Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Writing for Profit

Any and all writing is creative in it's own way with exactly the same aim regardless of its creative level. Our aim when we write something is to convey our thoughts to somebody else and that at the very least requires us to use our imaginations and to think with empathy. Clear thinking is always very hard work but without a process and a plan to map or think out what the message you want to convey is you will fail to reach your reader.

William Stronk had 10 rules for aggressive and direct writing

1.All good writing is good for the same reasons[ All bad writing is bad in its own particular way}

2.Vigorous writing is CONCISE which means a sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for exactly the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. Make every word tell.

3.WORDS are the only tools we have as writers so use them wisely and remember somebody out there is listening.

4.SHORT words are best and the OLD words, when they are SHORT, are the best of all;

5.Grammar matters

6.Good writing needs a plan so map out what you want to say to your reader on scrap and read it to yourself.

7.Great writing is aware of itself. even in a 20 word advert online with a company like google you can tell the writers that plan the message they deliver. And the return they get will be 10 fold. [I will lay out what makes good short advertising copy in the next few days]

8.Writing is only reading turned inside out so always read what you have written back to yourself.

9.Write for your audience and have empathy be the person you are writing to. ie.vividly imagine the person you are trying to reach and be them for just a minute or two.

10.Writing is the most exact form of thinking.

In the online business i run i pitch ideas all day everyday and it wont surprise you to know that like most things in life things and people connect and fit just like a jigsaw puzzle.

I will give you an example about some products I was asked to promote online. I had a person with a big selling type from home program that started to have a slump in his online sales figures so I designed a campaign on google around the things that connected to the market he was trying to reach and then I wrote a number of short adverts aimed things indirectly linking back to his market.

Typing = sore hands = hand creams = designer handbags = coffee = yoga so I simply used key words to direct the placement of my ads and suddenly my clients market was beginning to grow exponentially. Who types anwser a lot of people including stay at home mums so write about babies and daycare but research your subject and write with knowledgeable passion and the marketplace will react.

Tomorrow I will write about how to write for your audience and how to develop true empathy so you can reach your buyer and really have buy-in.

Paul Ritchie

C.E.O Paul Ritchie Advertising Group


Paul Ritchie specialises in online Advertising strategies for large multi-national corporates as well as running his own online product catalogue. To gain instant access to Pauls ideas you can visit his blogs on Marketing. http://www.trafficpayouts.blogspot.com is all about traffic generation

http://www.TheGenerationGaps.blogspot.com is about demographics

http://www.Adminder.blogspot.com is about pop under advertising strategy.

Paul would welcome the reprinting of this article provided that no part of the article thereof is edited and this resource box is included.

Article Marketing Traffic Power - 3 Steps to Burst Your Website Bandwidth

Articles are in high demand these days. The simple reason is that they have power to burst your website bandwidth with high quality website traffic. If you want to tap into this high traffic pulling power of articles make sure you apply 3 simple steps laid down below with every article you write from now on.

Here's a 3 block formula that will pump up your website traffic right off the charts through article marketing...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The purpose of this article is to make sure that you get high traffic from your article marketing campaign. Here are high traffic pulling article marketing steps in detail...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

You must learn how to optimize your articles. You must load your articles with keywords in your niche so that search engines know the niche your articles are targeting.

Study your niche and research keywords that they are using to find information relating to your products and services. Then optimize your articles with those keywords so that they rank well in the search engines.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Title is one of the most important part of your article.

If your title fails to grab attention of your target market, no one will read your article. If they fail to read your article know one will reach your resource box and thus zero traffic to your website.

Therefore focus on writing catchy headlines. I would suggest you to get headline templates on the internet. There are many copywriting ebooks that will give you fill in the blank headline templates that are really catchy.

Then make sure you include your article benefits and solution to problems of your target niche and use the templates to write catchy headlines.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The only reason people are reading articles it that they are in need of quality information. If your article sucks and provides crap information, you will spoil your reputation and get zero traffic to your website.

Therefore it is very important to give your target market what they want, that is quality informative content in your niche. If you provide quality content this will boost up your name and reputation in your niche.

Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work...

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Your Article Marketing Technique

If you want to be a successful article marketer, you have to first find your article marketing technique. You will not make any money just by simply copying someone's writing style. You will fail and it won't be pretty. You have to find your own writing style as an article marketer.

When someone reads an article, they are reading about the author. They are not reading what the article is about. They are reading about what the author is about. The author's story is written into their article. Their article lives and breathes their authors name. When you read work written by someone, you should know that the content was made by that author, and no one else. When you create an article, it needs to be unique and it has to show your writing style.

Your writing style can be anything you want it to be. Just make your writing style authentic. When people read an article that isn't authentic, and it just looks like something copied and pasted, they won't care about you or your product. You have to make your article original and fact filled. When you have learned to master this, your profits will soar in.

Sometimes is takes weeks to find your writing style. This is okay! The more you write, the more you'll get closer to your writing style. Even if you think your found it, keep writing. Your writing style will always elude you. But if you keep writing, the closer you'll get to your perfect writing style. This is what is going to make you money. Your originality is the only thing that divides you from everyone else around you. Grasp it.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

How We Actually Threw Away 30 Visitors to Our Blog

We threw away 30 visitors to our blog. It was real easy and you can do it too. (I hope you see me smiling)

We posted an excellent content filled article on collage making to several article directories. We had allowed several weeks to go by without checking the statistics.

Finally, late one evening, I decided to look at all the statistics in all the article directories. Well, knock me over, the article on collage making had over 2,000 views on one of the largest article directories on the internet. It also had also been published in 16 E-zines.

We were excited. Then, I decided to peek at the website we used. There had been additional sites created that might fit in the resource page of that article. We were horrified to see a broken link. That means that those 30 clicks on that bad link were trashed. But wait it only gets better. Remember those 16 E-zines that downloaded and published the article? We wonder how many visitors tried to reach our blogs after viewing those articles all over the world.

The morale of this story is to check your links and review your article statistics on a regular basis. You don't want to throw away potential visitors to your sites. Learn from our mistake and errors. After all once you make a mistake you usually will not make it again unless your brain cells are not functioning.

The other lesson is to avoid posting an article to the directory late at night when you are tired. Write it, review it, and go to bed.

We invite you to visit

http://www.cameraboomer.com and http://www.rosiehorner.com Hope these links work!

5 Ways To Determine The Best Article Submission Sites

Every day new articles directories are popping up. I regularly receive invitations from new directory owners inviting me to submit articles. The question is, should you contribute content to these new sites? In my case, I routinely submit my articles to about 30 sites. As you can imagine, it is a fairly time consuming process. As a result, I only submit my articles to the best article submission sites. In most cases, you will maximize your marketing results by contributing to the best article submission sites. My definition of the best articles submission sites is as follows:

1. It must be a site that has been around for a while. I don't want to spend my time submitting to a brand new site only to see that the owner is not making enough money and closes the site in two months. My time is too precious to waste on fledgling sites.

2. I only submit to sites that have a Page Rank of 4 or above. Search engines could penalize your site if you have tons of links with poorly ranked sites. To ensure this doesn't happen to my sites, I only submit to sites with good Page Rank numbers.

3. Another of my qualifications for best article submission sites is a timely publishing schedule. I hate it when I spend my time submitting articles to a site and the editors still haven't reviewed and published my articles from 10 days ago. When this happens, I immediately drop them from my submission list.

4. Traffic - mine, not theirs. I check on where my traffic is coming from each day. It is a time consuming process, but it is very much worthwhile. If I notice that I am not getting any traffic from a particular directory, I drop from my list. As far as I'm concerned, there is no sense in sending my content to directories that are not benefiting me.

5. About once a month, I will view my article stats from each of the directories that I submit to. If the stats show lackluster page views, I will consider dropping them from my list and adding a site that I feel can be more productive.

To qualify for my list of one of The Best Article Submission Sites, a site must satisfy each of the criteria above. Don't just write articles and submit them to one or two sites that you heard are good. Do some research and submit to sites that can benefit you the most.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Some Money

Make Money Writing - It's easier than you think!

Six Article Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Although more people discover the power of article marketing every day, many fail to learn some simple techniques to optimize their writing and maximize the effectiveness of their article marketing campaigns. The following paragraphs will reveal six critical mistakes that must be avoided if you want to reap the full fruits of your article writing efforts.

The first three mistakes fall within the category of "Guideline Awareness." The rule of thumb is to be familiar with the guidelines of the directories where you submit your articles, so that you can better use them to your advantage.

Mistake #1: Failure to Use Hyperlinks in Article Body

Some article directories will not allow any hyperlinks in the body, but most will allow from one to three. Convert your target keywords to hyperlinks to the extent possible; this will bring your website direct traffic through clicks and it will help to improve your site's search engine rankings for that keyword.

Mistake #2: Ineffective Use of Author Resource Box

The author resource box, sometimes called the boilerplate, is an area where you can sell yourself. This is important, because the article itself should not be used for overt advertising, only for teaching and informing. Use your name, or a pen name; over time, people will associate the mane with the topic, and you will be established as a trusted expert in your field. Once they trust that you know your stuff, they will not hesitate to visit your site and buy your product or service.

Mistake #3: Article Length - Too Short or Too Long

Webmasters, bloggers, and newsletter publishers are constantly in need of fresh, original content. That is what makes article marketing so powerful. When someone picks up your article and publishes it on the web or in a mass-email, it multiplies your exposure. However, many people write a paltry 100 words to submit to an article directory, which amounts to little more than a dictionary definition of their chosen topic. At the other end of the spectrum, some people will submit works of more than 2000 words; on the web or in a newsletter, that is an epic-length tome.

Opinions vary as to the optimum length of an article, nut the consensus is between 400 and 900 words. It should be long enough to thoroughly explain the subject, but short enough to read quickly and easily.

The next three mistakes concern the actual submission of articles to directories. They are not so much "rules" as they are strong suggestions to maximize your results.

Mistake #4: Submitting to Too Few Article Directories

After the effort of writing the piece itself, it may seem like a tedious chore to submit the work to twenty directories. If it is too much for you, there are services that will manually submit your articles for you. If you cannot afford such luxuries, then you must do it yourself. Do not compromise on this; it is critical to your success. Find at least twelve article directories for starters, and build from there. Once you get to about twenty, you are doing well.

Mistake #5: Using the Same Pen Name for Different Topics

If you have multiple websites in different niches, use a unique pen name for each topic. It's all about credibility. If Sally McMarketer writes about designer dog collars, can she be equally trusted as an expert on high-performance fuel-injectors? In reality, it is not uncommon for people to have proficiencies in multiple areas, but unless you personally know the dog collar/fuel-injector guru, it seems unlikely.

Mistake #6: Submitting Website Content as Articles

One of the worst things an article marketer can do is to take the content directly from their website and submit it in article form to the directories. Remember, you want to submit your work to twelve to twenty article directories or so in order to get traffic and backlinks to your website. However, if the articles contain the exact same information as your website, the search engines will view it as duplicate content, which may be downgraded in the rankings. Besides, readers of your articles will be a bit put off if they click on one of your well-placed hyperlinks only to see the same old stuff on your site. Keep your website content unique.

Article marketing, like any good, profitable endeavor, requires work, education, and practice. You can, and should, constantly refine your techniques in search of ever better results. If you can avoid the six misstates discussed above, you will be well on your way to becoming a proficient marketer with a growing, moneymaking business.

Article Ranger is a free submission article directory where authors may post articles about subjects of interest, and publishers may pick up articles for use in ezines, newsletters, etc.

Scofield Parker is an experienced internet marketer who regularly writes for Article Ranger.

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 5 Marvelous Ways to Advance in Article Marketing

There are millions of article marketers in the World Wide Web today, making the competition in getting online users' attention stiffer than ever. If you are finding it rather difficult to cope up with cutthroat competition, these 5 marvelous ways can help you advance in this marketing technique:

1. If your clickthrough rate is not that impressive, I'd say do something with your titles. People are most likely unwilling to check on your content because they don't find your headlines appealing enough. Learn the ropes of writing effective titles to effectively get more people to notice your content.

2. Bank on your content. When marketers say that the success of your article marketing campaign relies heavily on the quality of your content, they were not lying. If your articles are well-written and offer sound solutions or answers to the questions and problems of readers, your potential clients are more likely to trust you and check on your website as they will feel that you are the person who can help them out.

3. Be consistent. Long absences can make your readers forget about you. Strive to write and submit articles on a regular basis to strengthen your online presence and credibility. This will also help you make your readers realize that you have so much information to impart.

4. Your articles must be factual. As a responsible writer, you must take time to check on your articles and verify if they are truthful so you can avoid misleading your readers. If you are presenting new concept, I suggest that you back up your claims with studies and other relevant data to make your content sound credible.

5. Use keywords. One of your main objectives in writing your articles is to attract search engine traffic. You can easily do so by sprinkling relevant keywords and search phrases on your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Success - How To Write Articles That Compels Your Reader To Buy From You?

Did you know that one article can bring you as much as 100 highly targeted visitors? It takes you less than thirty minutes to write a well written and informative article. If you deliver the good, the reader is going to click on your resource box and see what you have to offer.

Some of my most best articles have more than one hundreds click and hundreds of views. But these statistics don't include all the publishers who downloaded my articles.

And what if an ezine publisher with thousands of subscribers like your article and send it to his list with your well crafted resource box?

I am sure this could bring your sales your way.

But if you wrote an article that doesn't make sense, nobody is going to send it to his list. And what do you think about readers who stumble about your article?

This poor surfer was searching for information. He was searching for a real expert he can rely on, and instead, he found a couple of "bizarre" sentences that didn't give him a single benefit.

Do you think he is going to click on your link in the resource box? He won't! Because he knows that this article wasn't written by an expert. Why should he bother?

The reader needs help, he want to solve a problem or relive a pain. If you give him even more troubles and make him lose his valuable time, he is never going to make business with you after that... unless he is forced to do so because there is no competitors.

But this is not the case today, so take your time and write a good article.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/