Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Sales and marketing go together. Without one, there is no need for the other. Unfortunately, many business people have not figured out the formula for success. To realize true profit, the target consumer must be identified, successful marketing strategies implemented, and salesmanship exercised.

So, who is your target consumer? Who is most likely to purchase your product or service? For example, toy companies obviously target children. Why would they want to target the kids, when the parents are usually the ones who actually spend the money?

Think about when toy advertisements are most prevalent. Right before major holidays and during peak times of cartoon viewing, you kids and mine are inundated with commercials of the latest toys. The child actors are always having an absolutely marvelous time with the amazingly wonderful latest toy craze. Children are sold! Then, the kids sell Mum and Dad. Targeting an audience of eager young children has been a successful campaign for toy manufacturers.

If you have a specific product or service in mind, you probably already have a good idea of your target consumer; now you have to implement marketing strategies. Unfortunately, this step is where many entrepreneurs make a potentially fatal mistake. They assume advertising is the strategy. Not quite!

For instance, if you want to sell a line of ladies perfumes, you are probably not going to advertise in an auto mechanic magazine. Common sense will tell you that if you are looking for car parts, you are not going to be looking for the next fabulous fragrance.

However, even the best advertising methods do not always work. But, instead of checking the statistics, after a marketing strategy has been implemented, businesspeople often keep pouring good money after bad, because advertising is simply necessary. No one stops to check if another strategy would be more effective. In fact, many individuals invest all their hard earned money, before even determining if consumers will be interested in the product or service at all.

In short, you have to test and retest the market and the best marketing strategies. It is not something you get right and then ignore. You keep at the process. Dump what does not work, enhance or improve what does seem to be working, and then concentrate on your sales.

Without marketing, you will have no significant sales, other than those made by happenstance. However, even with the best marketing strategies, you will not realize true profit, without good salesmanship. For example, if you come across a crabby salesperson, or try to get information from someone who does not really know the product; are you likely to return to that establishment in the future?

At the end of the day, when you check your bottom line, it essentially comes down to whether you believe in the product or service you are selling. If you are excited, the consumer will be more likely to get excited and spend money. Your attitude and exuberance will be contagious. Plus, the customer will remember the experience and seek you out for future needs.

So, if you want to be a successful businessperson, remember a simple equation: marketing + sales = profits. One without the other and your venture will be missing an essential component. Realize your dreams by determining your target consumer, if any; practice various marketing strategies and test for success; and believe in what you are selling. If you make the effort and believe in your product or service, they will come!

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International - http://www.dti.eu.com helps corporate and SMEs to grow their businesses with tried tested and proven techniques and strategies, increasing their bottom line profits in 90 days or less. Pick up a FREE copy of "The 7 Big Mistakes" report when you visit the site and request a FREE 45 minute consultation.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search engine positioning is imperative for gaining online visibility, credibility and website traffic. Call it common sense, ego gratification or simply human nature for individuals, businesses, or bloggers alike to aspire to carve their name into the #1 spot in the SERPs (search engine result pages) and firmly establish bragging rights in Google, Yahoo, MSN and countless secondary search engines.

Aside from the traffic and exposure, there is nothing quite like that top 10 feeling, even more so, if you're feeling lucky and play your cards right, you may in fact lay claim to multiple high ranking positions with tremendous daily search volume as a result of these website positioning tactics.

The sad truth about this is, working hard to achieve a competitive term can be short lived as you may celebrate your top 10 victory before going to sleep, only to wake and find your site punted to a less than satisfactory 12 positions into the nether regions of the 2nd page. Just be prepared, if you aren't defending your keep, all is fair in love and war, and as you know, the competition never sleeps.

Being at the top of the food chain has its advantages, whereas in this instance its the top of the organic listings in Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Ask, MSN and the other top tier search engines that is the prize sought by millions of proud online participants. The advantages are obvious, so without digressing into the reasons why it is important to be in the top 10 organic search results, lets take a brief look at the two types of search engine positioning that can either be (a) the greatest sense of elation you have ever felt in your adult life or (b) the reason why you lose sleep at night thinking about all the traffic you missed, from one slip off the rung.

The Two Types of Search Engine Optimization

In essence there are only two types of optimization, intentional optimization (the words and key phrases you aspire to attain) and the unintentional key phrases (otherwise known as long-tail) optimization. The first typically occurs through meticulous keyword research, building backlinks, link hunting (browsing through your competitors links and looking for patterns, similarities, tactics, etc.) as well as employing various website promotion strategies to catapult your site into the top 10.

The other type of optimization comes through semantic relationships of the keywords your pages are optimized for (or your competitors) triggering responses from search queries and giving the one with the most relevance (or backlinks with the keyword in question in the anchor text) the vote of higher search engine positioning.

One example of intentional optimization are when companies strategically purchase or use a URL with the keywords in the name. Although this is slightly off topic, it deserves a sentence or two to at least bring the tactic to light.

For the sake of elaboration, a website with a keyword in the URL typically has precedence over sites that do not have those keywords in the name (title or description). For this reason strategically it makes sense that if you wanted to rank for a term from the start, then you may wish to consider purchasing a domain with the keywords in the title. Owning the URL and not hosting your site there (just pointing at your current domain through domain forwarding) is not as effective as actually hosting your old site there and performing a 301 redirect at a new keyword-rich URL to give the new address a dose of link love and juice from your previous link building efforts. This is only one of many types of intentional optimization utilized for website positioning.

Another example of intentional optimization is through the use of deep links to give your internal pages more ranking potential from using the key phrases that comprise those internal pages as the anchor text (the text used in the link) for link building when you are developing backlinks from related or authority websites. This of course is nothing new, and when applicable you can control what is in the link instead of click here, depending on the website, if it's a directory, a press release or article. The ideal method of course is writing an article and using the author's resource box to add your leading keyword as a hyperlink to you site or in the instance that it's a blog post, you ultimately get to control the hyper link, the page it points to and the text used to link. For this reason, blogs are the hands down best choice for building links using a platform like word press which by default works wonderfully for optimization purposes if employed correctly.

In any case, this revolves around intentional optimization. The icing on the cake comes later when you realize that if you optimize enough terms that are less competitive, your site begins to move up the tail (the rungs of associated keyword combinations) so to speak and starts to rank for terms with higher relevance and traffic over time as the process gestates.

As a result, it is not uncommon to begin toppling associated key phrases, based on the strength of your content and optimization method. In laymans terms, if you are targeting a category for search engine positioning, the logical thing to do is use "exact match phrases" in the description and body copy when applicable. This creates an association with your site when those same queries are searched for online, much like a signal flare calling in the search and rescue team.

The glue between on page optimization and off page optimization is the volume and quality of the backlinks your pages receive from other websites. Controlling how your website is linked to can mean the difference between you ranking for "click here to visit" or "your main keywords", so if the links pointing at your pages happen to have those same "exact match phrases" your pages are geared toward, then guess who is going to rank higher (at least in some search engines, mainly Google based on personal experience) which is great, for intentional search engine positioning.

Another by-product is, since you know that this process is the underlying basis of ranking higher in search engines (at least for the time being, until other methods are in place to determine relevance). Then choosing the right words for link building are far more important than just making an assumption and using any old text for link development.

As an example, according to word tracker (a keyword research tool), the term search engine optimization for example has a daily search volume of 14,329 per day (which is an extremely high search volume). However if you add one word to it like search engine optimization company or search engine optimization services for example the daily search volume is 323 a day and 292 a day respectively, quite a decrease from the root phrase.

In addition to that, the competition for those terms is also proportionately less than the root phrase. So say for example that you wanted to get a piece of the action and optimize that keyword for your website, the last place you would want to start is at the top of the food chain. Its almost like a newborn hatchling trying to take on the king of the jungle, at very best its amusing and typically results in a frustrating exercise in optimization.

However, on the other hand, if you start at the bottom of the chain and work your way up, chances are you will amass numerous top 10 positions, grow your traffic organically within the realm of that keyword and unintentionally optimize several keyword combinations as a result of covering the pivotal terms (through exact match, anchor text link building) which would later be used in unison during long-tail or more specific queries from prospects performing searches.

So, ideally one should always try to start small and work your way up the chain but also try not to overuse the secondary lesser terms too much otherwise you may only be able to rank for them specifically in that exact order. One remedy is (a) use the root phrase in the descriptions and on page (b) build links with the secondary terms to cover your bases. This becomes apparent later if you try to optimize the less popular terms first and then attempt to go for the main meat and potatoes which is in my opinion more difficult.

By keeping your descriptions and titles lofty with the supreme goal in mind, when you do hit the appropriate digital density to topple the equation in your favor, your pages are already-ready-already as you grow your site into those proverbial key phrases / shoes.

So, remember, dont think like a hatchling, trying to take on a lion at this point is futile, grow your keyword list and strategically acquire rankings (one key phrase at a time) and eventually you will attain the top ranking keywords in your niche.

In the meantime, aside from discouraging others trying to figure out just how you climbed that ladder, your job is to stay ahead of the pack and keep abreast of the next emerging high search volume keywords that can rank all the way to the bank. Catch the wave in time, and you can ride it all the way to the shore and have just enough time to capitalize on it before it spirals down the chain.

Jeffrey L. Smith is an seasoned search engine optimization strategist and founder of Seo Design Solutions Seo Web Design Company in Chicago. Jeffrey has been involved in developing Internet Marketing Solutions since 1995 and brings unique optimization methods and search engine strategies for businesses seeking organic search engine positioning.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a technique thats been used over the internet for the past few years. Its a very simple technique where you simply write articles to promote your website and submit it to article directories. This is very easy to do, and can gain a huge amount of exposure for whatever it is your promoting.

Then Bum Marketing came along. Its basically article marketing with a punch. You basically optimize the articles that youre writing for a certain long tail keyword. So if you were writing an article about weight loss for example, you might optimize your page the phrase how to lose weight quickly, using the phrase as the title and a few throughout the article.

This would enable you to get your article listed in the search engines as theres a lot less competition for the keyword how to lose weight quickly than there is for weight loss. Used in the right way this can be a very powerful technique.

Today, Bum and Article marketing has become a very popular way to promote products. Affiliates can set up a small page pre-selling the product their promoting, then write articles based around the niche using the bum marketing method. At the end of the article the affiliate can put a small Authors bio that would point to there pre-sales page.

This method has recently been upgraded again. New techniques have pushed Bum marketing methods into overdrive, making it a very easy way to make cash online.

Lewis Waller is an internet marketer from the UK. To find more information on his completely free course Simple Cash Systems which shows you step by step how to make money online without spending any of your own go to http://www.wallerdigital.co.uk

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

How can you fail at article marketing? The process is very simple actually. You have probably even heard of them by now. You probably even live by these failing formulas! They seem logical, but really, they don't work. What are these simple failing formulas?

The article marketing failing formulas

  • You should republish your articles for greater publicity. I don't know if you know this or not, but search engines do not index duplicated content. Well they do, but your duplicate content must get more inbound links than the original or other duplicates. Why should you duplicate content if it just means more work, for an article that might not even get more than 10 views? It's not worth doing, and it's not going to make your article marketing journey skyrocket.
  • Create tons of articles, it doesn't matter if they suck. This is completely false. All of your articles should be written well and it should have valuable content. If you think that your going to make it in article marketing by publishing articles that give the reader absolutely no information, you are sadly mistaken. It's true and there is no thought around it. Your articles should contain valuable information and it should be enjoyable to read. Article quality is very important to article marketing.
  • Only publish 1-10 articles. This is not a good tactic in this marketing strategy. The fewer articles that you make, the more likely your articles are not going to be viewed. Just writing 10 articles isn't going to get you the page ranking you deserve. It can, but it's very rare. It really is! You should be writing articles regularly, the more you write, the more publicity you're going to get!
  • Your title doesn't matter. This is my favorite failing formula. Your articles title is important. It needs to be able to attract your readers attention. Your articles title is what makes the reader decide to click on your link when there are other links out there. Your article title matters!

These are simple failing fomulas that you might be going by, so just sit down for a bit, and think about how you write your articles. If you use any of these formulas, you might find yourself in the fast track to article marketing failure!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

So you are ready to start (or enhance) your online business. Running a business on the web is no different than running it offline. Once you have an idea in mind, determine your business model, write your business plan and establish your:

* Goals and Objectives

* Services and products

* Unique selling proposition

* Expected ROI and how to achieve it

* Branding

* Marketing and promotional efforts

* Competition

* Budget

Now you are ready to try this online. Before you hire a web developer you need to define the purpose of your website. Start with the selection of a domain name that represents your product and services. A URL address is where your business branding starts. Your name will be your identity and how you will be known in the web world.

Your next task is to determine keywords for your site. This is your first form of online advertising. Keywords can determine what your products are and even where your business is geographically located and of course, how you will be searched.

Next you are ready to build the site. It is essential that your site is optimized for the search engines. Choose a webmaster that understands the main components of search engine optimization and direct response web development. Your objective should be to make your website organically searchable (rankings on the free side of Google) and designed to increase your conversion rate by having visitors take action.

Your site should be attractive to viewers and it should also offer incentives and take-a-ways to keep them on your pages or to guide them to your conversion pages. Always keep your branding in mind. Visitors can return to your site up to six times before they make a decision so you want them to remember your identity, your unique features and benefits and ways to bookmark or download a free report to keep your branding on their desktop.

A certain amount of your hits must have a desired outcome. Whether it's to buy a product, fill out a form, or perform any other desired action (click on an advertisement or stay on the site for a specified period of time). Increased conversion rates turn more visitors into customers. And if the site is designed correctly, instead of leaving your site, visitors will stay and find the information they want. And of course you want more return business. Draw your customers back to your site with newsletters, special offers, and other campaigns that will dramatically increase your back end sales.

Once the site is built or rebuilt (if an existing site is not working up to expectations) and optimized for search engines, the next critical step is Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The purpose of SEM is to create a continual and increased flow of traffic to your main website. Simply put, the more visitors and more page views, the more opportunity make a sale and increase your profits. Sometimes known as off page marketing, SEM is often the forgotten child of marketing. Budgeting for this area is essential. To be successful online requires implementing SEM strategies and techniques that include online PR, blog, Pay Per Click, niche micro sites, social media networking, building and communicating with your email list; submitting to directories, search engines and local search, special offers, e-zines and viral marketing.

Another key component of a marketing mix is to constantly review your statistics. Analytics help take the guesswork out of a website's effectiveness and is hard concrete evidence if a page or promotion is working. Testing and tracking, tweaking your content, updating keywords, doing A / B testing of a promotion or webpage will give you a flow of marketing information based upon visitors behavior that is invaluable.

Often times your competition can unwittingly help you succeed. By analyzing how they conduct business online, where they are spread on the Internet, the effectiveness of their site (choose only those that rank high on Google), how they are branded, positioned and selling - will tell you a lot about your improving your online business.

And finally, you need to budget for success. Do not put all your eggs in one basket (i.e. building a beauty site with little else to support it). Traffic is the life-blood of any website. That is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) should be a focal point in any marketing plan if you want to succeed on the Internet.

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The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.

Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to http://www.websuccessteam.com/whydirectresponse.htm

Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation at http://www.websuccessteam.com/contactus.htm or email Bob Speyer at bob@websuccessteam.com To your web success!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As any experienced webmaster will tell you the search to increase traffic to their website is a never ending one. Acquiring backlinks to your website is a great way to increase your traffic but as webmasters gain internet marketing experience they quickly realize that getting someone to provide a quality link to their website is no easy task.

There are a number of link building services on the internet geared towards "automating" your link building campaign, or promise "1000's of backlinks to your website instantly".

I have tried many of these services during my first steps in online advertising and have made a few conclusions about what these sites actually provide:

  • Sites in these exchanges are generally brand new or of low quality. Ask yourself, do you see CNN or Google available for a link exchange at these sites?
  • Links pages for the sites in these exchanges are uncategorized search engine SPAM. Ask yourself, how valuable is a link from a page with 100's of other un-related links on it to your business? There are exceptions to any rule but my experience has shown that there are very few "valuable" links to be gained from a link exchange site. The time you spend searching for these few golden nuggets would be better spent adding content to your website.
  • Links pages are either not linked from the home page or are buried so deep in the site linking architecture that they are virtually unfindable. You aren't going to see very much traffic from that.
  • A massive burst of backlinks to your website is a red flag with the search engines and may cause you to drop in the rankings actually reducing the traffic to your website, the exact opposite affect you originally wanted.
  • Your email inbox is full of link request SPAM from the link exchange site. More often than not it is a waste of time to even view the site requesting the exchange. People seem to be more concerned with page rank in a link exchange than the actual traffic potential or content relevancy of the link and that's misguided at best.

It may be a good idea for a brand new website to join a link exchange to get a few relevant backlinks to their site if other quality sites from the same industry are available for an exchange but for an established business I would steer clear of this strategy.

Remember, Nothing is Free

Nobody is going to give you a valuable link on their website for free. It is like taking money out of their pockets and handing it too you just because you sent them an email asking them too.

A webmaster that has built up their website to the point where you would like to see your link on their site has done their homework and hard work to be the desireable link partner that you see.

If you are not working diligently at making your website link worthy through original content, a unique tool, or a valuable service then I'm afraid you are going to have a hard road building quality backlinks. If you really want to climb to the top of the search engine rankings you will have to have people link to your website unsolicited.

Ask yourself, should I be spending 8 hours a day mining up and sending link requests just to have them rejected because my site is no good? Wouldn't that time be better invested in improving your website so that you are the one being solicited for exchanges?

Fact: High quality, high traffic websites (ie. where you want your link to be) have no need or desire to trade or silicit links to their site.

While they may purchase a few strategic links to boost their search engine rankings or increase their overall site traffic you will not find too many information hubs that seek out reciprocal links. The fact is they can sell that "linkspace" as advertising so why would they reduce their earning potential to help you out?

Great Ways to Get Unsolicited Backlinks

The good news is that it is not all doom and gloom building links. You simply need to arm yourself with the right tools and then actually do the work.

  • Write articles in your field of expertise and publish them in article directories with a link to your site in the author resource box.
  • Directory Submissions
  • Post in Forums in your industry. A great way to build relationships, links and referrals.
  • Write a Blog about your industry and run the blog from your domain. Suggested Blog Software - Wordpress
  • Run a Topsites or Banner Exchange in your industry. These types of exchanges have a small banner that must be placed on member websites to track statistics. You can include a link to your site in this button code. This method is not applicable to all industries and may hurt your credibility in some.
  • Offer a unique tool or service from your website. Preferrably a free one. Provide HTML form code so webmasters can insert your tool into their websites if possible.
  • Run a niche links directory with categories related to your main website topic and link it to your home page with the name "partners" or "resources". You will get a lot of SPAM from unrelated sites that you will have to reject but you will get a few golden nuggets. You will also find that many sites will place the reciprocal link on their site and not remove it even if you reject them since most links manager scripts will check for your reciprocal prior to accepting a link request into the database for approval. I have worked out a number of side deals with websites after they solicited a reciprocal links request. I may not have liked the links page they offered to place my link on, but I know they are interested in an exchange and if they have a webpage that suits my site better strategically I will send them an email. They may reject your request but it sure beats "cold calling" webmasters through email. Remember to make your links directory attractive and easy to find with some form of built in search if possible.

You will notice that all of my suggestions for ways to build quality backlinks require work on your part to implement. Sorry there is no way around this, as it should be.

About the Author:

Michael Lawrence is the webmaster for SEO Web Guide. Providing professional Search Engine Optimization services.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In article marketing, I have identified two distinct strategies that will drive traffic to your web site.

One strategy is direct traffic. Direct traffic comes from the biggest article directories: ezinearticles, searchwarp, goarticles, easyarticles, weeno, and articlesbase. If they're page-ranked five or six, they're going to be able to drive you some traffic.

The second strategy with article marketing is inbound link building. Up until recently, I've used a list of about fifty article directories. I'm doing some testing currently. I have a guy that's submitting my articles for me. I've written two articles in the last two days that are written specifically for sending these to these full lists. I've actually got a list of about three-hundred article directories, and we're going to have one article in every single one of those. And we're just going to focus on massive link building. I think that you have to decide whether or not you are wanting to drive quick traffic, or if you want to build links, like I am doing.

If you want to build up long-term search-engine traffic, use my second article marketing strategy. This can take time--it's no magic bullet. If you submit your article to one-hundred directories tomorrow, you're not going to all of the sudden start getting tons of high rankings from the search-engines. Keep in mind: you're not the only person out there in your niche, writing articles. It's really a long-term strategy, in terms of submitting to lots of article directories and creating lots of inbound links

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.