit the PeelAwayAds video page on my blog.


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