Monday, June 30, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

SEO copywriting, simply put, is a new way of writing content in a way that is search engine friendly.

Search engine copywriting involves framing the contents in a web-friendly manner. A widely prevailing misconception about search engine copywriting is that search engine copywriting is nothing but stuffing the content with keywords to make it rank high in search engines but a hopeless read for visitors in the process. However, the fact is quite dissimilar. In fact, search engine copywriting is the ideal blending of keywords and key phrases to make the content an interesting read to visitors, and search engine friendly.

For aspiring search engine copywriters

If you plan to try your hand at search engine copywriting, you need to take care of some points:

Density of keywords in the content- Search engine copywriting, as opposed to normal copywriting is writing for both search engines as well as human surfers. Hence, a well-planned mixture of keywords and key phrases should be used.

Make a comprehensive keyword research before starting- A webpage is usually optimized for a particular keyword or a group of key phrases. Hence, knowledge of keywords and key phrases in advance will result in faster and easier framing of the content.

Placement of keywords and key phrases-search engines scan the entire page for relevant keywords and key phrases, not just the first paragraph or heading. Hence, the idea should be to make the entire content keyword friendly. The beginning of the page should contain the important keywords as some search engines refrain from reading deep into pages.

Keyword density-This is a serious consideration. Overstuffing the content with keywords and key phrases does not ensure high ranking. In fact, search engines like Google are prompt in penalizing websites with overstuffed keyword content. Ideally, a webpage should be optimized for one or two primary keywords and around five secondary keywords and the ideal density should be 3%.

Length of page: All of your web pages should have sufficient text. The home page is the most important section and should be emphasized upon. As far as word limit is concerned, search engines such as Google, Overture, and MSN prefer pages with number of words between 300 and 500 on your home page and important section pages to assess its keyword relevance.

SEO copywriting is not difficult, but a bit complicated as compared to normal copywriting as the needs of both search engine and human visitors have to be taken care of. Hence, being a little methodical in your approach can bring overwhelming results, something that you had never imagined before.

Anirban Bhattacharya is a journalist/editor in the field of Internet Marketing and internet business as a whole and has written over 300 articles for various websites. The articles are a result of the knowledge he has drawn after performing comprehensive research on promotional marketing. To have a look at other research based articles written by Anirban Bhattacharya please visit SynapseInteractive seo services.


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