Sunday, May 18, 2008

How To Grow Your Network Marketing Business On The Internet Using Proven Online Marketing Strategies

The biggest problem with traditional network marketing is it requires people to do things the average person is not comfortable doing. For example, approaching friends, family, and strangers with the intent of persuading them to join their business opportunity.

The thought of selling is extremely intimidating to most people. The industry has attempted to ease distributor's anxiety by simplify the selling process with the use of CDs and DVDs, but even that is too much to ask of someone who is terrified of approaching prospects.

Although the task of approaching prospects, and offering them some marketing materials may be physically easy to do, it will not be executed if it is psychologically challenging.

It is scientifically proven that the average person is more likely to avoid discomfort rather than seek pleasure, which explains why 95% of the people who join network marketing opportunities drop out within the first year.

The traditional approach to network marketing is extremely inefficient because the 5% distributors who are willing to stick around, must go through the motions of recruiting distributors only to realize a 5% retention rate when it's all said and done.

In order to get the most bang out of a multi-level marketing business, distributor's need an alternative marketing strategy that appeals to the other 95% who are not cut out for traditional network marketing.

Imagine what an alternative execution strategy that maintains the effectiveness of word-of-mouth advertising, but doesn't require any face to face interaction would do for an industry that has already produced a record number of millionaires!

The Internet is the solution!

The benefit of promoting your business online is that you will be able automate the three biggest problem areas in the network marketing industry...prospecting, follow-up, and sponsoring.


You can't turn a hermit into a butterfly. People are simply not comfortable approaching people with the intentions of recruiting them into their business.


The fortune is in the follow-up but this activity is typically a last priority for intimidated distributors who don't want to deal with evasive and/or rude prospects.


The home business industry is diluted with people who have little or no marketing skills who are expected to train the people they recruit. The blind leading the blind inevitably results in little or no organizational growth.

By automating these activities, you can be certain the the necessary activities are being consistently conducted throughout your downline organization!

Furthermore, your downline will be able to remain at home, in their comfort zone, so you should experience a much higher retention rate!

An Overview Of The Online Marketing Process

(Compared To The Offline Process)

Although the processes involved with networking online is different from the offline process, the objective is basically the same...You find prospects (or they find you), you expose them to your opportunity, you get their contact information, and follow-up with them until they join or tell you to take a hike.

Below is a correlation between the steps involved with online and offline networking.

1. In offline networking, you randomly approach prospects. In online networking, you strategically attract interested prospects to you.

2. In offline networking, you expose the prospect to your opportunity with a live presentation or by giving them some materials to take home. In online networking, you expose the prospect to an online business presentation.

3. In offline networking, you ask the prospect for their contact information and follow-up with them via phone. In online networking, the prospect has already given you their contact information by opting in to your mailing list to receive information about your business, and an autoresponder will follow-up with them via email.

Offline networking is less effective because it requires you to expend time and resources randomly approaching, exposing, and following up with people who may or may not be interested in your opportunity.

However, with online networking, not only will you be attracting interested people to you, but only the highly interested prospects will proceed to the next step of giving you their contact information by opting into your mailing list.

Growing your business online is not only more effective, but it is also more efficient. 2/3 of your work will be automated by online services...

You will not have to physically present your business opportunity because website services will do that for you. You will not have to personally followup with your prospects because an autoresponder service will do that for you.

The only thing you will have to do is drive traffic to your website using proven online prospecting techniques.

On top of all that, online marketing allows you to turn your operating expenses into income-producing assets, that not only cover your expenses, but generate additional profits!

Learn proven online marketing strategies to grow your network marketing business on the Internet.

Bring Your Business To Life With Live Video

Users all over the internet are looking at videos, sharing with friends and, yes, promoting their online businesses. Live videos are a great resource for online marketing strategies. Post a video about your products, services, website, or anything related to what you do on YouTube, LiveVideo, OverStream or Google Video. This will give potential clients a more tangible grasp on what you do and how you do it. Also it is another link to click on, meaning surfers will have more opportunities to reach your homepage through different sites and media. You and your business will be more connected with the online community, which will not only drive traffic to your homepage, but your blogs, articles and resources pages, and soon your video page.

Log on to any of the above video sites and you can create your business's video channel. Here you can put a description of what you do and who you are, adding links to your site and blog. Your video should have an eye-catching title as well as a short description. Choose viable and relative keywords to tag to it. Also put these videos on your homepage or about us page and post them on all your social networking sites. The more effort you put into promoting your videos, the more traffic they will produce. You also want to keep your videos fresh and check on their stats every week to see what demographic is looking at them. That way you can plan for your next marketing move.

TeamWork Builds Web Success

The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.

Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to

Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation at or email Bob Speyer at To your web success!

Keyword Elite - Keyword Research Software

Today I'm going to give you my opinion on Brad Callens Keyword Elite software. I was asked to express my judgmental opinion on it so others can feel either comfortable purchasing or simply frightened away. So let's begin.

Let's start out with a little introduction as to what exactly is Keyword Elite. KE is a keyword research tool that helps webmasters determine profitable keywords for whichever niche they intend to market or use an arbitrage method. Yeah I know there are a lot of you reading this post that are thinking to themselves well why would I buy something that I can get for free. And by free I'm referring to google's keyword sandbox, and overture's keyword selector. Stuff like that.

Well here's my conservative opinion. You can spend hours going through google sandbox and overture trying to find profitable niche markets and still not come up with anything that will produce a profit. I know this from experience.

I myself am an owner of KE since last year when I decided I was tired of killing myself. Yeah know like most of your reading this I was working a full-time job only to come home and work on my internet job. Yeah I got tired of the rat race also.

So KE works like this. You'll enter a broad term like "Money Online" and select some search criteria options like number of competitors, number of clicks a month, traffic volume, etc.. and it will produce a list of keywords anywhere from 1000 - infinite. It will even allow you to see what you're likely to pay for PPC campaigns for those keywords. Again you can limit your selection and filter it based on a number of operators.

After your list is generated you have endless possibilities of what you can do with it. You can take that and use it in your adwords campaign, narrow some keywords down for adsense profits, or research arbitrage keywords. The potential is left in your hands.

Every person that is successful online has their own keyword research software, it's simply the way to grow. I myself cannot do justice in a simple review that KE's video example can. Go check out the video for yourself.

Click here To Download Brad Callen's Free E-book on How to Use Adwords with KE
This article comes from

Keyword Research - How to Create an Effective Keyword List

Part 2

Wordtracker is the most popular and effective SEO tool used by search engine marketers. WordTracker allows you to do a comprehensive search for related keywords, provides the number of searches for your keywords, then compares their popularity in the search engines with how competitive they are. Ideally you want to use keywords that receive a high number of searches but don't have many competing web sites for the same keyword.

Using the free trial at WordTracker my comprehensive search for Spanish Shirts generates this list:

1. spanish shirts
2. spanish clubs
3. football shirts
4. overseas clubs
5. ebay
6. online shopping
7. online auction
8. apparel
9. spanish
10. t-shirts
11. sports memorabilia
13. Spanish
14. real madrid
15. tshirt

The enhanced version would display 285 keywords here. If I click on Spanish Shirts I get a table showing keywords taken from all Dogpile & Metacrawler queries over the last 90 days.

Count = 4 This shows the number of times a particular keyword has appeared in the database.

E.g. The database currently holds 327967786 words. A count of 4 tells you that this particular word has appeared 4 times (this is over 90 days). The keywords are taken from major metacrawlers (a service that queries all the main search engines simultaneously).

Predict = 7 This is the maximum total predicted traffic for all of the major search engines/pay per bids and directories today.

Since Spanish Shirts generates a small number of searches, I will search on a broader term ie Spanish or T-Shirts


spanish 3407 6009
spanish dictionary 3183 5614
spanish translator 2295 4048
spanish music lyrics 2114 3728
spanish translation 1892 3337
spanish english dictionary 1352 2384
english to spanish 1049 1850 dig
spanish to english dictionary 1040 1834
spanish to english 1033 1822
spanish babes 990 1746
learn spanish 989 1744
spanish american war 987 1741
english to spanish translation 778 1372
spanish to english translation 747 1317
english to spanish dictionary 745 1314

The first number beside each keyword is the count, the second is the predicted number.The list above generates higher numbers than Spansih Shirts because of their popularity. This is useful because it gives you another angle to attract traffic to your web site. For example you could create a page on how to learn spanish by integrating the keywords "learn spanish" in your article. The traffic this page receives may help sell more Spanish Shirts because the visitors will

visit the rest of the site.


Here are the related words for the keyword T-Shirts generated by WordTracker.

1. t-shirts
2. funny t-shirts
3. tshirts
4. t-shirt
5. tee shirts
6. tshirt
7. shirts
8. tees
9. funny t-shirt
10. funny shirts
11. cool t-shirts
12. tee
13. funny t shirts
14. funny
15. humorous

If you do a deeper search on t-shirts you get:

t-shirts 1146 2021
t-shirt 805 1420
funny t-shirts 622 1097
custom t-shirts 375 661
christian t-shirts 185 326
t-shirt designs 180 317
blank t-shirts 147 259
t-shirt design 146 257
japanese t-shirt 145 256
wholesale t-shirts 139 245
white t-shirt 126 222
vintage t-shirts 123 217
white t-shirts 111 196
cool t-shirts 102 180
rolling stones t-shirts 102 180

If you subscribe to the paid version of wordtracker you will get another 85 words.You also have the choice of digging deeper on each of the keywords above if you want to view words related to the one you chose.


Doing keyword research before you write the content for your web site will help you to identify what angles you can use to attract the search engine spiders. If you create different pages that include these keywords you gain extra traffic because they receive a high number of searches.

To receive more of the author's in-depth articles subscribe
to his Marketing Tips newsletter at:

Herman Drost is a Professional Web Designer,
SEO Specialist, Writer and Publisher.

Discover Why Article Marketing Is Best For Downline Building Part II

(Continue from Part I) On the internet, content is king. Most contents are informative articles on subject and services that people are looking for. When people have a problem, they don't just go out hand in their credit card to buy a particular product online because of the insecurity and high risk of fraud, people are careful these days.

What they do instead is, they look for vital information by searching online for articles and release that will give them enough information to buy the products that they desire.

When they type their keywords and your article pops up, since your article is discussing their problem, they tend to read what you have written. If they like the information, they check you out through the author resource box to find out more.

Therefore, even though article marketing is boring to write, it is advisable that you learn as much as you can about your home business and products so that you can conveniently write informative and useful articles that people will read and use that to find you online.

Remember that any article posted online will continue to generate website visitors for you every single day for free. So if you are interested for long term traffic, you have to make sure that you implement article marketing in your business.

This will help in growing your downline, making sales of your products and ultimately giving you higher search engine placement so that people will easily find you online when they are searching for information in your market.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.

Article Marketing Or Pay Per Click - Which Is Better?

There are many ways to advertise your business online; two of the more popular ways are by article marketing and pay-per-click marketing. With article marketing you write articles and they will usually be indexed in the major search engines such as Yahoo and Google as well as picked up by owners of ezines. This is how you get traffic to your website.

With Pay Per Click, you would pay for your ad to show up above the natural search results or beside them when a user does a keyword search with the search engines. You pay the search engine company each time someone clicks on your ad; the price you pay depends on the competition for that keyword.

I believe that when you are entering a new market you should start out with article marketing. If you have to write good articles about a topic or subject, you have to do research. The research you do will help you find pay per click ad space that is empty and you will be the only one advertising in that space.

Also keep in mind that the primary reason people use search engines is to get information, a lot of people believe that the useful information is only found in the search results as opposed to the pay per click side of the page. This is a big advantage to article marketers because they are able to give the user what they are looking for first, before trying to market to them. It's a very effective way of marketing.

When starting how I say go with article marketing, once experienced you can branch out to pay per click marketing.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website.

Your Article Marketing Technique

If you want to be a successful article marketer, you have to first find your article marketing technique. You will not make any money just by simply copying someone's writing style. You will fail and it won't be pretty. You have to find your own writing style as an article marketer.

When someone reads an article, they are reading about the author. They are not reading what the article is about. They are reading about what the author is about. The author's story is written into their article. Their article lives and breathes their authors name. When you read work written by someone, you should know that the content was made by that author, and no one else. When you create an article, it needs to be unique and it has to show your writing style.

Your writing style can be anything you want it to be. Just make your writing style authentic. When people read an article that isn't authentic, and it just looks like something copied and pasted, they won't care about you or your product. You have to make your article original and fact filled. When you have learned to master this, your profits will soar in.

Sometimes is takes weeks to find your writing style. This is okay! The more you write, the more you'll get closer to your writing style. Even if you think your found it, keep writing. Your writing style will always elude you. But if you keep writing, the closer you'll get to your perfect writing style. This is what is going to make you money. Your originality is the only thing that divides you from everyone else around you. Grasp it.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Submission Methods to Create Links Galore

First, you must be patient with yourself as you learn to apply, test and use article submission methods to create links galore for your website. Understand that it can be time consuming. However, doing so will increase your online traffic and potential profits. Article submission is the best means for your website promotional campaigns. You have to pay attention to how you submit your articles to get ahead. It is a great business tool. Aim for wide-ranging promotion of your articles by submitting them to numerous directories. They will review and publish if they find the material suitable.

Here you will find article submissions methods to create links galore. Remember that you are building a site promotion campaign and not a profile for yourself. Always, use the same pen name on any directory article submission for the exact same article. Doing otherwise can cause potential copyright misunderstandings, that you have no time for. For example, do not submit the same article using two different names; this will only cause confusion between the directories.

Use your keywords in all the directories submission fields. Pay special attention that all of this information is properly displayable within the correct field. This increases your chance of ranking higher in an online search. Consider some of the many forms of text and content software to increase the process of repeating keywords while writing your content.

Be sure that your articles and information are SEO or search engine optimized for the very best results. Remember to include the benefit of reading your article in the title; these types of titles rank high, while being read more often by potential clients. Take time to use short paragraphs and subheadings when suitable within your article text. When you give tips, create them in their own paragraphs. Doing so will give the article a much more appealing appearance and make for easy reading.

Pay attention to your keywords and keyword density. There are tools available to aid you in finding the best keywords for your content subject. Know the terms of service of any directory you open an account with, find out if they allow you to apply hyperlinks into your article text. Doing so will save you time, in case they do not. However, you should be able to include your click-able links in the resource box.

Always, use HTML when placing your links, as this will increase the possibility of the link you display is indeed click-able and will take potential viewers to your own website. Any information in the resource box of directories is for the project. All information should be an invitation to join you at your website to learn more free information. When you have free items of interest, the resource box is a great place for such offerings.

Determine whether you will be submitting articles by the means of manual submission, article submission software, paid submission services or manual paid submission. Take your time while following these article submission methods and they will help you increase your website exposure and potential profits. Submit your articles well and often. If you do, soon you will be an article submission method wizard with links galore.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Article source: Article Distribution Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website: Marketing techniques

Article Marketing - How To Write Articles In 10 Minutes

Amazingly enough, it is really easy to write successful articles in ten minutes. It really is. All you have to do is follow these simple to implement steps, and your article writing time will vastly decrease!

How to write a successful article in 10 minutes

  • Writing in bullet points will knock off that wasted time trying to connect your last paragraph to the next. With bullet points, you can write a sentence that has no connection to the last. This should knock off a ton of time in your article marketing.

  • Writing an article about something you know about is going to make it easier and faster to write a successful article. It really is. If you were to write an article on something that you actually know something about, it'll be easy to write without stopping to research a certain topic.

  • Don't think while your writing an article. This is the best way to write an article in less than ten minutes. If you just write your article, without thinking if your last sentence was good or not, you'll vastly decrease your article writing time. Just don't think. It's as simple as that!

  • Making a rough draft and a brainstorm before you actually write your article is bad. You're wasting time trying to write the perfect article. Just try to shoot for a C grade article. The more that you try to shoot for a C grade, the more it will actually be an A grade article. Just keep practicing and don't write rough drafts or brainstorms. Doing that will just increase your article writing time. In the time that you write a rough draft and a brain storm, you can already have more than five articles waiting to be submitted!

  • Time yourself everyday. Write everyday and put in a new time goal. Make it shorter every time, and try to get your articles in before the certain time limit. Don't stop until you get it. This will help your articles content and it will help decrees your article writing time.

Use these simple to implement strategies, and your article writing time will soon decrease to underneath ten minutes! I wrote this article in seven! So it's easy to do!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Submission - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Submitting Articles

Article submission is a topic that does not get as much focus as article writing. And yet how you submit your articles can make or break your article marketing efforts.

In my experience coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I've come across three common mistakes made by both new and experienced article writers and marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three mistakes and what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Don't submit - Believe it or not, there are many article writers you simply do not submit their articles. Procrastination and fear of rejection are the two most common reasons for not submitting articles. You simply must push past the procrastination and do it now. Procrastinate later, do it now. Article directories, the good ones that is, will help you get your article up to speed if it needs a bit of tweaking before it is published. No need to fear rejection here.

Mistake #2 - Believing that just as few will do - I've heard this from the whiners out there - "I submitted some articles and got nothing, this stuff doesn't work." This stuff works, you just didn't work it. This is a numbers game - the more articles you get our there working for you, the better article marketing will work for you. At 882 articles if this one is accepted, I know article marketing works, and works well.

Mistake #3 - You don't know what you don't know - I've found that many article writers just sort of "throw up" their article and up for the best. I've identified at least 30 specific nuances to successful article submission that result in your getting your articles getting picked up more often and over the competition. For example one tip is "Key words come first" in your title. "The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Write and Market Articles" is a bad title. "Article Writing - The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Ramp Up Your Article Writing" is a great title. Key words come first.

Avoid theses mistakes and use these tips when submitting your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Increase URL Clicks From Your Articles

If you write articles, you know the importance of the resource box. The resource box is where you add your links and other information about your site or links to products that you are recommending. This is your only compensation for writing articles.

However, some article directories do not offer a resource box when you submit your articles. When I first started submitting articles, this situation sort of irritated me. After all, the resource box is my only source of compensation for writing the article. I felt that these directories were trying to get my article without giving me anything in return.

I felt that I was being cheated. In the beginning, I stopped submitting to these sites. After I thought about it for a while, I decided to try adding my resource information onto the end of my article. Much to my surprise, my articles were accepted with no problem.

As I submitted more and more articles to these types of directories, I found that I actually liked that system better. Readers would see my resource information as a seamless transition from my article to my advertising. By including closely related resource information, I was actually getting more clicks from these types of directories.

So, the next time you come across a directory that does not include a resource box, don't get irritated, just add your resource information to the end of the article and thank them for the extra clicks that you will receive.

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Website Promotion With Free Article Marketing

If you have never used article marketing when promoting your website you have been missing out on a valuable tool in internet marketing. Article marketing is an effective way of creating backlinks and drawing attention to your online business.

What you need to take advantage of the opportunities in article marketing is either some basic writing skills or the resources to hire someone who has those skills. Then what you need to do is write useful articles related to your websites niche. As an example, if you have a website that deals with antique automobiles you might want to write articles on the topic of auto restoration. Generally you will want to keep your articles in the range of 400 to 600 words.

Prior to writing your articles you should determine the keywords you are targeting and use those in the article itself. That way the search engines can pick up on them and their relevance to your website. Try to place those important keywords within the first and last paragraphs of the article you are writing. By writing in this manner you will gain the interest of surfers interested in your niche and that of publishers and webmasters also.

The part of the article that allows you to gain a backlink to your website is known as the resource box. This is an area at the end of the article that allows you to tell a little about yourself or your website with a link. You generally want to keep this to a three to five line blurb with one line about yourself and one or two about your website. That should cover it and get them interested enough to click through the link.

You might be wondering how this will assist you in getting traffic to your site. One way is by allowing other websites to use this content for republishing on their sites with resource box and all. Whenever someone uses that article to build content on their own site it will give you one more link and free online exposure which is how article marketing works.

To really leverage your article marketing efforts you should submit your article to the major article directories such as Ezine. These larger article directories get traffic from webmasters looking for content to use on their sites and will allow your article maximum exposure. Whenever someone uses an article from one of these article directories part of the terms of use is keeping the resource box intact. As your article is used in the future it will continue to build backlinks to your website for years to come

If you are thinking of using article marketing in a more specialized niche you can offer exclusive articles to a few websites for publication while including a link back to your website. Make sure to mention that the offer is unique and you will probably get a high acceptance rate.

By using these article marketing techniques in conjunction with web directory submissions you can gain additional exposure and traffic to your website.

The Authority Web Directory is a vital resource in every online-marketing campaign. Begin your link building effort here by visiting our Submit URL page.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Nifty Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

If you would like to succeed in internet marketing and be able to make a mark quickly, you should use article marketing as your product and website promotional tool. This marketing technique is cost-effective and hassle-free but it is proven to drive quality traffic to your website and help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

Here are the 4 nifty steps to excel at article marketing:

1. To obtain more quality inbound links for your website and to strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to augment the number of your articles. If you are just starting out and do not have the money to spare on ghostwriters, you can just extend your writing hours or stay focused so you can be more productive.

2. To easily grab the attention of online users and convince them to open and read your articles, I suggest that you use compelling and striking titles. It would also greatly help if you can communicate the readers' benefits so people will instantly know what's in it for them and why should they invest their time on reading your content.

3. Give your potential clients great reading experience by making your articles interesting to read and engaging. This can easily be done by writing in a conversational tone and connecting your readers to your content by asking them relevant questions once in a while or writing about personal stories that they can relate to.

4. Write to inform. To easily earn the trust of your readers, fill your articles with valuable information that they will find useful and relevant to their areas of interest. Make them feel that you are an expert on your chosen niche who has the answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Must-Have Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Do you want to start your article marketing efforts with a bang? These 6 must-have secrets can help you do just that.

1. Choose your topics. When writing your articles for your article marketing campaign, you have to consider these things: they must be relevant to your target niche, useful to your potential clients, and related to the products you are selling. The idea behind this is to write articles that can attract the right kind of people - those who are most likely to buy from you.

2. Register on leading article submission sites. Most publishers will not allow you to submit your articles unless you create an account with their submission sites. While you're at it, read carefully and understand the terms of service set form by each site. This can help you create articles that conform to their standards so you lessen the chances of your articles being rejected.

3. Multiply your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you produce, the more traffic will be diverted to your website. Strive to produce at least 5-7 articles per day to obtain enough quality inbound links to popularize your website and strengthen your online presence.

4. Optimize your content. Search engines are major considerations when marketing your articles online. They are your greatest tool in connecting to your target market through the use of keywords and search terms.

5. Never use spinning software. Some marketers who are aiming at obtaining more quality inbound links resort to spinning software. While these tools can help you re-write your existing articles quickly, they cannot guarantee the quality.

6. Your articles must be concise. Every word that you use on your articles must have direct impact on your target market or helps you to better explain your ideas. If they don't, they are considered fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing And You

Article marketing is an easy and fast way to attract new visitors. It is the method by which anyone can tap into a desired, specialized target market. Classified as a viral marketing method, hundreds or even thousands of Internet users can follow the references or links included in a single article, back to the desired website.

This method of marketing is very cost effective in that it can be totally free. It does not cost you anything to write your own article. After writing the article, submitting the article to free article directories cost nothing as well. Investing just a little time writing and submitting an article which could result in an unlimited amount of visitors to your site is definitely worth it.

Besides being an easy and fast (not forgetting free) way of marketing, article marketing has numerous other benefits as well; it improves your search engine ranking. Search engines assigns website page rankings by determining the number of back-links to a website. Every article that you write, and which includes a link to your website, creates a back-link. Every article directory that you submit your article to creates another back-link. Once you have a number of articles live on the Internet, back-links from these articles will definitely increase traffic to your website. Last, but not least, you can gain credibility. You can establish yourself in your chosen niche by providing articles which are of good language, informative and interesting.

Some tips if you are new to article marketing; before submitting your article to directories, edit, edit and re-edit your work. Make sure you have corrected all grammatical errors. Ensure that the flow of the article is correct. You will only want to gain a reputation for providing quality articles, not otherwise. Check back on your articles from time to time and ensure that you have a substantial number of articles live at all times. This will ensure that you always have a certain number of back-links to your website.

Finally, having just one avenue of marketing is never enough. Get involved in business-specialized communities (e.g. You are able to promote your articles there too. Post classified ads with popular sites like, which provide free ad services.

Dean currently works in an IT firm, and writes short articles for leisure.

Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist Discusses What Is Search Engine Optimisation Part 22

How do you write good search engine optimised content? Write like you talk. Use a straight forward, simple, clear and 'easy to understand' style. No fancy highly complex words where the reader has to look up the meanings in a dictionary. Write like a human being and not like a dictionary. Here are the basic yet crucially important steps to follow in a search engine optimisation website marketing campaign.

One. Do not try and promote an affiliate website given to you by your "opportunity" company because it will not work. Two. Buy yourself a good domain name that includes the main keywords of your service or product that you are marketing. Three. Start branding yourself by placing your name on everything you write. Four. Build a website. Do not build a fancy website. There are many 'free webpage services' on the internet that you can subscribe to and use. Create as many of these 'free pages' as you can and then daisy chain them together.

Five. Write press releases. Make sure you join a good, professional and reputable press release company. Use your press releases as announcements of your company and website and not as an advertisement. After you have written your press releases, articles, forum posts and blog posts, take the unique link created by each post and manually submit each one to the Google search engine. Six. Get out of the 'advertising syndrome' as advertising on the internet has been overdone and it no longer works. Provide people with good information that can help them solve problems and challenges in their businesses. Seven. Back your press releases up with articles. Back your articles up with forum posts and submit blog posts to support your forum posts. Write and post press releases, articles, forum posts and blog posts every day for the rest of your life.

Eight. As Blogging is probably the most powerful SEO tool you can use, make sure you join a free blogging service and post to that blog every day. Nine. Obtain RSS feeds for continuous live updated content changes from all the various content submission areas on the internet that provide the same content as your topic, title or website. Place all those RSS feeds on the websites that you build. That concludes the summary of the basic effective and successful critically important search engine optimisation techniques. Study and apply them and you will be amazed at your progress. Progress will not happen instantly but after a few months you will realise that these techniques work.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Link Building Companies - What They Can Do For You

If you own a business with an online presence, or if your business has decided to opt out of a brick and mortar store entirely and is run entirely online, you are already aware of the importance of search engines. As more and more of the internet's traffic is run through search engines, and as Google gains more and more of a hold on what people think of when they go to search for information, you'll find that one of the ways that people are helping themselves when it comes to taking advantage of search engine marketing, is to take a look at link building companies.

To understand a little bit about link building companies, it is important first to think about what link buildings are. Essentially, search engines like Google have very complex search formulas. When someone types a search into Google, the Google search engine uses a variety of factors to decide which results will end up at the top. Given the fact that most people will not look beyond the first few choices, let alone past the third page, it can easily be seen why so many companies want that top ranking and will use any means to try and get there.

One of the best and most sure ways that you can get to the top of the Google search page is to take a look at link building. One of the largest and most important formulas that Google uses to determine who ends up at the top is how many sites will link to you without your linking back. Essentially, this is Google treating the search for good sites as something of a popularity contest. The more people who talk about you, the better your chances of getting noticed!

When you are looking to tap into this potential, you'll find that link building is something that is best handled by professionals. Even by reading the small bit of basic vital information that is given to most marketers, there is still a lot to know. First off, there are many unethical practices that are shut down by Google on a regular basis; these are techniques that would take the customer away from what they were originally looking for and send them somewhere they didn't want to be.

To avoid problems with link building, hire a professional company. Even the internet is rife with critiques, evaluations and word of mouth referrals so take a look around and find out what is available. When you have a list of a few names, contact them, and see who deals with you professionally and can promise you good results. We use link building companies because they can help us when our knowledge of the search engines falls short, and a good link building company can be essential to your business's function.

When you are looking to increase your relevant traffic and to do so in a way that won't make your company suffer, a link building company might be exactly what you are looking for.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Link Building, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Link Building Companies.

My #1 Free One Way Link Building Method

If all you had to do to get a top ranking on the search engines was acquire thousands of inbound links to your site then it would be a simple case of popping over to eBay and buying a whole stack of sitewide links. Back in the old days (like a couple of years ago) this technique actually worked. These days those clever search engine people have worked out a way of combating this clumsy method.

When you are in the market for purchasing a link or two then please do not be fooled by those who offer you thousands of links on the same site. In the very best case scenario you only receive credit in the search engines for around 20 to 50 of those links. Only a small percentage of those will give you any real value.

People who sell sitewide links are either ignorant to the fact that the search engines have cottoned on, or they are actively trying to scam you out of your hard earned cash. Unfortunately you will usually find that it is the latter.

Some of the more effective ways of promoting your site via a link building strategy would be article promotion, press releases, non-reciprocal linking and simply buying links. You could also get involved in forums and blogs related to your niche, leaving your links in your signatures and your blog comments.

Writing articles has to be one of the best ways I know of creating inbound links to your web site. The trick with article writing is to make sure that your article is actually useful. Best not to simply rewrite someone else's article in a half-hearted fashion without changing much of the original. For one, you will probably get some grief from the original article author when they find out that you have obviously ripped off their article.

A great little tip for writing articles is to subscribe to some google news alerts. You can get google to send you an e-mail every time your chosen word or phrase appears in the newswires, blogs and press releases. This is a great way to be among the first 'reporters on the scene'. You can quickly collect lots of content in this way, research your angle a little more and create a unique article. It is a surprisingly quick way of creating content.

The second most important thing when article writing is to ensure that you include your resource box at the end of the article. This is where you write a little bit about your self in the third person and include the all-important link. Make sure you choose your anchor text carefully as this is one of the most important factors in getting ranked highly on the engines.

Now, when you submit your article to three or four of the more popular article sites (it's not usually worth your time submitting to any more than the top five most popular article directories) you will get a one-way link from each directory. These directories are what are known as authority sites. The links from these sites are valuable.

An added bonus is that web site owners and ezine owners will pick up your article (that's if you followed my advice and made it useful) in order to use the content in any way they see fit. The rules are that they must not modify the resource box. This gives you another one-way link on another IP address.

The more popular your article the more sites will pick it up and provide you with a growing pool of quality unique incoming links. If you try to create an article related and linking to every page on your web site, you will soon find that your whole web site becomes fully indexed and you'll be receiving visitors from all over the Internet. Not to mention the fact that your search engine rankings will increase and you'll begin to receive more and more organic search engine traffic. The best kind of traffic there is ;)

If you don't feel confident in writing articles then you can always outsource this task. Places like 'Rent a Coder' and 'Script Lance' are a couple of the more trusted outsourcing web sites.

All in all, pursuing an active link building strategy is an essential part of promoting your web site. If you have not started your link building campaign yet then now is the time to begin.

Riley McBride is an Internet entrepreneur and enjoys nothing more than creating a meaty article about Internet marketing. He highly recommends you go and get your self a free one-way link here: Free Web Page Promotion

Search For Marketing Strategies In The Right Places

If you're looking for suggestions and tips on how to succeed in your business, don't look for it in traditional marketing books and philosophies that were taught in university. You won't find what you need, and it will only make things worse by getting you confused with so many ideals and beliefs that may not be applicable to small commercial color printing companies like yourself.

Conventional textbooks - those written for college and master's degree courses, are for big companies rather than small businesses. It seems that every marketing author who wrote these books really believe that only big corporations can start a business. It's like they don't think small businesses are relevant as far as the commercial industry is concerned.

I'm not being cynical or anything. All I'm saying is that not many textbooks in marketing were written for small business firms. Most of the time, principles and marketing theories were based on studies made from big corporations that a small business owner learning from these books is only wasting his or her time, money and energy.

So if you're looking at effective marketing strategies for your small business, you might want to try to look for it elsewhere. Standard education is just that, standard. If you want standard results then you might find the strategies in them books helpful.

But if you're looking at a much higher outcome (which I think you are if you're really an entrepreneur) you might want to try a carefully planned strategy that will help you grow your business fast.

According to conventional marketing knowledge, marketing has certain P's that you should focus on to be successful: product, price, placement, package, and promotion. If you direct your attention and marketing efforts towards these 5 P's then you're more likely to succeed in your chosen field.

For small businesses, what you might want to focus on is a plan for an attack. If you want to really increase your profits and get quick ROI's, there's only one way to do that - you need to be the aggressor. You need a plan of attack that will help you get smart on your marketing to achieve quick results.

What do you need for your plan of attack? For one thing, you have to identify your target market. You need to know and understand how your product can relate to their needs so you can provide the most appropriate offer to your target clients.

Second, you need to have an offering statement that provides an offer that they can't possibly resist. It attracts them to your offer, and more importantly, it pulls them in, hook, line and sinker.

So the next time you're looking at traditional textbooks for your marketing strategy, think again. If you really want to succeed and get significant growth in your business, try looking for it somewhere else. And if you find the right place, call us. We would like to hear about it.

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

For more information, you can visit this page on Commercial Color Printing

Targeted Article Marketing - 3 Powerful Techniques to Excel in Article Marketing

If there is one marketing tool that has been on the marketing scene for such a long time it is the article marketing. However, given this time element, only a few marketing people are able to master the craft of article marketing because of the insatiable evolution that it undertakes. It is for this reason that article marketing continues to be an effective and most sought after. Its being mystical yet dependable and reliable projects an air or credibility. However, no matter how mystical it may seem to be for other people, it continues to be strongly used and powerfully utilized. The techniques below can help you achieve excellence in article marketing:

1. Take advantage of the resource box. The resource box is where you can actually profess your reason for writing the article - to market and advertise. You can include on your resource box some important information or details regarding the company you are representing or probably anything about you as the writer - your name, your business, your contact details and so much more.

2. Take advantage of the squeeze page. The squeeze page can form part of the article material that you have. You can include a squeeze page so that you can potentially "squeeze" some vital information that you may need from your potential reader. You can use then use these pieces of acquired information to make marketing in the future.

3. You can submit your article materials into some of the well-known article publishing sites and allow for these to earn exposure and generate more and more potential readers. You can use the search engines to search for the best and well established article directories. You can also publish your articles to practically all of these article sites to make sure that you gain a wider exposure from the consuming public.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

One Way Link Building - Secure Way to Improve Page Ranking

Link building is one of the effective ways to assure a higher page ranking for your website in search engines. Links are considered as a positive "vote" towards the quality of the website. Each website acquires link popularity depending on the pages that link to it. Google and other search engines consider the link popularity when they evaluate the web pages that they include in the search engine databases. Google has a toolbar where you can see the page rank of websites you visit, so you can use the Google toolbar to get a good insight about your website's link popularity.

One-Way Links and Their Value for Your Website

A one-way link is a link pointing to your website from someone else's web page with nothing in return. Sometimes the webmasters can agree to exchange the links between their websites; those links are called reciprocal. One-way links are more valuable for the website link popularity.

The main advantage of one-way links is that you don't have to worry about linking back to a "bad neighborhood". If you exchange links with the sites that serve as "link farms" or "free-for-all" sites, you may not gain, and even lose the page rank. These sites tend to have links to and from all different sorts of sites. Google and other search engines guess that those sites serve the only purpose: artificially increase the number of links pointing to your site, so they give no value to these links.

Another "plus" of one-way links is that they will tend to stay in place. A webmaster who places a link to your website on his page thinks that their visitors will benefit from the content of your site. So, you benefit from having long term links to your site, in particular links from sites covering the same or related topics as your site.

How to Obtain Natural One-Way Links

The most important thing to keep in mind is that to get more links, you must offer something significant to link to. Think of what you can give that people will want to link to:

  • Natural links from related websites that like your website
  • Free access to articles, e-books, FAQ's or other content
  • Directory links, listed under the category related to your topic
  • Business directory links, listed under the category related to your topic
  • Blogs, submitted to a blog directory and archived online
  • Business associations, listed under the category related to your topic
  • Newsletter text ads promoting your business, archived online on related websites
  • Original articles, submitted to and archived online on related websites
  • Original press releases, submitted to and archived online on related websites

In return for each type of the mentioned content, you will want to have an active link pointing to your site. When you create your own original content, always save your work in the archive on your website. Thus, you will build your content and increase your own link popularity by growing the number of pages on your website.

One more advantage of one-way links is that you are also promoting your website from the listing and the active link. Articles, newsletters, white papers, directory and business association links may bring in traffic from visitors who are interested in the description of your website listing.

How to Be Sure the Links are Indexed by Search Engines

The link pointing back to your website must be the one that can be followed by the search engine robots. It can be a plain old text link or image link. JavaScript links are not recommended because they cannot typically be followed by the search engine robots. The simpler linking code you provide the better. Don't hesitate to suggest linking formats to the webmasters that link to you and provide them with the types of links that serve your purposes best.

Use a search engine and conduct a search for the page where the link to your website will be located. You can search via the entire website or by individual page. If the page is listed in the search engine results, this means the page was indexed by the search engine robots. So, you know that the web page is valid for indexing and that your link will be picked up as well.

One-way link building supposes hard work and long term determination to achieve good link popularity. Work at improving the quality of your website, and you'll improve the chance to obtain good quality natural links. Spend a set amount of time each week to build quality one-way links to achieve your goal. With this long-term plan you will be able to safely build links for optimum link popularity success.

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one-way links here: One Way Link Building Tips

Download Link Directory Submitter now. It is a friendly and easy-to-use semi-automated directory submission tool that allows you quickly submit your websites to thousands of free directories.

The Importance Of Link Development (Building)

Before Googles appearance, search engines used a search algorithm called Meta search. The search engines would crawl only the content (keywords) between Meta tags placed on sites. This led to search engine abuse (spamming) by inserting unrelated keywords into Meta tags. An example would be a search for Used Cars resulting in an Adult web site.

Search engines fought spammers by developing advanced crawling algorithms/systems. These new technologies would look between Meta tags and also at actual on-page content. Spammers then expanded their methods to make websites rank higher using techniques called Hidden Text, Hidden Links, White Text on White Background, to name a few.

Google engineers introduced another algorithm to their search engine model whereby instead of searching for keywords in Meta tags or on-page content, they also looked at the keywords within the anchor text (incoming link text) of incoming links. If the keywords searched matched the keywords in the anchor text of incoming links, then your site would show up.

Again, spammers figured out the algorithm and starting planting links on every other page of a site, even if the pages were not related to the site theme. In July of 2003, Google engineered a massive update in their search engine. It was called the Florida Update and many highly ranked websites suddenly lost their positions and instead appeared on the 100th 200th Google page results. Google has become the most popular search engine due to its relevancy and accuracy of search results. This technology has also been implemented by other search engine giants, Yahoo and MSN.

The SEO industry now understands and believes that it is not only important to have as many incoming links as possible, but the links must come only from theme related sites. In order to make a site rank high on search engines, link development is a must. It is considered the most complicated and slowest process of search engine optimization but very successful in the long run.

An apt analogy would be links for votes. The more links/votes a site/candidate possesses, the more successful their campaign will be.

Mikhail Tuknov, search engine optimization specialist with an extensive background in Internet marketing, offers SEO, PPC, SEM services.

Best Article Marketing - Discover 5 Interesting Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

If you are looking for a product promotional and marketing technique that can work overtime and will bring you qualified traffic for many years to come, article marketing is perfect for you. You see, when you submit your articles to publishing sites, your content and your inbound links will stay there for good. Meaning, the articles that you have submitted a couple of years ago can still be accessed by online users and can still draw interested parties to your website.

Here are the 5 interesting steps to impact your article marketing:

1. Offer valuable, useful information. If you want to wow your readers and instantly drive them to your website, you need to offer them information that they will find interesting, appealing, and highly relevant to their lives or areas of interest. These could be solutions to their problems, answers to their burning questions, or simple information that can empower them to do amazing things on their own or help them understand their current situation.

2. Create an interesting author's bio. You would want to build rapport with your readers so they will like you and eventually trust you. One of the best ways to do this is to create an author's bio on leading article submission sites that can give your readers a chance to get to know you more on a personal level. Communicate your hobbies, interests, personal struggles, and inspiring success stories that your readers can easily relate to.

3. Use a killer resource box. To easily entice your readers to check on your website and to increase your conversion rate, spend more time writing your resource box to make it more compelling and attention-grabbing. Use powerful words that can evoke action and offer incentives to boost your clickthrough rate.

4. Do your research. Strive to offer your readers with detailed, in-depth, and complete information about your topic by doing your research and checking relevant, reputable sources online. You may also opt to interview some experts on your chosen niche who can surely give you valuable ideas and different points of view.

5. Be determined. Article marketing, although proven one of the most effective traffic generating tools, cannot promise you success overnight. It may take weeks or even months before you see noticeable increase in your page views. Just don't lose your focus and consistently write and submit your articles online. You'll surely reap great benefits once your articles have started generating interest online.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - A Brief Scenario

To begin with, Article Marketing has increasingly assumed a lot of importance as an effective and indispensable SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Seasoned Search Engine Optimizers are recommending as well as practicing this strategy extensively in order to promote the business interests of their clients. And they are not doing it as a matter of beating the line. They are actually creatively promoting their client's website, bringing in potential business and consequent optimized turnover.

Seriously speaking, the web marketers face a dare devil job of promoting a website out of a flood of other websites promoting identical products and services. The direct fall out of anonymity of a website is the flat defeat of its purpose, which is to make profit. The web presence of any website is largely determined by how the website fares in the SERPs (Search Engine Rank Pages) at Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines. The fact or rather the objective, in turn, emphasizes on quantity of quality inbound links to the website in question. And Article Marketing presents itself as a competent answer.

In Article Marketing, a website submits informative articles that revolve around the basic subject or business of the website. The articles contain a resource box which contains a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As the websites to which the articles are submitted, are basically established forums, blogs and e-magazines, they have their own faithful following of readers. Further, Google and other search engines search out these web articles for their informational value and closely matching keywords. These articles hit many birds in the bush with a single stone.

Article Marketing helps build up brand equity for the website, which is a domino effect of link popularity and high esteem enjoyed by the website as an expert. The articles serve as confidence building measures that reinforce the creditability and utility of the website in the minds of its customers and prospects. With strengthened publicity, the website gradually becomes a name to reckon with in the business sphere.

What's more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is write quality articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. Some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums/ blogs/ e-zines.

Article Marketing also saves the website from some major ordeals that are otherwise required by regular sales and marketing strategies. No website enjoys making cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. Article marketing comfortably rescues the websites from indulging into these hard-to-do marketing stunts, as well as, saves financial resources in the process.

As the option of article marketing is open to all, the quality of articles finally dictates the value of the articles and the magnitude of exposure. So, it is important to pay attention to the quality of content submitted through these articles. With consistency in quality of content, the website is able to establish itself as an expert author. This in itself translates the website getting maximum readers and that too instantly upon posting. Moreover, the overall reputation as an expert author adds prestige to the website's articles when they are submitted to various blogs, forums and ezines.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it Articles Marketing Directory & - Affiliate Programs Directory