Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Article Writing or Article Marketing - Do Both

Article authors are interesting creatures if you study the way that they operate on online article submission websites. Some say that there are two-types; those who write for the sake of writing and those who write to sell something online. Article Writers and Article Marketers, so which one are you?

If we separate the categories of types of writers in this venue into only two categories, even though there are many, we still get some interesting comparisons. I very much like this thought and examination between to distinct types of article authors that participate here. In considering only these two types of article authors, I have a thought.

What if an Article Marketer is only concerned with one thing - traffic. Then often they will resort to key words which are in and around mass media appeal, thus they end up blending to what is, rather than what could be. This means current public perception of each domain and subject is being re-enforced to the point of nausea.

Not good or bad, and I certainly make no judgment, as I see many article authors who write some of both types of articles often enough, if a writer also understands article marketing, they stand to impact a lot more people getting them to their works in the first place. Perhaps more online video education is needed for the authors here?

Since there are two distinct types of authors in this comparison, what if we blend them together - instead of one or the other allow them to be both? A hybrid article author might be best for all concerned?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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