Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Use Search Engine Optimization to Destroy Your Competition in 3 Easy Steps

Search Engine Optimization - Secrets Revealed.

Let's begin: What is 'competition'? Competition is described as "one that competes", "a rival", "selling or buying goods or sevices in the same market as another", and even down to the biological level - "an organism that lives in competition with another".

SEO & Web - Competitive Landscape.
Increasingly, web surfers are using search engines to find companies, services and goods. Big and smaller companies, are using search engine optimization and search engine marketing techniques to beat their competitors. On the Internet, we are dealing with virtual entities - and we all compete in increasingly tougher and user-aware market places. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing focuses on building traffic and allowing you to leverage your websites, services and products. Through competitive research, optimal keyword strategies, quality content, link-back neighborhoods and educating yourself on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you should be well positioned to beat the competition -- over time.

What options exist for creating revenue online?
A) Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are two fantastic ways in which you can get visibility on the Internet. Additionally, you can and should include email marketing strategies, with a complete CRM and backoffice process. You can increase visibility and competitive edge hundred-fold. Great content with an intelligent link strategy is vital.

B) Affiliate Marketing Programs. Join and promote these (Mr. Jeff Bezos at Amazon is famous for this). Create one for your company - with potentially exciting and lucrative results. (The merchants, or you - offer affiliates commissions for sales activity generated by the affiliate's web sites).

C) Adsense. A sophisticated affiliate online advertising program from Google. Complimentary Adsense Training Videos are worth a look. However, without search engine marketing and search engine optimization, you are missing out on other huge opportunities for smashing the competition and making large sums online.

D) Adwords. A break-through ad ('sponsored advertising') system from Google that can bring traffic (quality) to your site within 1/2 hour! The complimentary adwords email courses show ways to beat the system, and lessen the frustration on your part. It can get expensive fast.

Create edge and stay competitive with SEO and SEM.
You must have a service or product niche - to create success on the Internet using these 'silent money making engines'. You need to understand that niche marketplaces is how you get there, along with sound search engine optimization and search engine marketing principles, quality content, backlinks and CRM sales backend processes.

Optimization Tip #1: On and off page optimization, what is that, and why is it important?

First of all you need to create a web site that is a related to a niche marketplace. (You already know who your customer is, right!?) It is very important that you do your keyword research first. In fact, competitive research as an action step is missed by over 98% of the online marketplace. There are many great keyword tools and many are free. Keep in mind that Google 'owns' over 50% of the search marketplace. (Yahoo receives about 30% and MSN about 20%). Google is a very important search engine for you to focus on, and I suggest you start with it (even though MSN and Yahoo are great resources - especially the newly launched MSN Adcenter).

Competitive SEO Research:
Try the following on yahoo and google (make sure syntax is correct): site: (replace 'competitor' with real name). It will show you how many pages that each search engine has indexed from the competitors site. Depending on the site, many results could be returned. Look to see if each page has a title and description associated with them. You will then be able to determine whether each page within your competitor site has been individually optimized.

When you start researching keywords do not start with the most common keyword. For example, if you are selling Canon products, do no start researching or optimizing for the word 'Canon'. You need to break it down - for example - to 'Canon power shot'. Even better -'Canon power shot SD400 memory sticks'. This way, you have created a niche keyword structure (many permutations from these keywords) within a larger category, and you will able to better optimize keywords for this area. With this in mind, go to Google and start typing in specific keywords and phrases to see where the competition is. As you are doing this, you should understand the page rank algorithm. It is Google's way of giving specific value to how popular are popular your web site is. It's essentially based on the number of votes of other web sites that have cast votes up for your web site. Votes are generated when another web site places a link on their web site that is pointing to your web site. The more votes you get, the better your chances are for good ranking. Try our free SEO tools and give yourself a kick-start.

To view the page rank, install the Google toolbar ( As you look at the competition, recognize that we talk about on-page and off- page optimization. On-page optimization are things like proper use of H1 header tags, using main keywords in the title tags, keywords and phrases are bolded underlined or italicized, using image tags and placing correct keywords within that tag. Many place keywords at the very beginning of the text, and once at the very end of the copy, with other sprinkled throughout the company. It's an "hour glass" type of a concept. Keywords at the top, less in the middle and again repeated at the end. Do the things that the competition is doing just do it a little bit better - this is one way to get one step ahead of them. The "least imperfect" site wins.

Optimization Tip #2: How does Tagging really work, and why does it matter?

In our example, when we open the Canon landing page you need to start with the page title for your web site. The page title should only include the main keywords. (Do not ever say welcome to our web site!) Try to combine the keywords in your title. Make sure you use the H1 header tag early in your body text. Also, when Google reads the web page it uses the text from the top left-hand side of the page to the bottom right hand side of the page.

Next, you would need to create H2 header tags. You can think of that as the sub heading for a web page. This is a very common used tag, so it's best to place the primary keyword in your H1 tags and your secondary keywords into your H2 tags.

Now you need to actually create the content for the page. When you try to write the contents, sprinkle your main keywords throughout the copy. But don't overdo it, just make it a natural effort. Once you have written the copy you should then go back and bold underline or italicize some of the keywords. Only one time each, maximum. There are many HTML site building tools out there that use the Bold (B) tag for bolding keywords, and has been overused. Google doesn't penalize you for it, but in fact, by using the tag STRONG it provides higher quality content for search engines. You can also add some images for your users, and when you do this you need to properly include the keyworded image tags. So for example, if we have an image on our web page called 'oneshot.jpg' you would include code that adds that ALT tag and text about that specific memory stick (from our Sony example).

Also, Google views your web page from top left to bottom right. Well, in general they do. However, you want to make sure that you code your HTML to compliment or support this, specially if you have non-related navigational elements to the left of page. There are techniques to do this, which is explained in a great series, try the Free SEO 3-day Email Course.

Optimization Tip #3: Off page search engine optimization - competition to the ground!

You have come up with your niche marketplace and associated keywords and phrases into your page. You will have completed proper approach to tagging from titles through the body content, including H1's, H2's and ALT tags. You are then ready to get your site indexed. Your first rule, is to never use the Google submission form. There are better and faster ways.

The first approach
You need to know how a search engine finds you in the first place. They will visit one web site that is already in their index and if they follow the link to that new site, it could be yours. For example, if you have a new site and you have a partner in this 'Canon' business space, and he puts a link to your page and he's already visible on the Internet at Google, they'll crawl to that site and find your link and get you into the index. Now what if you don't have a partner in this space in your are brand new, you still can get into the index. There are article directories that you can submit to, places like Others are -, buzz, article and many more. These are excellent sites for you to write something about your services or products. The engines will pick you out, and Google will find you.

The second approach (and to quickly get listed in the Google index)
Go see your competition. Type in the search terms you are competing with and find web sites that have a page rank of five or six or higher that you will notice in the green bar from the Google toolbar (above). Find six or 10 of these sites and locate their contact information. We have found that e-mail works - of course - but picking up the phone and commenting on their site and how discussing how a link partnership could benefit each others, rates higher. Top ranking sites may ignore you, and it's certainly tougher persuade somebody to add your link to their web sites. You must give them a good reason to do this. Contact sites that are related to you and are complimentary - those are the best. Find good and great link neighborhoods within your topics. And always think of a way that you can give them something that they would benefit from. Think of this as an emotional bank account. You make deposits, and you (later) may make withdrawals. If you can manage to get at least one PR 6 web site to link your web site, you'll be off and running. You should be indexed in under three days. If you get a PR 7 web site link to you - in most cases you'll be there in 24 hours.

The third approach (and why you must be careful here)
Purchase links from high Page Rank websites. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to visit one of the many link purchasing websites. Here are a few of the better ones: a), b) c), d) (NOTE: Only buy one/month, or you may get seriously penalized). Many times you can purchase 1 PR7 link for a 1 month time period for, say, $150. After the month is up, there is no need to renew because you are already in Google's index. Paying $150, and you can be indexed by Google quickly and with little to no work on your part.

Tip #1:
Add a Google sitemap (XML). You can easily do this with free tools or directly via a Google account. You should also check the competitor sites for http://URLname/sitemap.xml. It's the default for Google, and if the competition has it (it will load in your browser or reader) - you can be assured they are pretty agressive and informed about Search Engine Optimization techniques.

Tip #2:
Discover how many pages the competition has online. You can use free tools again, and the Xenu's Link Sleuth is free - and fast - a good tool to keep close. The 'Stats for Managers' at the bottom of page is the important data for statistics.

Tip #3:
Use the 'link:' syntax in Google to locate number of backlinks within a competitor site. Google and Yahoo have different estimates here, but it's vital information from both. (Yahoo use 'linkdomain:').

Much is written on the blogs' approach to SEO rankings. We believe it has its place, but in moderation and always pertinent to your business. Blog spamming can get you penalized as well. The Microsaw Web 2.0 blogs are here, and recently a new service was launched at PayPerPost, written up in Business Week.

Continue the search engine optimization and search engine marketing work, and expand your strategy to include email marketing, affiliate, on / off-page optimization, along with traditional means for online marketing (keyword) dominance (print/media). Always provide great content, but that alone will not do it. Off-page strategies are very important, but may work too well. For example, check out the top result on Google for the search term miserable failure. It is not in position one because that web page had been optimized for that search term. The web site is in position one because huge amounts of web sites link to it with the text miserable failure in the link text. Can you guess which site it is?

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Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist Discusses Website SEO - Part 7

Everything you write and place onto the internet creates a link. You are adding information to a website by writing content. That content in that submission company's service creates a link which contains the information pointing to your website. The spiders see this as direct content, as the content is discussing and promoting your website. This is critical to effective and successful search engine optimisation. Hand submit that link to the Google search engine.

Hand submit every link you create to the Google search engine. Then place each of those links on a link building website on the internet. This builds a huge number of back links pointing to all the websites that you are promoting. What you want to do SEO wise is write keyword specific titles, meta tags and content to build links which you hand submit to the Google search engine and then place all those links onto your link building website.

You do not have to build flashy and 'eye appealing' or cosmetic websites. Websites are about producing and showing good information for your readers. They come to your website, to obtain information. Not to join your business because you have a flashy website. This is another important search engine optimisation technique to never forget. Anyhow, the Google search engine spiders do not spider the images. They look for original content and links and not for "flash".

Creating good clean crisp original content is one of the critical keys to SEO effectiveness and success. The other critical factors are linking and creating back links. Join any one of the many link building systems on the internet for free to store your links as you create them. Hand submit the url of this link building website to Google every day as well.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Article Marketing Is It a Fad?

Article marketing is such a strong force online today, and yet my research shows that only about 100 people in the English speaking world make even nearly a full time income writing and submitting articles.

Obviously, there are some faddish aspects to article marketing, especially the recent craze of building article directories in hopes of making millions. I think only about 5 article directories actually have enough traffic to create a fulltime income.

Article marketing is one of the latest rages in online fads, and yet it really seems to have some staying power. Sure, it is not as easy to get increased page rank from it as it used to be, and because there are so many new authors, there is some level of diminished impact.

Why does it have staying power? I think it does because to write articles and get them read, they pretty much have to be human-written it cannot really be automated.

And yet, it is one of my primary forms of promotion. I use it nearly exclusively to send visitors to my high-converting niche web sites.


Article marketing is extremely useful in that it does two things very well:

1) Article marketing prescreens visitors to your web site so that only people interested in your niche topic (so long as the topic of your article is the same as the topic of your web site) will click through to your website.

2) Article marketing drives niche-oriented visitors to your web site and leaves the looky-loos behind. This allows me to focus my marketing and list building efforts on genuine buyers, not having to talk people into buying my books.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Latest 5 Challenging Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

A lot of online entrepreneurs and marketers have made article marketing as their primary marketing tool because of one, simple obvious reason: it delivers! It can easily drive quality traffic to your website, help you position yourself as a key person in your chosen industry, and increase your sales potential and online profits in no time.

Here are the latest 5 challenging steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Optimize your content. Learn how to please various search engines so they will properly index your articles. This can be done by identifying the keywords that play crucial roles in your target niche and using them all throughout your content. You must also be familiar with appropriate keyword density so you will not be tagged as a keyword abuser or spammer.

2. Your articles must be easy to understand. Don't leave your readers puzzled or wondering what you are trying to get across after they have read your articles. They must be able to understand your ideas by just reading your articles once so you will not waste their time. Avoid using offbeat acronyms or unfamiliar terms all throughout your content. Instead, stick with simple terms that are usually being used by your readers so they can easily understand your message.

3. Make each word work for you. Make sure that all the words you use in your content can help you educate your readers or make them understand your points. If any of the words do not serve this purpose, they are considered fillers and they must be removed from your articles to make them concise and direct to the point.

4. Use anchor texts on your resource box. Based on researches and various studies, people online respond better to anchor texts compare to absolute URLs because they are usually based on relevant keywords that readers can easily identify with. Take advantage of this and use up to two anchor texts on your resource box to easily increase your conversion rate.

5. Insert a powerful call to action on your resource box. Direct your readers to act on your favor by learning the art of persuasion. Do you want them to visit your website, sign-up on your email marketing list, or fill-up a survey for you? Whatever it is that you would like them to do for you, communicate it directly by using powerful words that can evoke action.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

9 (+1) Tips For Writing User-Friendly Content

The content of your website is your #1 sales tool. Pictures, tools, and other fun stuff can be important in making your site visibly and functionally appealing, but it is the content that sells. Well written and user focused content allows your visitors to "find out" more about your products and services, as well as how your company will be able to meet their needs.

Content weighs heavily both in terms of how users interact with your website as well as how visitors (both human and search spiders) are able to determine what you offer and what each page of your website is about. While solidly optimized content is important for search engine rankings, considering the usability of your content is of paramount importance for attaining good conversion rates.

Voice: The content of your website should be written in consistent voice from page to page. This voice needs to be one that is relatively consistent with your industry and resonates with your target audience.

Active words: Active words help the user engage with the content making them a participant rather than just a passive reader. The site's content should be full of active verbs that inspire visitors to take action.

Typographical errors: Website should be free of all typographical errors. Both spelling and grammatical errors can be an indicator that you lack professionalism. They must be eliminated to maintain overall trustability.

Skimmable & scannable: Visitors skim through and scan content to find what interests them before they actually read each word. As much as possible, use short paragraphs, headings, bullets and stick to a basic reading level.

Customer focus: Present your content in a way that speaks to your visitor's overall wants and needs. Focus on them, not on you or your company.

Personality needs: Content should use language that speaks to individual personalities of your visitors. Providing information that certain personalities "need" helps speak to those visitors more directly and move them through the conversion process.

Benefits vs. features: Present the benefits your visitors will receive. Don't write exclusively in terms of what your product or service does, but what benefits your visitors will get from your product or service.

Spammy text: Content should always read naturally and should never feel "stuffed" with keywords. Never hide content on the page, but us it effectively as a sales tool.

Calls to action: Each page should contain a close and one or more calls to action. Once you have effectively provided the necessary information, compel the visitor to take a desired action.

Bonus Tip:

Linking out: Whenever possible and only where relevant, link your text out to other areas of the website as they are mentioned within the body copy. Selectively link out to external sources that reinforce the information you are providing. All too often site owners want to sideline the content. They feel that pictures, tools and products are the only things that visitors want. Yes, these are an important part of the sales process, but so is the text. Properly developed text informs and persuades. It entices and encourages. It draws and drives. More than anything else, text sells.

Stoney deGeyter founded Pole Position Marketing in 1998 working from a home office and has since turned it into a leading search engine marketing business with a small team of seasoned Reno SEO and marketing experts. Stoney pioneered the concept of Destination Search Engine Marketing which is the driving philosophy on how Pole Position marketing helps their clients expand their online presence and improve online conversion rates.

Stoney is a moderator at the Small Business Ideas Forum, a regular contributor to the Search Engine Guide blog and has a monthly column on Search Engine Land. He posts his SEO and business insights at the E-Marketing Performance blog where you can also find his e-books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and Marketing your Website Online and Keyword Research and Selection: The Defin

How To Establish A Strong Marketing Strategy

As a business owner, you won't have any difficulties looking for marketing strategies to help you stay in the game. In fact, marketing strategies are a dime a dozen, and you can find them almost everywhere - in the Internet, books, reference materials, and even on cereal boxes.

The fact is, there are a lot of tips and suggestions that you can apply to your own business to help you achieve your goals. The thing you have to remember though is that the key to having an effective marketing campaign is in the implementation. When you execute successfully even if the odds are against you then you can truly say that your efforts have not been wasted.

So what is the best marketing strategy for your business? How can you develop a strong marketing plan to help you grow your business?

First of all, a marketing tactic that is focused on your customers' needs is the best plan yet. When you are able to have a campaign - say a marketing collateral that uses color printing as its method - that is based on providing a solution to your target market's needs then you would have a successful one.

Second, combine this strategy with a flexible one that can easily adapt to the changing environment, and then have the strength as well as resources to implement it then you'll definitely have the competitive edge over the rest in the industry.

In today's world, the only way you can survive in your chosen filed is to get people interested in what you have to offer. You have to have the benefits laid out for them that your target audience would be hard put to resist your products and services.

You, as the business owner, ought to consider the benefits yourself of targeting your particular customers and focusing on their needs. When you are able to satisfy their needs better than your competitors, not only do you increase your sales but most importantly, you will be able to build a stronger and lasting relationship which can get you repeat business from your target market.

Nevertheless, we have an ever changing environment, and people do change. That's why your marketing strategy also needs to be flexible to the changes occurring regularly. Your marketing strategy needs to function properly for it to be effective.

A marketing strategy that is adaptable to any change in the business climate and opportunities has the most to gain.

So how can you establish a strong marketing strategy for your business? By looking at your target market, focusing on their needs, and creating something that is flexible to the needs of the times.

Most of all, you have to set up a marketing campaign that is appropriate to your business needs too.

For more information, you can visit this page on Offset Printing.

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

3 Tickets to Internet Riches - Articles, Press Releases & MySpace

So, you want to be an Internet millionaire, huh? If so, then you need an effective marketing strategy. It doesn't matter what you are selling. There are consumer groups for all products and services online. What is important is developing a clear understanding of how to market and who to market to. If your marketing is ineffective, it won't matter who is exposed to it. If your marketing is effective, but sent to the wrong consumers, you may as well have never created it.

Here are three very effective (and inexpensive) methods for driving hot, targeted leads to your landing pages, squeeze pages and/or websites. Each can provide you with a continuous flow of traffic that is pre-sold and ready to allot you some of their hard-earned cash:

-Article writing & submission:

o Costs only time and thought

o Brands you or your product

o Establishes your expertise in a given niche

o Attracts potential consumers that already have an interest in what you are promoting

o Is very search engine friendly

Article marketing is taking off as one of the leading free traffic generation methods on thei internet today. You don't have to be an expert writer to do it. Take what you know and write it down in friendly, readable terms. Act like you're talking to a close friend. Then submit the articles you write to free submission sites and watch the traffic begin to flow. Those who visit your sites will be pre-sold and ready to purchase!

-Press Releases

o Go out to masses of journalists

o Provide relevant information for consumers via trusted mediums

o Are not perceived as advertisements by consumers

o Are unbounded in reach

You can learn how to write your own PR's or hire a writer to do so for you. Either way, submitting press releases to submission sites cannot be overlooked as an important element of your overall marketing strategy. All successful businesses - both online and off - utilize the powerful force of press releases as integral components of their marketing schemes.


o Gets tens of millions of hits every day - #1 on the planet!

o Has over 204 million registered profiles

o Gets highly-qualified prospects to your pages through principals of attraction marketing

o Adds thousands of new, opportunity-starved prospects every single day

You need to create more than a single user profile to maximize your MySpace reach. Vary them. One profile may not gain the attention of a given prospect while another one may do so well. MySpace is a literal playground for Internet Marketers. It is free and can gain you unlimited sales.

You need to utilize all three of these methods regularly in order to maximize their value to you. Be consistent and don't expect overnight miracles. With a little time and diligence, you will see an excellent increase in motivated, honed traffic. Articles, Press Releases & My Space!

Demetrios Tzortzis has coached and mentored countless individuals in online marketing strategies and tactics. Demetrios' straight forward, no BS approach is unlocking the potential for new marketers to succeed without the initial "beginners" slump.

Demetrios Tzortzis

Article Marketing - Why I Love Article Marketing

I have only been article marketing for a day or two over two months now, but I am a complete and total convert.

I was looking for a way to bring traffic to my website other than relying on the fast but expensive route of pay per click, or the free but slow method of search engine optimization. I use both of those, but when I read about article marketing it seemed to suit me perfectly.

Here's why:

  • I love writing. I have always wanted to write, ever since I used to get good grades for my work in English. Like many people in younger life, I have started many novels, but never finished one. Now, with the web, I can write to my heart's content and actually find an audience at no cost to me.

    I typically average about one to two articles per day and each one only takes me about twenty minutes. Once I have decided my topic, chosen the structure and format; putting the words and ideas together is a quick process. A few minutes more to upload the piece to an article directory and Hey Presto, I'm a published author.

  • There is always an audience on the web. If I had actually finished one of those novels I started, it is highly unlikely that I would have ever had it published. They do say that for every book published, a thousand manuscripts are rejected, maybe more.

    On the internet, I don't have to deal with publishers, editors or chain-store book buyers; I simply create a free account at an article directory and publish away to my heart's content. And my readers find me. My work appears in e-zines, search results and on relevant websites. Readers like what they read, click my links and come to my website.

  • It costs me nothing. In return for a small amount of effort and a lot of personal pleasure, my articles sail off across the vast seas of the web all on their own, telling tales of me and my interests all over the world.

    They sail into foreign ports and encourage distant people to share my experiences, knowledge and fascinations and all for free. I love every minute of it.

To find out more about how you too can benefit from your own writing and to learn more about self development you are invited, right now, to subscribe to my free newsletter at

From - Andrew Grant - Growing Your Wealth and Growing Yourself

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 5 Remarkable Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

With a lot of article marketers competing for the attention of online users, you need to devise mechanisms that can help you and your articles stand out from the rest. This is the fastest way to make yourself and your website popular in the World Wide Web that can lead to increased page views and improved sales potential.

1. Make your titles truly impacting and effective. As you know, online users choose articles to read base on their titles alone. If your headlines are lousy, you can be sure that your articles will be left unread. Don't let that happen by using attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point and descriptive of the content of your articles.

2. Provide unique content. Don't just search the web for articles to rewrite. Strive to give your readers information that cannot be found elsewhere. This is one of the most effective ways to brand yourself as a great source of information online.

3. Be consistent. Avoid presenting conflicting ideas on your articles to prevent confusing your readers. Take a firm stand about the issue you write about and stick to it.

4. Check your facts. In distributing information, it is very important that your content is accurate and well-founded to avoid misleading your readers. Back up your claims, especially those which are relatively new, with studies, researches, statistics, and other reputable resources.

5. Make your articles search-engine friendly. You must be familiar with keyword usage and appropriate keyword density. You must also know how to use Latent Semantic Indexing that can help you figure out other related keywords that you can use to better rank on search engines.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - A Brief Scenario

To begin with, Article Marketing has increasingly assumed a lot of importance as an effective and indispensable SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Seasoned Search Engine Optimizers are recommending as well as practicing this strategy extensively in order to promote the business interests of their clients. And they are not doing it as a matter of beating the line. They are actually creatively promoting their client's website, bringing in potential business and consequent optimized turnover.

Seriously speaking, the web marketers face a dare devil job of promoting a website out of a flood of other websites promoting identical products and services. The direct fall out of anonymity of a website is the flat defeat of its purpose, which is to make profit. The web presence of any website is largely determined by how the website fares in the SERPs (Search Engine Rank Pages) at Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines. The fact or rather the objective, in turn, emphasizes on quantity of quality inbound links to the website in question. And Article Marketing presents itself as a competent answer.

In Article Marketing, a website submits informative articles that revolve around the basic subject or business of the website. The articles contain a resource box which contains a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As the websites to which the articles are submitted, are basically established forums, blogs and e-magazines, they have their own faithful following of readers. Further, Google and other search engines search out these web articles for their informational value and closely matching keywords. These articles hit many birds in the bush with a single stone.

Article Marketing helps build up brand equity for the website, which is a domino effect of link popularity and high esteem enjoyed by the website as an expert. The articles serve as confidence building measures that reinforce the creditability and utility of the website in the minds of its customers and prospects. With strengthened publicity, the website gradually becomes a name to reckon with in the business sphere.

What's more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is write quality articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. Some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums/ blogs/ e-zines.

Article Marketing also saves the website from some major ordeals that are otherwise required by regular sales and marketing strategies. No website enjoys making cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. Article marketing comfortably rescues the websites from indulging into these hard-to-do marketing stunts, as well as, saves financial resources in the process.

As the option of article marketing is open to all, the quality of articles finally dictates the value of the articles and the magnitude of exposure. So, it is important to pay attention to the quality of content submitted through these articles. With consistency in quality of content, the website is able to establish itself as an expert author. This in itself translates the website getting maximum readers and that too instantly upon posting. Moreover, the overall reputation as an expert author adds prestige to the website's articles when they are submitted to various blogs, forums and ezines.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it Articles Marketing Directory & - Affiliate Programs Directory

Fast Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Priceless Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you are not getting your desired result in using article marketing as your website and product promotional tool, you will need to energize your techniques to advance in this field. Here's how:

1. To increase your clickthrough rates, you have to use attention-grabbing titles that can easily move online users to open and read your articles. Here are some of the characteristics of a great title: It must be striking, short, direct to the point, and has the ability to answer the question of online users: "what's in it for me?"

2. To improve your conversation rate, you will need to create articles that are content-rich, useful, and relevant to the needs of your target market. When you are able to help your readers, they are most likely to check on your website to get more information from you.

3. It would also help you to increase your conversation rate if you can make your resource box compelling and powerful. So, don't just leave your website's URL there and include your name, your expertise, your desire to help, some of your credentials, and the benefits that your readers can get once they visit your website.

4. Write more. You can easily augment your traffic by multiplying the number of your submissions. As you know, the more articles you submit, the more quality inbound links you will generate for your website. So, strive to write at least 70 articles per week to boost your page ranking and drive more traffic to your website.

5. Submit only to leading publishing sites. Most marketers are submitting their articles to all article submission sites in the internet including those which are not indexed by Google and don't have steady traffic. If you want to give your articles the exposure they need without wasting your precious time, submit only to those which have impressive page ranking and huge traffic.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

If you want to advance in article marketing, you need to be more aggressive in publishing your article online. Don't be contented with article submission sites. To create more inbound links for your website, you can also post your articles to your blog, websites, forums, or compile them to create an ebook.

Looking for other secrets to advance with article marketing? Read on!

1. Make use of killer titles. Articles with boring titles seldom create interest online because people automatically think that if your titles are not good enough, your articles are not worth reading so why should they bother and check out your content? Avoid this from happening by making your titles striking and attention-grabbing. It would also help to incorporate keywords on your headlines to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Inform before your advertise. Impart some of your knowledge that you think will be valuable and useful to your readers. Make sure that the information you include in your content can help you establish your expertise on your chosen niche. When you are able to educate or help people, it would be easier to convince them to visit your website and join your newsletters.

3. Use compelling resource box. To increase your conversation rate, you have to make your resource box attention-grabbing and enticing. Communicate your expertise, the problems that you solve and your desire to help. Don't forget to include your website's URL and the reasons why readers should click on it.

4. Make your articles scannable. When people open an article that's made up of lengthy paragraphs and barely contain page breaks, they are most likely to close it and move to other articles that are easy on the eyes. Online users prefer articles that are easily to skim through so they can quickly find specific information that they need. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list when appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Submission Software Skyrocket Sales!

Article submission software has to be the best tool ever created for article marketing. If you have been an article marketer for half your life, you would probably know the ills of article submission. Not only that, you also do understand fully how effective marketing with articles is. Let us start counting the ills of manual article submission and see if we are better off combining article marketing with article submission software.

Why is manual article submission so frustrating and painful?

Flash back a few years ago, article submission software was not in existent. Manual article submission to article directories or article submission websites was the only way. In fact, it does lots of good for our websites by bringing in targeted visitors who eventually either buy our products or subscribe for our services. You see, submitting free articles to free article directories are simple if we do so for one or two websites. But the problem is it is a real dread to submit to dozens or hundreds of article submission websites. And even every street dog knows that you have to submit to as many of them as possible in order to gain the most exposure. Thats the trouble.

No.1 Article Submission Headache Submitting Articles to Hundreds of Websites

I have done this before numerous times. Sat still in my seat in the morning and submit to 100 over websites each time I write an article. By the time I finished, the sun had set and my bum was sore.

No.2 Article Submission Headache Formatting Articles for Submission

I wish all article directories use the same article format. Each article directory tries to be unique. And I mean there is nothing wrong with that. But poor article marketers like me have to format my article, resize them, remove html, add html, change the number of links, copy and paste and reorder text for each different article submission website. Sometimes we really feel like article formatting robots.

No.3 Article Submission Headache Boring Monotony

Time is precious and we all prefer to do something more challenging rather than to face the computer the whole day doing data entry. Submitting articles by hand is one of the most boring tasks ever for the life of an internet marketer or webmaster. Find me an article marketer who enjoys submitting articles manually without the help of article submission software and you would have struck gold!

Fortunately, some smart software engineers came up with powerful article submission software to rescue us. These software totally changed and revolutionized the way articles are marketed. Firstly, submitting articles to hundreds of websites can be done in a fraction of time. Some article submission software also have built-in features that modify your articles into the correct article format before submitting to each individual article directory. And the most beautiful part is all these can be done while you are sipping a cup of hot coffee and watching your favorite TV show.

This sounds incredible but it is truly happening today. Many internet marketers and webmasters like us are using powerful article submission software to drive endless streams of traffic and injecting more sales each day.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about effective article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

How To Market Real Estate Investing Articles

I run a network of about 50 real estate related blogs and do a good deal of promoting those blogs by writing real estate investing articles. In this article I will be teaching you the steps I take to market my real estate investing articles once I have written them to get some exposure for my blogs, actual real estate deals and real estate courses.

First, I usually publish the article that I wrote on the Learn To Be Rich blog. That is my starting point for just about every real estate investing article that I write.

Second, I immediately copy and paste the article into the publisher on Why did I select First, I like their interface, but more importantly if you go and check Alexa's traffic reports you can see that their are the best in their category for traffic and reach.

Next, I take the article that I wrote and I add a link directly to it in my sequential auto responder series that my subscribers get. Since new subscribers come on to my e-mail list at all different times, what I usually do is make sure that I have plenty of scheduled e-mails to send to them over time and I use links to these articles to give them something of value in the e-mails. Since the articles I publish on my blog usually drop of the first few pages of the website in a day or two, having direct links deep into the site on these sequential auto-responder e-mails helps to keep those articles fresh and directs traffic to them.

Next, I make an announcement post on the other 50 or so blogs that I run that tell those blog visitors (which are mostly city specific blogs) that there is a great new article about real estate investing on my main blog. People reading that blog and its city specific content then can also get the more general real estate investing information that I write about in articles.

Finally, I see if I can add a link to the article in our deal analysis software that generates a fully detailed real estate deal analysis blog entry for real world real estate deals that we analyze on If I can add some variety to the blog post generator with a sentence referencing the article, I will add the article to the mix as well.

So, that is how I market my real estate investing articles to promote our blogs, actual real estate deals and real estate courses.

James Orr is a professional real estate investor, marketing expert and founder of the on-line investment game.

You can get a free real estate course and fully analyzed real estate deals and his blog by e-mailing him at or visit the Learn To Be Rich Blog for more great articles and information.

Tips To Make Text Link Ads Pay Off

Some web publishers are perfectly thrilled to gain a little cash for their work. Others, however, really want to boost their profits. Should you be in the latter group, you're most certainly not on your own. One of the many ways to make this happen includes using Text Link Ads on a blog or website. This is a fantastic way to go, but some effort needs to be in the mix to make this option pay out well.

The Text Link Ads company is a well-known one that offers publishers and advertisers a place to meet to buy and sell ads. The TLA affiliate program is one that can pay out extremely well for those who can make it work. Publishers who sign up for the program get $25 for each successful referral they make to other advertisers or publishers. If you're the publisher, you get paid the $25 when another publisher signs up and puts ad scripts up for at least a week. The program also rewards referring publishers when a new advertiser buys a link. Payments from TLA are steady. They come once a month in the mail or through PayPal.

While this sounds really easy, and it can be, the reality is publishers often have to work the program to their advantage to see real rewards. The trick involves the strategy that's used to get your visitors to click through and sign up. Sending readers to TLA isn't enough. They actually have to use the site's services for you to earn any money.

A popular way to increase click through rates and earning potential is to ensure TLA ads have good placement on your site. Making sure these ads are visible is vital. It's also not a bad idea to include a second link with your referral information on the same page as the box ad. Duplication is not a bad thing in this case.

Better ad placement is, of course, important, but there are other steps that can be taken to increase earning chances. Targeting the right visitors for conversions can also be important. Since publishers must sign up, gain approval and then run the ad script for the set number of day, they very likely should not be your focus. Target the advertisers instead.

There are a host of things you can do to increase the actual commissions. They fall into three major categories: ad placement, overcoming the "invisible" banner and self-promotion.

If the TLA affiliate program is going to be successful, people have to see the ads. There are some great ideas to help make them stand out. They include including TLA text links or even banners following each blog post or website article, making sure ads appear in the top of the page, making sure the ads are linked in the site's "links" section and rotating ads. It can also help to have friends, family members, co-workers and acquaintances review ad placement and give their input on what catches their eyes. Creating special TLA landing pages can be rather helpful, too.

Compensating for web surfers' noted ad blindness is another issue that will need to be overcome. Some site owners create personalized banners that include statements about earning potentials and not the direct TLA information. These ads link to TLA's pages directly or to an onsite presell page instead. Adding a recommendations page with TLA's information and other affiliate programs can be useful, as well.

Promoting your TLA affiliation program can also be rather beneficial. Ways to do this include buying forum signatures with the link included, leveraging Adwords to send people to your presell page, buying blot posts that direct people to the presell page and even sponsoring eZines and other similar publications with the affiliate link included.

Promotions alone can drive in traffic, but other steps might be necessary to increase conversion rates. Some of the better ideas here include running contests for those who sign up for TLA using your affiliate links, giving some form of cash back for each person who signs up or even providing free advertising via links on your site. The ideas here are many. Creativity can really pay off.

The TLA affiliate program can be a rather lucrative one if it's worked correctly. Taking the time to tweak your site, promote your affiliation and entice readers to act can really help.

Jeff Alderson is a Florida based software developer. He is an expert on search engine marketing. To boost profits, Jeff recommends using a keyword analyzer to find targeted keywords

2 Free Email Marketing Secrets That Will Drive Traffic to Your Site

At a conference I recently attended, I met many people and collected many business cards. As I perused the cards and spoke with the participants, it became glaringly obvious to me that many in this group:

a. did not understand the power of an email address

b. failed to promote themselves in their routine email correspondence via an email signature file

These two free email marketing strategies are at the fingertips of most business owners, yet many fail to take advantage of either. Here's how you can make the most of these two free strategies:

1. Use an email address containing your domain name. Don't give AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, Earthlink, GMail, etc. any more free publicity by giving others your email address from one of those services in business settings. Create and use an email address at your business domain name and post that on all of your marketing materials and use that in all of your email correspondence. Many times the only two pieces of information I have about a person are a name and email address. I'm just nosy enough to go and check out the website listed in the domain name just to find out a bit more about what the person offers or does for a living. It becomes much more difficult to determine if I want to do business with someone or get to know that person better if all I have is an AOL or Verizon email address, however.

Why do smart business owners with a website and a domain name fail to use the corresponding email address on a day-to-day basis? Primarily because they don't know how to set it up.

In order to use your domain name's email, you'll need to use an email client, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, or Thunderbird to send and receive email. You'll also need to log into your webhosting controls for your website hosting account and set up a POP3 email account. Once you have logged in, set up an address, like info@ or yourname@, as well as a password. Your host will also provide you with the incoming and outgoing mail server info. The incoming mail server info will usually be something like and the outgoing mail server will usually be something like If you have difficulty with the setup of your domain name email address, most hosting companies will provide assistance with setting up this email account in the most commonly used email clients or will provide a tutorial on their site.

2. Use an email signature file. Every email program offers the ability to format what's known as a signature file, or a short block of text that is appended to an email that gives the recipient some information about the sender. This is a powerful marketing tool that can be used free of charge and with absolutely no effort, once it is set up correctly. At a minimum, your email signature should contain your name, title, phone number, and website. The effective email signature files contain a compelling offer to drive someone to your website. For example, you might note your free giveaway in your signature file, or invite someone to sign up for your newsletter, or let a recipient know that you have a blog. Most online business owners create multiple email signature files and use different ones depending on the nature of the audience or person with whom they are corresponding. For marketing via online discussion lists and forums, you may need to create a shortened version of your signature file, as many online networking groups restrict email signature files to 3-5 lines of text.

Just like with your business email address, you'll need to use one of the email clients mentioned above in order to set up and use your email signature files. Here are some resources to help you create your signature file in various email clients:

Outlook Express:




Using an email address that contains your domain name and appending an email signature to all of your email correspondence are two free, easy and effortless ways to promote yourself, your website, and your products or services. Once both are set up in your email client, you can use them daily to market yourself without even thinking about it!

Copyright (c) 2007 Donna Gunter

Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Online Business Coach Donna Gunter helps independent service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To claim your FREE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at . Ask Donna an Internet Marketing question at .

Niche Marketing Explained - Understanding All About Niche Marketing

What exactly is niche marketing?

Niche marketing is marketing to a select group of potential customers inside a much larger customer base. This is often done because there is a need that is not being addressed by providers who target the larger customer base. In other words, there is a demand for something that isn't being supplied. If you can satisfy that demand, you have a potential market waiting to pay you for what you can offer them.

The Internet Marketing niche has many sub-niches

For example, inside the target market of Internet marketing, there are many niches, including search engine marketing, PPC marketing, Google AdWords, article marketing, bum marketing, and more. Those who write eBooks on just Internet marketing don't directly address these niches.

You could further refine those to include even more specific niche markets. For example, you could fill the niche market of PPC marketers who just use Google AdWords or just use Yahoo Search Marketing, etc.

As these niche markets have grown, so have their desire for information and resources that they can directly use for their businesses, which are not satisfied by those who just target the large Internet marketing market. Those businesses that primarily focus on article marketing are not going to be very interested in PPC marketing, just like those who primarily use Google AdWords are not going to be very interested in article marketing.

That's why there are marketers who market directly to niches - they can better satisfy what those niche customers are asking for because those niche marketers directly address the problems facing the niche target markets.

The over saturation of a niche

Niche marketing has become one of the primary ways to market over the last few years because many are starting to realize that Internet marketing is becoming over saturated with Internet marketers and their products. This makes it much harder to earn profit from the large Internet marketing market. Those who are new to the Internet marketing world will have an even harder time breaking through into the Internet marketing market because there are many established Internet marketers who have very loyal customer bases that trust those specific marketers and their products.

New Internet marketers can better compete or even dominate a niche because there is little to no competition in that niche. The more you can target a specific niche, the better the chance you will have of carving out a profitable piece of that niche and/or even becoming the main provider to that niche. This is how new Internet marketers especially can make it big online.

Niches can be discovered in just about every market

Many Internet marketers make nice sums of income online by targeting different niches, some not even related to each other. They'll do the necessary research to determine whether a profitable niche market exists for a product/service they can supply, select a domain name, build a website, and start marketing it to the niche target market.

However, niches don't have to deal directly with marketing. Niches can be carved out of almost any possible market, whether it would be dogs, cats, plants, electronics, writing, cars, etc.

For instance, talking about electronics, you can have niches that involve computers, stereo systems, televisions, MP3 players, DVD players, etc. Furthermore, you can narrow those niches down even further; for computers, you could have desktops and laptops. You could break those down even further - with laptops, for instance, you could have whether they utilize Centrino technology or not, as well as what computer brand they use and what processor powers them.

You can also limit niches to other factors involving the target market, such as age, occupation, income, place of residence, etc.

For instance, you can target teenagers who want MP3 players. You can make your offer more appealing to that market by including free music downloads of the most popular young artists today when they purchase the MP3 player from you.

Research your way to discover new niches

As you can see, virtually any market can be broken down into smaller markets, or niches, by way of the product, the target market, or both. The key is to finding out what needs are not being satisfied by companies and websites that are already out there and then providing a valuable offer that that niche target market will be eager to purchase. With an almost unlimited number of niche markets, and more appearing every day, niche marketing will likely not become saturated anytime soon.

Sonja Davis provides valuable resources to HOT Tips, Tools and Information to help your Internet Marketing business prosper. For more information on these topics please go to Sonja's Blog

Subscribe to my newsletter for valuable information along with weekly gifts to help you with your marketing needs. For more information on these topics please go to Sonja's Newsletter

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Persuasive Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can excel in the article marketing so you can strengthen your online presence and build more traffic for your website? In this article, I will share with you the 6 persuasive ways that can help you do just that.

1. Set your own deadline. This will make you more productive and will force you to eliminate procrastination in you system. Remember, one of your goals in internet marketing is to produce numerous articles so you can get more inbound links.

2. Organize your ideas before writing. It is important that you create an outline before you tap on your key board. This will help you make your articles more focused, coherent and targeted. Besides, thinking where your content is headed while you're writing your articles can be deadly to your momentum.

3. Pick topics that you are an expert on. This will eliminate the need for extensive research that can take so much of your writing time. Also, you need to build your online credibility so writing what you know can help you communicate your knowledge to your readers so they will believe and trust you.

4. Stick with "10 tips" or "how to" articles. Based on researches, these are the two writing formats that are making waves in the World Wide Web. They are easier and quicker to write and people absolutely love them.

5. Optimize your content. All your efforts will go down the drain if your articles are rather difficult to find online. Don't let that happen and make each of your articles keyword-rich. Identify the mostly searched keywords on your chosen niche and incorporate them on your content.

6. Less is more. Keep your articles concise, direct to the point, and free from fillers. Offer your information upfront and never beat around the bush so you can effectively hold the attention of your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

6 Simple Ways Writing Articles Will Improve Your Link Popularity

Article writing and distribution creates free one way incoming links back to your web site. Link building in this manner increases your web sites exposure, visitors and you overall search engine rankings. By using the following techniques you can dramatically improve your web site traffic in a very short period of time.

1. Create Viral Content For Your Web Site - Add your own resource box/byline to your articles and post them on your web site. You could allow your visitors to publish the articles on their web site if they also include your resource box and keep your hyperlink active. This will spread your link around the internet like a virus and increase your link popularity fast.

2. Submit your articles to free content web sites for other webmasters to reprint for publishing. When you include your resource box at the end of the article with your website URL you will not only get free advertising but you will get a link back to your site. This will increase your link popularity and cause your site to rank higher in the search engines.

3. Combine your articles into a free e-book. You can place your business ad and hyperlinks back to your site in the e-book. E-book creating software is inexpensive and easy to use. By giving your e-book away to visitors and allowing them to link to your site to give it away to their visitors will multiply your web site traffic, exposure and link popularity.

4. Create an article directory on your web site. People will visit your web site to get the free information. By allowing them to reprint your articles with the stipulation that they keep the resource box and hyperlink active you will increase your link popularity. Also allow your visitors to place a link on their web site that links back to your article directory. By providing your free instant article directory to their visitors you will increase your web sites exposure and receive a percentage of their visitors as well.

5. Offer other web sites, that are relevant to your own, free content articles about your area of expertise to post on their web site. Include your link on all of your content. Your article should be related to your web site because it will bring you visitors that are interested in your product or service.

6. Use an article distribution service that distributes articles to thousands of web sites, newsletters and ezines at one time. Your article will be published on dozens of web sites almost immediately. I used this technique with an article distribution service called and got literally thousands of links from only four articles. Distribute your articles several times and you will increase your exposure. Change your articles title and redistribute it several times more to maximize your articles potential.

As you can clearly see, writing and distributing articles can have a profound affect on your web sites exposure. There is absolutely no better or faster way to increase your web sites exposure, link popularity and search engine rankings.

Copyright 2007 New Hampshire Concrete Cutting, All Rights Reserved.

Affordable Concrete Cutting provides concrete cutting, sawing, breaking, core drilling and has offices in both Massachusetts>Andover MA Concrete Cutting and in New Hampshire>Plaistow NH Concrete Cutting We specialize in cutting doorways and windows in concrete foundations.

Building An Authority Resource

Content is king in Authority Sites, they have more pages of quality content and more links to reference information. Content should be topic relevant, original and definitely up-to-date. Your goal is to make the website such a high quality destination for the niche that other sites will refer to it vial links to the content pages.

Lets get right to it. If your intent is to build an Authority site it is vital that your knowledge of the niche you intend to cover is broad and well researched. You need to know the market conditions and the readers you are targeting so you can have a full understanding of the content you need to provide your visitors. You should be in contact with other quality sites within your niche for networking opportunities.

Here are the steps to making an Authority Resource.

Research your Niche or Product. You need to know everything about what you are selling or the topic your site will be addressing. So get all the data you can on it. This research will give you content for your website. Arrange the information in a concise and easy to follow format. The more you know about what you are providing will make it easier to write good content.

You know about your niche so now Research the Market. Most large corporations that conduct market research will hire researchers for the task. It takes a systematic approach to a large quantity of statistics and market knowledge. You need to identify and know your competition along with the current market situation within the industry. Use this information to customize the content of your website. Use your knowledge of the market to set goals for yourself and your research will give you valuable links to off site content you can link to as resources from yours.

Now get to Know your Visitors. Identify the readers within your market that you intend to target. Knowing your visitors will allow you to use your knowledge to shape the content to your targeted traffic. To attract and keep the audience you want trafficking your site, you will need to give them valuable content to keep them returning.

Next use your knowledge of the niche and the demographics of the targeted traffic to Plan your Authority Resource. This is absolutely the most vital of all steps. During planning keep your keyword and link strategies in mind. Consider adding link baiting ideas you may have from networking with other webmasters in the niche. Blogs are a nice addition since it makes the addition of fresh content easier. Visitors should feel at ease on your site and tempted to come back for more.

In the Design and Development phase is when your project starts to come together. This is where you find web hosting, register domain names and design the final product to be uploaded to the server. The look and design of your website should help to define who you are to the web community.

So you have the knowledge, your Authority Resource has been researched, planned, designed and uploaded. Now what? Now you need to let everyone know about it and that means a Marketing Plan.

A thorough online Marketing Plan will involve Search Engine Optimization with a comprehensive link building campaign, online marketing on websites within the same nice or via pay per click advertising. Keep your website current with content and software updates and track your traffic statistics to make marketing adjustments as needed.

Following these steps will get you on the path to making a real Authority Resource your visitors will value. Think about them as you are planning your website. Do you want your website to be just another of the millions out there or do you want to provide an Authority Resource that is truly unique?

Visit the Authority Web Directory to increase your websites online marketing presence.