Thursday, June 12, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is an inexpensive venture and can dramatically increase your pool of leads. It can even help you increase your bottom line by adding new streams of income. Article marketing is the absolute advertising technique if you are promoting affiliate products. I bet you think that I am going to list all of the standard reasons, right? Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more apt to click on your resource box link to find out more.

Article marketing is one of the best traffic generating strategies and it's easily picked up by the search engines if you chose the right topic, keywords and of course the correct site to submit. I'm am just starting out after read a lots on the internet. and it seems that is the best. I would like to generating some qualified traffic to my site. Article marketing is one of the new, Hot ways to generate traffic, because you are meeting the needs of search engines and the needs of your human website visitors as well. You can distribute articles to submission websites like, and they will be published all over the Internet, with your contact information. Article marketing is by far the most misunderstood form of online marketing there is. It is many different things to many different people.

Article marketing is a tool whose time has come: You can write free articles about your area of expertise. Those articles are distributed across the internet, generating exposure and positive publicity about your business as they are used as free content on various websites. Article marketing is one of the best ways to build free traffic, build your link popularity, build your contact list .

Article marketing is the best content-based marketing solution in the internet today. That is why; every webmasters would like to excel in this technique to get ahead of the pack. Article marketing is a great way to promote your affiliate product or affiliate program. By writing an article that delivers value and offers a subtle mention of your affiliate product, you're well on your way to getting the proper exposure for your promotion. Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to other web sites to promote your web sites and article pages. This is often referred to as syndication.

Article marketing is a critical part of any successful internet business plan. It is an amazingly effective way to get traffic-building backlinks and a reputation as a reliable source of knowledge.

by William Roberts

I am the owner of several Blogs and websites. I live in South Georgia. I am also just getting started at writing articles.
2008 all rights reserved

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I received an email from an Ezinearticles reader who raises some very important questions about article marketing as well as my unconventional approach to it.

I thought you might like to "eavesdrop" on our exchange and find it beneficial.

He wrote:

I'm amazed at the number of articles you submit to EzineArticles as well as your consistency.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but approximately how many emails do you receive per day and have you found that listing your email in your bio box rather than your web address is more beneficial to your overall strategy?

Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather keep that number private.

I'm only curious because when I first stumbled across your EA profile and gazed at your numbers, I would have thought you generated a lot of traffic to your website from click throughs and Search Engine rankings.


Hello GC,

I don't mind answering your questions, at all. To quote myself, "Clicks aren't money," at least to me.

Random eyeballs rolling over my web pages won't sell what I sell, which are fairly extensive consulting engagements.

I'm looking to directly interact with readers, as I am right now with you.

"Hey, we need this guy!" is what I'm hoping readers will say. "He knows his stuff," and so forth; these are the reactions I want.

Frankly, I get very few emails, whether you assess the number by day, week, or month. However, when I get them, they are usually of the type I described above, worth my effort to respond to.

Example: Last week I got an email from a guy who is shopping for a training program in one of my areas of expertise. He's LOCAL, within about an hour's drive, his company is the right size, about 900 employees, and he's in senior management. He supplied his phone number in the email, a signal of strong interest.

Anyway, we interacted and I pitched him on a high 5-figure program that could easily get into six figures, if successful.

He is EXACTLY what I'm looking for.

I'd like to get five of these inquiries a week, but I don't.

If they're this solid, I don't have to. It only takes a few handfuls a YEAR, presuming my closing skills are sharp, to do the trick.

By the way, there are a few ways to evaluate the quality of one's response. Yes, you can look at mere numbers, such as the number of readers you'll generate at EA.

Another way is to look at the SALIENCE of your information to these readers, i.e. how important is your stuff to them? And, how important are these specific readers to you?

In other words, are you reaching the BEST POSSIBLE audiences, or is your approach more of a shotgun?

Example: I do a reasonable amount of radio interviews and co-hosting. Do they sell consulting and training business for me? No, not much; just some, and much less than "print" does.

But I enjoy doing them, they look good in my promotional materials, and they help me to stand out from the crowd, to appear credible.

But you shouldn't over-invest in them. Ditto for articles.

One more thing: From my email address interested readers can see what my web site is, and they can type in the part, by themselves.

There is some psychological authority that supports the notion that if people have to work a little to get a result, they treat the matter more seriously and get more ego-involved in arriving at a productive result.

So, making them type in the url may actually be a good thing.

Hope this helps, and of course, the content of my response will become yet another article.

Appreciate your email, and good luck to you!



Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 1,000 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard" in negotiation, sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you want to article market like a pro, than I suggest that you check out these simple steps. If you want to really succeed in article marketing, you have to be dedicated and you have to work hard. You need to write hundreds of articles so you can flood the market. So check out these simple steps to make your article the best possible article that it can be.

1. Put in valuable information. Don't just write slop. You have to make sure that your article will give the reader information that they will have for the rest of their lives. Remember, articles are not about spamming your audience about your product, it's about setting up a relationship with your audience.

2. Make your own articles if you want to be an article marketing expert. I cannot stress this enough. If you go out and pay someone to write you articles, your not going to learn anything, and your not going to be a reliable source. You have to write the information yourself and actually do the work. There is no room in this world for lazy people.

3. Write unique content. Make your articles yours. Make it your own. Find your writing style and stick with it. This writing style is what's going to be driving in the traffic that you want. So this is the most important step!

4. Make it short and quick. Don't drag out the article! When in doubt leave it out. If your thinking if you should put extra information in it, don't do it!

5. Stick to the point. Please don't go off topic. If someone is searching for information about computers, don't start talking about light bulbs. Give your viewers what they want.

That's all that you need to know to write a successful article. Just keep writing and you'll get to the first page. I promise!


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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The persuasive title is the most important element on the SEO article, it must be a tempting promise to the reader and at the same time optimized for the search engines, i.e. it must include the main keyword of your online business ideas.

1.Research The Keywords Of Your Online Business Ideas.

It is useful to spend some minutes to select the right keyword, which are related to your online business ideas website, have around 1.000 Overture searches per month and appears on the Google results around 10 million times.

Research also the top 5 sites on the Google result page and if some of them have unperfect onpage search engine optimization, your online business ideas SEO article chances are good to rank high, because your article has only the onpage seo in use.

2.Put The Keyword Among The First 3 4 Words Of The Title.

My experience is that when the keyword of your online business ideas is among the first words of the title, it brings two clear benefits: it tells to the reader right away the topic of the article and the search engines will more easily pick the keyword.

3.Write The Title With Upper / Lower Case.

Look at the title of this SEO article and you will see what I mean. Alternatively you can write the minor words of the online business ideas article with the lower case, if you will, but do not use all caps, because they are hard to read.

4.Never Use Quotes In The Title.

Why? Simply because the editors of the article about the online business ideas will never accept that. One editor once said to me, that a headline is a headline, it just cannot be a quotation.

5.Do Not Use Your Name In The Title.

The correct place of the author name is in the bio box of the SEO article and most editors will remove the author name from the article title of your online business ideas, teaser or the body copy.

6.Do Not Use HTML In The Title.

I do not know of one directory, which accepts HTML in the title. It is simply forbidden.

If your title contains keyword, which is actually searched and the title is written in a persuasive way, your SEO article will be read. What a fantastic chance to pre-sell the online business ideas of the landing page!

SEO article tips for online business ideas to make money online.
