Thursday, May 1, 2008

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Incredible Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Your desire Bloghelper impart your knowledge 4uwebcash take you a long way Go internet marketing. Write articles Blog contain information that Feed be useful Xmlrpc valuable to your target market and submit them to publishing sites. This will not only help you position yourself as Xmlrpc expert on your chosen niche, it will also augment the number of your inbound links that Atom easily pull 4moneyclicks your search engine ranking.

Here are the Chrisg incredible ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Go for original content. While it is tempting to duplicate other writers' content, you must Googiespell of prioritizing your readers and give them Rss and new content that they will surely Sociable Besides, copying others' work can greatly ruin your online credibility and can lead to penalties from the search engines.

2. Submit your articles to publishing Wlwmanifest the proper Javascript:; Identify the keywords to which your articles were based on and write a compelling article summary that will drive online users to check on your content. Use the preview feature of each publishing sites to ensure that all your links are working and that there is a proper spacing within you content to that make them easy on the eyes.

3. Ensure that your articles are posted online. Check publishing sites at least 5 days after your submission to check if your articles were accepted. Too many times articles are declined because of keyword spamming, inappropriate content, broken links, and blatant advertisements.

4. Use article submission software. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. It can also eat up a lot of your writing time. Buy yourself more time and energy by using software that can help you electronically distribute your articles to various publishing sites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - 4 Highly Impacting Ways on How to Achieve Effective Article Marketing

The primary purpose of article marketing is to relay a message that you know will be of importance to your recipients. This is the only way that you can measure the efficiency and the success rate of your article - when you know that your article material has reached the people who need your information. It is for this reason that it is being suggested for article marketers to follow the below written guidelines to achieve an effective article marketing scheme.

1. Make sure you understand how the information that you have included on your article can be of use to your readers. When you know the answer to this, you will not then have a difficulty in understanding what sort of information that needs to be included on it. Always consider that the information that you put on it shall be used as a basis to come up with decisions.

2. Make sure that your readers have, to the least, an ample amount of understanding of what you are conveying to them. This means that whatever information that you include on your article, make sure that it is not a total stranger in the perception of the reader. Make sure that a generalized idea or concept is provided somewhere on the contents to promote an air of understand ability.

3. Consider the various types of readers that your article material may be encountering. Significantly, you have to make sure that your article material should be able to adapt with the immense cultural and intellectual differences of the readers. It is only with this that clear understanding of the article material can be achieved.

4. Proactively solicit for any feedback or suggestion that concerns the information that you have included on your article. This will make the writer more competent the next time he writes and all at the same time, it allows for diverse ideas to amalgamate that can produce far better form of information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Article Marketing - Questions & Answers About Article Marketing Online

Promoting your products and services can be achieved at no cost using articles that contain quality content. Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you bring tons of traffic to your web site. Below are some questions and answers that will help you understand how powerful it could be to your marketing campaigns.

How does internet article marketing work?

This works by writing articles involving your niche and submitting them to free content sites. This is easy to accomplish with little time needed. More importantly it can boost your web site traffic and income.

How can article writing boost traffic and income?

Traffic and income can increase when you submit articles to these free content sites because they allow you to add a link and sometimes two at the end (in what is termed a "resource box"), which is your opportunity to have those links lead to your web site.

If you submit quality articles, the chances readers will choose to click on the link after they have read your article will increase and they will subsequently pay you a surprise visit especially if the content is interesting enough for them to want to know more about you and your site.

Another amazing reason for having your articles on these free content sites is the availability to other webmasters who may want to publish a specific article you wrote on their web site. If they do, your article will include a link back to your site and anyone who reads the article will have the opportunity to click on the available links you provided.

How many articles should be submitted?

There should never really be a cap on how many articles you submit. As the list of your published articles increase the more of them will appear on different web pages and the total number of links to your web site increases which is money in the bank.

Major search engines are placing a lot of importance on incoming links to web sites so they can establish the importance of a certain site. This will increase your site's placement in the search results which should be your goal at all times.

Search engines not only index web sites, but they also index published articles as well as any article that is written about your own web site's topic. Once someone searches for that same topic, the list of results will have your site or may even display the articles that you have written.

What content should you have in your articles?

With mandatory quality in your content you must also write about subjects that people are searching for. Providing valuable information without a sales pitch will help you gain respect and eventually customers. Do not write expecting a sale. Write to help others.

Provide tips and solutions to the problems your readers are experiencing. If you write a strong headline and ensure that you are giving the reader what they came for based on that headline you will have taken care of 2 key elements in article marketing. The third of course is leading them to click on your links at the bottom of the article.

When should I start writing and submitting articles?

You should begin writing and submitting articles immediately and you will be certain of a sudden surge in web site traffic, link popularity and attention. Before you know it, you will be doubling and even tripling your income.

Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you get heaps of traffic to your site effortlessly if you follow the information provided above and begin taking action right away!

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(c) Copyright - Jimmy Adames. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Marketing - Some Tips To Newbies

Now-a-days, though Article Marketing has become one of the best ways of earning money online, many people have their own inhibitions on how true is it. But it is undoubtedly true that it can earn you huge profits. Writing articles and marketing them online is not a rocket science. Though it is a undoubted truth that article marketing can earn you profits, there are certain very crucial steps that are to be given importance for this to happen. Let us see what they are.

Article marketing is the most popular and also highly cost effective strategies of online marketing. There is no need of a huge investment to start with this. But one important effort or investment that is needed here is the quality of the article that you write. If you write quality articles and post them in different search engines or websites and create links to your website, then you surely generate huge traffic. Traffic in terms of internet means more money.

As already quoted above, quality content leads to generation of huge traffic to your website. This traffic can be made use to sell products or to create social networks or even help in building mail lists of prospective customers and thereby make money through e-mail marketing or affiliate marketing.

Once you are comfortable in writing quality articles and generate good amount of traffic to your website, it is more obvious that the popularity of your website has gone up rapidly. Now you can easily make more money by selling web space to advertisers or charge upon the other links in your website.

Now it is more or less clear that Article marketing can be a great money making strategy to you. But remember, you do not compromise on the quality factor while writing articles.

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Article Marketing - You Don't Have to Write to Reap the Benefits

Providing quality content to your readers is golden and article marketing has been a proven marketing method many times over.

Writing informative articles is not the only way that article marketing will help your business:

1. Free Content

As for me I blog a lot, run several sites and coming up with posts seems impossible some days.

That's when I start to research articles that closely match my sites niche and use them as blog posts.

Email the author of the article and let them know you used their content including a link directly to their article.

2. Newsletters

Use articles to send out in newsletters.

Again I sometimes come up short with ideas for newsletters or would rather delegate the writing to someone else.

Keep your readers engaged by sending out regular newsletters with quality information and articles.

3. Start Your Own Article Directory

There are several ways that you can start your own article directory and one kickback is to make money from advertisements.

If you like your site more personalized you can hire a web designer to create one for you if you don't know how to already.

Search for free software or customizable templates that are actual article directory that you can create.

You can do what I do because I'm big on blogging so I made a mini directory as a part of one of my marketing blogs: Urban Writ

4. Ad Copy

An attention getting article can be used in web or print advertising. Post the article as a teaser and let readers know that they can find 'more information like this' at your website.

5. E-Zines

Search for articles that contain valuable content that your readers can appreciate. Instead of contacting the author to offer a guest spot use a series of their articles over a period of time.

Hidden Perks

Other benefits of using pre-written articles is the use of key phrases. A well written article may rank high for search engines and bring your web site to front page.

Sending the authors some traffic for work they have already done may get you some return traffic from their site.

Readers have the opportunity to deviate from your site by clicking the links in the resource box of the article. Keep in mind the time saved writing can be used to build your business instead.

Check out some of the latest information on blog marketing and Web 2.0 for your business at the Blogs That Make Money Website!

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Huge Ways to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Gone are the days when people need to shell out huge amount of money or launch reciprocal link building campaigns just to popularize their websites and attract quality traffic. Today, thanks to article marketing, anybody can succeed online by just writing and distributing articles to publishing sites.

1. Offer quality information. If you want your articles to be read and widely republished, you have to fill them up with information that are being searched for by online users. Share a slice of your expertise that can help online users in resolving their pressing issues or provide them with the answers to their burning questions. You can also share information that will empower your readers to do certain things on their own.

2. Use simple terms. Write to inform and not to impress. Substitute complicated terms with simple words that can easily be understood by your readers so they can easily grasp the message you are trying to get across. When introducing new concept or discussing a rather complicated topic, elaborate more and give samples whenever appropriate.

3. Use exclamation points and all caps sparingly. Some writers are using these all throughout their content so they can attract attention. What they don't know is these can easily alienate readers as they appear like shouting at online users. The best way to attract the people's attention is to give your articles attention-grabbing titles and content that is well-written and useful.

4. Enjoy writing. You can't write articles just because you have to. You must love what you do so you can always provide your readers with quality articles. If you are just writing to drive traffic to your website and you really don't care about your target market, you will easily fail in this marketing technique.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Quick And Easy Way To Make Money Writing Articles

Article Marketing. I'm sure you've heard the term, but do you really know what it is and why you should use it? In a nutshell, article marketing is making money from short 300-500 word essays or articles. It is popular because it is very effective and it is free. The only cost is the time it takes to research and write an article.

What do I need to write about you ask? Most of the time, the articles are written in the form of a review or guide. To be a money making venture, the article has to promote some product or service that you are involved in. This can be an item or service you sell personally through your website or an item or service you sell for someone else. The "someone else" is called an affiliate. An affiliate is a company that pays you money to sell their goods. The money you make is usually in the form a percentage of total sales you make for the company though sometimes it is a flat rate. There are a lot of good affiliate sites out there and probably the best one to start with is Clickbank. represents many hundreds of companies and does a good job helping you to promote their products and services.

Because there are a LOT of companies and even more products, it is pretty easy to find a company selling something you are familiar with. You should always start with something you are familiar with as it makes the research and writing process easier and faster. How do the articles actually make me money you ask? All articles end with a link to your website or an affiliate's website. People who read and like the article will click on the link and purchase the product. Finished articles are submitted to an article distribution website like, or Once published, articles attract readers, some of whom will hopefully become customers. Later, due to the exposure on the websites, your article will start showing up as top results on Google and Yahoo! More people will click your links, buy the product or service, and make you money. To get more customers you can write more articles. Some people write many articles for one product, others write just a few. Your mileage will vary.

Once you've got your first campaign up and running you do the following:

1. Pick yourself a new item to promote

2. Write a few new articles

3. Submit them to a few article sites.

4. Wait for the money to start rolling in.

5. Go to #1

The more articles you write and products you promote, the more money you will make. Do some article research on one or more of the distribution sites. You'll find a ton of articles on article marketing and get a good idea of how a successful article should look.

"Wait!" you say. "This all sounds good but I'm a terrible writer. I can't write articles." Think again. It may seem intimidating, but if you can write a sentence or two, you can write good articles. It's really not that hard and there are some excellent article research and writing tools available to help. There is software that can greatly assist the article creation process. As a matter of fact, the software is so good that I cannot mention it here. Please click HERE to read a comprehensive review of one of those products and watch a movie demonstrating its use.

Article Marketing - Your Key To Success

So you know why you want to write articles. The extra traffic, more sales and more subscribers, but how do you get started?

The scariest thing is a blank page; so when you first start writing articles, just write. That's it, scrap the brain storming and just write. When you start, you will realise it's easier than you think.

Jack Kerouac, the author of "On the Road" and other classics, uses the technique of spontaneous writing. He believed in unedited, free flowing writing. He used to write just what he was thinking. This is a great way to get started. Let your thought flow onto the page and hey, you can always edit later.

It's easier to do this if you write about what you know. You should write articles because no one can say it like you do. If you have the knowledge on a topic, it will save you loads of time on research.

Keep it concise. Once you've written your article, don't be afraid to edit out large chunks. If your article keeps to the point, it will be more readable and your readers will be more likely to click. It's not meant to be a book.

Write multiple articles on the topic. This is important to keep traffic coming to your website.

Make sure you choose a catchy title. This is what will draw people in. If you do all of this and get writing now, you will have article marketing success, before you know it.

Keep writing and write a lot. The more you write, the better you will become and the easier you will find it. Write as many articles a day, as you can and submit them to a few different article sites. The more articles you have on the web, the more traffic you will receive.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out

Article Marketing and Website Traffic

Article marketing is an ideal way to improve your website traffic without expending too much energy. All you need do is to write a few decent articles, and your traffic will increase significantly.

The writing must be relevant to the topic or niche of your website, or at least the page that you intend to direct traffic towards. That is one tremendous advantage that article marketing has over most other traffic building programs: you can direct the traffic to whatever page on your site you wish.

This is done by means of your authors resource box, that is an area set aside by most article directories for a few words about yourself and a link or two back to your website. That link need not be only to your home page, but can be to any page on your site that you choose. The page you choose, however, must be relevant to the article you have written. You dont send a reader to a page on octopi if you have just written an article about giant squid or turtles.

One mistake that many authors make is to fail to understand what is allowed in the resource box, sometimes called a bio. Some allow HTML and others dont. Some allow links and others dont. If you are not allowed a link to your site then there is little point in providing a directory with a free article. Dont use these sites, and there are several of those that I have come across. Some directories do not provide a resource box, but allow you to add a few words with your url at the end of the article.

It doesnt matter, as long as you are allowed to provide a link back to your website. You then get a one way link to your site, but even better in many cases, you also get traffic from people that like your writing and click on your link to visit your website for more information. Depending on the topic of your article, and how you submit it, that can be a massive short-term jump, or a steady stream over a longer period. The ideal is a combination of each, but that depends on your submission strategy and how many versions of your article you submit.

The versions matter, because if you can produce a few versions and submit different versions to different groups of directories, then you will get better results. That is because after a while, the search engines will begin to detect that a number of article directories, and other websites, have the same content (your article). They will then begin to drop some of these from their listings as being less relevant, and this will continue theoretically until there is only one directory or site with your article on it.

So make the best of it and submit it to as many article directories as possible for a quick burst of traffic, then write others to keep it going. Rather than write four versions of your article for four sets of different search engines, you are better writing four articles, each to be sent to all the search engines. That works better because I have tested it.

Article marketing can be used to increase your website traffic, but you can maximise that increase if you use the directories and your articles intelligently.

Peter is a freelance writer currently ghostwriting articles form his website You can get more advice on article marketing from his web page Article Marketing