Friday, May 16, 2008

Article Writing Services Give Your Business The Marketing Edge

Articles are predominantly accessed by people via search engines. These articles are read by many people, who move on to the other sites where they read the information of their choice. These articles need to be very interesting for people so that it entices them to visit the sites. The higher the quality of the article, the higher the chances of web traffic being directed towards its way. And therefore article marketing has reached an important dimension in todays internet savvy world.

Article marketing services have become a fast growing organization and there are many article marketing websites which provide these services to boost web traffic resulting in increased online business. However this task is not at all easy. Of course the easier option is to get it done by service providers but for enhanced results websites owner need to know the processes of advertising article marketing so as to increase their web site statistics. Another option is the niche (specialized services and products) marketing article, a new process which currently has a large amount of untapped potentials.

The Internet marketing article for small business has reached a new horizon, as in todays world one cannot think about a business without a website, thereby increasing the necessity of marketing strategy articles. These articles need to be an original article, so as not to infringe upon copyrights rules.

The Article Marketing net has become an important business over the internet. The web is increasing at a very fast rate with at least one website being launched every four minutes. Surely the importance of article writing goes unhidden.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just send an email with "articles" in the subject line to

Web Content (Mass + Keywords) + Links = SEO

Of course, the whole goal of the search engines' ranking schemes is precisely to deliver good, relevant content to users. The mechanism for how search engines select and reward good, relevant content is essentially just a technical issue, though admittedly an extremely important technical issue.

But even in purely technical, mechanistic, terms, web content affects search engine rankings three ways:

1. inbound links

2. website mass

3. keyword optimization

1. Web Content and Inbound Links

Inbound links are the number-one factor in getting search engine rankings. They also yield plenty of traffic on their own. The importance of links is what has led many people to say that content is no longer important. But those people forget that content really does play a big role in getting links in the first place:

* At the very least, good content will make potential link partners more comfortable with linking to your site. No one wants to link to a link farm, splog, junk site, or even just an unprofessional-looking site.

* Lots of good content gives other webmasters (and particularly bloggers) a reason to link to your site spontaneously without being asked.

* You can allow other websites to post your content in exchange for a link back to your site.

2. Web Content Mass

More web pages of content = more search engine traffic

Heres why:

1. Adding pages to your site is like putting out extra nets to catch surfers.

2. Search engines see bigger websites as more prestigious and reliable.

3. The more content you have, the more reasons you give other webmasters, particularly bloggers, to link to your site spontaneously, without being asked.

3. Web Content Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization used to be the most important step in SEO. Now it matters little in ranking for highly competitive keywords.

Still, keyword optimization can really help you get traffic from searches not on competitive keywords. While you may never rank number 1 for "finance," you may still show up tops for a search on "household finance rent federal tax deductions" if you have that phrase somewhere in your content. Such non-competitive searches make up a very large proportion of total web searches.

Web Content Keyword Optimization Checklist:

There are four legs to keyword optimization:

* Research/selection

* Density

* Prominence

* Stemming/Variation

Keyword Research and Selection

You need to identify keywords searched on by your target audience. Use tools such as those offered by WordTracker and Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture).

There are two big pitfalls to avoid:

* "Negative keywords" that look relevant but are not really searched on by your target market. For instance, "website copy" is a synonym for "website content," but most people searching on "website copy" are looking for software that copies an entire website to the hard drive for offline browsing.

* Impossibly competitive keywords that you have no realistic chance of ranking high for them. How do you know if a keyword is impossibly competitive? One rough measure is to look at the PageRank of the webpages currently ranking in the top three for that keyword. If the PageRank of those pages is much higher than the PageRank your site will likely have in the future, you will probably never outrank those pages.

A pay-per-click campaign with Google Adwords of Yahoo! Search Marketing will help you to find which keywords really are searched on by your target audience.

Keyword Density

Keywords appear in the content the right number of times for search engines to recognize the page as relevant, but not so often that it looks like keyword stuffing. The longer the content, the more times the keyword should appear.

Keyword Prominence

Keywords appear in just the right positions within your web pages for search engines to recognize them as relevant. The page title, headings, and first lines of the page are often considered the most prominent positions.

Keyword Stemming/Keyword Variation

* Using variations of the keyword will help ensure web pages appear relevant to the next generation of more sophisticated search engine algorithms.

* In the meantime, variations of popular keywords helps your site appear for the "non-standard" searches on variations of the keyword.

There are three main types of keyword variations:

* Word-stem variations. A stem of a word is its base. For instance, "optimize" is the stem of "optimized." Other stem variations of "optimize" include "optimizing," "optimizer," and "optimization." You can also shuffle the component words of multiple-word keywords. Variations of website content would be web site content, web content, content for websites, and site content).

* Synonyms (such as web page content, internet content, or writing for the web for website content).

* Related terms (such as internet, SEO or web page).

For many people, the SEO side of content feels like a moot point. You need content for your visitors even if no search engine spider ever notices. But every website budget, both of money and time, is finite. If you're ever choosing whether to invest in another link to please search engines or another page of content to please your visitors, don't forget: search engines still like content, too.

About The Author
Joel Walsh is a writer and owner of UpMarket Content, a website content provider. Request a no-cost, no-obligation proposal for your website content: [Requested anchor text: "website content"]

New Bum Marketing Ideas to Drive Home Sales

The bum marketing method has been around for a few years as the bum marketing method. Before that it was, and still is called, article marketing. It's not exactly a new concept, although it has taken off in recent years thanks to the founder of the Bum Marketing Method. I believe his wife actually gave him the name.

Bum marketing is nothing more than writing articles that either promote an affiliate product such as can be found on places such as Click Bank. Or these articles can refer traffic back to a site that has many affiliate products listed there.

Both ways have their pro's and con's, however I think there is one way that has worked well for me that might work well for you, in regards to article marketing and the bum method marketing idea.

First, you want to look at making a site around a specific niche. Be that the health category, making money from home via the internet, or anything else. As long as there is a product to be sold as an affiliate product you will be able to work with the article marketing, bum marketing method.

Once you've picked your niche, you will want to look for the best possible products within that niche. The thing to look for here is that the sales page created by the owner of the product is engaging. I find that the longer the sales page, however, is worse. This is contrary to what most people who are internet marketers think. I tend to be realistic and look at the end user. They don't want to sit through a huge list of reasons why they should buy a product. They want a few and then get on to buying the product.

I have to think the reason why so many products fail when be promoted is by a faulty sales page. The longer the worse it is. Yes there are some amazing sales pages out there that will damage your finger by the amount of scrolling you will have to do, but by and large most people will have either made a buying decision within the first few paragraphs of the sales page or they will decide it's not for them.

Once you've found your product you will then want to write your outstanding article with a captivating resource box that will lead people back to your site. Now this is where many people get tripped up. They want to them go back to an affiliate site, such as Click Bank, and look for another product. The thing to really do is to write another article for the same product and link it back to your site or blog.

Too many times people will write one article using article marketing, bum marketing techniques and decide that the product just didn't work, when really they should have written around five to ten articles regarding this one product.

If you are going to invest your time in creating an article using article marketing and bum method marketing techniques, be sure to make it the best article you can and be sure to focus on writing more than one article.

Learn how to generate better keywords to get your article to the top rank of google and learn how to use simple techniques to make $1,000 online in one month by going to

If you want ways to learn how to write better articles and get top rated keywords to place your articles on the number one slot on google, go to

Generating Thousands of Free Visitors to Your Site By Way of Writing Articles

Writing articles is one of the easiest and most effective ways of generating free traffic to your website and getting free advertising. So without further ado, let's get into it and learn all about using articles to generate free traffic...

Now let's get down the root of your article. In this section, this is what we are going to cover

1) Determine the purpose of your article
2) Creating a compelling article heading
3) How to make your article interesting
enough so they click on your resource link
4) How to write your article quickly and make it a viral marketing machine
5) How to spit and polish your article so it looks like you re a professional writer

Let determine the purpose of your article. This might sound stupid, but if you do not know what you want your readers to do when they finish reading your article, how will they know what to do? Before I get too far into writing this, there is one thing you must do before you put pen to paper so to speak.

It does not apply to article writing on the Internet. The purpose of writing articles is to get a response and that sometimes means using unconventional methods of writing. If you cannot handle that your writing my look like it was written in the dark in some sports (maybe a bit harsh) and you are neurotic about it, forget writing on the Internet altogether.

This is meatball writing. We get straight to the point and give the readers all the information in less then 700 words.

Now back to determining the purpose of your article. Here are the usual options that the reader has.

1) Visit your website link in the resource box his is probably the most common response people seem to go to, even if it is the wrong one. People are so fixated with wanting their readers to go to their websites and buy straight away. Tell me something, how many strangers on the Internet have you brought something from because they just told you a great story? None right? You have to preheat the oven before you can ask for their credit card details.

Sending your readers to your website will usually result in a lower sales percentage straight off the bat. That is of course if you are selling them anything at all.If you were selling them something, the best bet would be to send them straight to your newsletter sign up link in your resource box, or even better yet, a free 5 day course via email, which I will talk about in a minute.

But if you are sure you want to send them to your website, the best way to do that is to tell your readers (in your article) that if you go to your website (in your resource box), there is a free gift (of value) they can get, just by visiting your site.

Make sure if you do this, it is not a blatant plug for a product and the gift is of real value, or very few publishers will publish your article, and fewer readers will respond to you in the future. No one likes being sold straight off the bat, and by giving them a free gift, or getting them to give you their email address some way is the best way to go.

2) Visit an affiliate link This one is quite tricky. For starters, some publisher did not allow you to put affiliate program links in your article at all, and if you do, they have to be completely in context and it must be one brilliant article, but that is not a problem. You can of course put an affiliate link in your resource box, which would be allowed straight away.However, if you want your affiliate links in your article here are a few tips.

1. Make sure they add value to your article and are not just blatant plugs.
2. Make sure your article is informative and to the point
3. Give plenty of free information away at your website and or offer a free course
4. Write a brilliant article!

3) Subscribe to your mailing list This is one of the better options? Why, because when they sign up for your mailing list, they are giving you permission to contact them via email on a regular basis. It would be very hard in your article to announce your mailing list in context of the article, as it would come off as a blatant plug, so the best bet would be to include your subscribe email address in your resource box.Do not make them go to a website and subscribe, this will cut your lead percentage nearly in half. All your readers should have to do is send a blank email to your auto responder or mailing list email address and subscribe from there.

4) Subscribe to your free course

This is my favorite way to really maximize your articles. Why?

1. They give you their email address just like they are joining your newsletter
2. They are in the buying mood straight away
3. You get to give them a sales message at the end of your free 5-day course and it won't look like a blatant plug
4. You can offer them more free courses for years to come
5. Just do it!

With a free 5-day course, you are really getting to know your readers better and you are giving them the chance to read more information from you straight away. A free course is just really 5 or so articles put together with an auto responder and sent out over a period of days.

Just like with the mailing list, put your free course link (not a website address) in your resource box.

5) Refer your article to others

If you want your readers to refer your articles to other people, here is what you do.(This is a good idea if you have affiliate links in your article) You send them to a website, with a refer a friend script. This website also has your previous articles on there as well in an easy to use site.You do not need fancy graphics or flash animation, just make it easy to navigate. As I was saying, send them to a page with a refer a friend script on it, and once they do that, give them a free bonus, like the chance to sign up for a free 5 day course you are offering!

You see how many possibilities there are. By giving them something in return with value, like a free 5-day course, you get them to refer your article/website to their friends.

6) Contact you personally

If you want people to contact you personally, do not make them dig through a website to find your contact details. At the very least, put your email address in your resource box, if not your business phone number.

7) Do nothing

Do not be disheartened if a lot of people do not visit your website or take an action from your article, they could just be freebie seekers looking for free information and are not willing to take an action no matter how good your information is or would be.

The secret to article writing is volume. The more articles you have out there being passed around, the more traffic you will end up getting.

8) Flame you

There are some idiots, and yes they are idiots, who would rather send nasty emails to you instead of giving constructive criticism. If you are one of these people, find a better hobby, because it can really hurt a person's feelings. When I was first starting out, and I got some flames, they really hit me hard, but then I realized I was the one making money on the Internet and they were probably spending all day abusing people over the Internet.

Zaiful Zin was a beginner internet marketing from Malaysia. You can view his blog for more internet marketing tips and strategy to make money online at
Online Marketing

Article Marketing - Some Tips To Newbies

Now-a-days, though Article Marketing has become one of the best ways of earning money online, many people have their own inhibitions on how true is it. But it is undoubtedly true that it can earn you huge profits. Writing articles and marketing them online is not a rocket science. Though it is a undoubted truth that article marketing can earn you profits, there are certain very crucial steps that are to be given importance for this to happen. Let us see what they are.

Article marketing is the most popular and also highly cost effective strategies of online marketing. There is no need of a huge investment to start with this. But one important effort or investment that is needed here is the quality of the article that you write. If you write quality articles and post them in different search engines or websites and create links to your website, then you surely generate huge traffic. Traffic in terms of internet means more money.

As already quoted above, quality content leads to generation of huge traffic to your website. This traffic can be made use to sell products or to create social networks or even help in building mail lists of prospective customers and thereby make money through e-mail marketing or affiliate marketing.

Once you are comfortable in writing quality articles and generate good amount of traffic to your website, it is more obvious that the popularity of your website has gone up rapidly. Now you can easily make more money by selling web space to advertisers or charge upon the other links in your website.

Now it is more or less clear that Article marketing can be a great money making strategy to you. But remember, you do not compromise on the quality factor while writing articles.

Status Infotech are pioneer in Content Writing Services since past 3 years. We provide Search Engine Friendly Articles at Lowest Rates.

We are team of Professional Writers Providing Our Services for All your writing needs. We have provided more than 5000 articles with more than 100 satisfied clients. Below is a short glance of some of our writing services.
We Provide :
1. Article Writing 2. Copy writing 3. Creative Writing 4. Key Word Optimized (SEO) Writing 5. Blogs Writing 6. Academic Writing 7. Press Releases 8. Editing & Proofreading 9. Ghost Writing 10. Newsletters 11. Landing Pages
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Best Practices Keyword Research

There are a few simple actions that you should make your standard practices as you research your Small Business Website.

Don't feed your competitors.

Google records every click. And every positive result improves the Google rank. Don't click on your competitors links from Google. Instead, copy the address and paste it into the address bar of a blank window. Additionally, if you are a google toolbar (or gmail) user- don't paste those results into the same browser program. When researching keyword results, I use the Firefox browser to search- but I copy the addresses of competitors into an Internet Explorer window. And I don't use the google toolbar for Internet Explorer so they is no tracking.

Don't get banned.

The search engines' business purpose is to supply useful listings. They understand better than anyone how much junk is on the internet. They have procedures for removing junk sites from their results- and it is surprisingly easy to turn your website into junk. If you are using a consulting firm to help you with search placement, make sure that the following practices are NOT what you have purchased.

    Link Farming. Link farming refers to services that let you buy links back to your site. This is a junk technique and the Google algorithms don't take long to figure it out. Junk links to your site will result in removal from the results pages.

    Duplicate Content. Repetitive Pages or repetitive paragraphs are understood by the search engines to be junk. If your text is too repetitive- you'll be ignored.

    Keyword Density. It's possible to write many copies of your keywords into the invisible parts of your Website. If the ratio of actual written content compared to these word lists is too low- you'll be ignored.

Play Fair, but COMPETE!

The Best Practices for achieving quality search rankings need to be durable. It's not like you won't be in business next year. The best practice turns out to be honesty and a willingness to take good advice. This means the advice from the search engines. Well written and useful information is the clearest and most certain path to working with the search engines. Keep your focus on the things that your customers get- and this is usually the things that your small business does well. I've said on other pages here that one of the benefits for a business in developing their content is focus. You, your employees, your neighbors and your customers will understand your business best by you stating clearly what is true about your business.

Marketing, then Advertising, then Sales. Frequently, a small business begins with the intention of supplying to every possible kind of customer shopping for products in their general category. Smart advertising usually ignores the 'catch-all' methods and focuses instead on communicating things that you do well- that you do profitably- those things that keep customers coming back.

My name is Kevin Combs, a writer and consultant who helps VERY small business compete against larger competitors. I am a true believer in the small business person as the creator of the "American Dream." Please look for my writings on how to create small business advertising

The Biggest Secret To Selling On The Internet

One of the single biggest mistakes most Internet marketers make is trying jump right into a sales pitch without warming up first.

By that I mean, they try to sell a complete stranger who lives maybe 5,000 miles away on a product or service, without any kind of warm up or finesse.

And unless you are the first person in your market, this can spell disaster for you.


Because selling is mostly about relationships. Your relationship to the person you are asking to spend money on what you have.

And personal relationships and business relationships start off the exact same way.

For example, if you are going to ask a woman on a date, are you going to walk up to her and ask her to marry you?

Or are you going to say something like, "lets go out for a cup of coffee or a movie."

You see, marketing online is just as much about building and maintaining a relationship as offline marketing is.

Thats why on my own sites, I always give people good, solid information they can use up front. They can spend hours on my site getting to know me, who I am, what I have to offer them.

And when it comes time to buying, they already trust me and my opinion. I'm not some criminal out to steal their identity or money.

And if you sell anything on the Internet, you should seriously consider doing the same thing. Give a little information up front before asking for the sale. Whether it's in a sales letter, newsletter or anywhere else.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Profitable Article Marketing - 5 Profitable Methods to Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Building traffic and obtaining quality inbound links for your website cannot get easier these days. You can simply write and submit articles to submission sites and viola! You instantly gain quality inbound links. This is how article marketing exactly work. It's hassle-free, delivers quick results, and it's cost-effective.

Here are the 5 profitable methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Quality of your articles. You would like your articles to be read, picked up, and republished by online users. That can only happen if your articles are useful, well-written, and content-rich.

2. Quantity of your articles. In article marketing, each submission grants you one quality inbound link. The more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website. This could mean a lot of great things for your website such as increased traffic, improved page ranking, link popularity, increased sales potential, and positioning yourself as an expert on your specialized field.

3. Keywords. To give your articles an edge so they will be highly visible on online searches, you need to incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content. By doing so, your articles will be properly indexed by major search engines making them relatively easy to search online.

4. Article submission sites. There are over 200 article submission sites in the internet today but not all of them are created equal. Some, just like and, have impressive page views and steady traffic that can ultimately give your articles the exposure they need so they can be potentially distributed and republished.

5. Monitoring your articles progress. You can easily track down the number of times your articles were viewed. From this, you can gauge if your article marketing campaign is working for you or you need to make necessary revisions to improve your marketing effort to increase the clickthrough rates of your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 4 Reliable Steps to Increase Your Article Marketing

Almost all webmasters today are trying with all their might to improve their article marketing to get ahead of the pack. If you are one of them, these 4 reliable steps will help you improve your article marketing campaign:

1. Make your articles worth reading. The content of your articles is one of the most essential elements that can determine the success of your marketing efforts. If your articles are lousy, no matter how many you submit to publishing sites, you will surely fail on this technique. Instead of focusing your efforts on multiplying the number of your articles, concentrate on giving your readers content-rich, useful articles. As article marketer experts will put it, it's better to have 10 quality articles than have 1,000 lousy articles, because quality articles will be surely be republished and can result to numerous inbound links.

2. Optimize your content. Before you write your articles, identify the keywords that you are targeting. Then run these keywords on keyword analyzer tool so you can get relevant, long tail keywords that you can use on your content. By doing so, you can avoid using your main keyword over and over again and not make your article sound redundant.

3. Adhere to the rules set forth by publishing sites. You would want your articles to be published the first time you submit them, right? You do not want to waste your precious time revising your articles later on just so they will meet the standards of major article submission sites. To save you from this dilemma, learn and understand the various terms of article submission sites even before you start writing.

4. Master the art of writing killer resource box. Of course you would like to have an amazing clickthrough rates so you can convert readers to online visitors. You can easily do so by learning how to write powerful resource box.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Second Step to a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing on the article directories is a two fold process. In the body of the article you give - good, useable information. In the resource box you are ready to receive - the readers clicking through to your web site to become visitors, subscribers, prospects and customers.

Many people falsely believe that the resource box is the place to tell the reader all about you and your many accomplishments so they will know you are the expert.

To this notion I offer a loud and hearty NAY!

The first reason I say NAY! is because if you have not demonstrated in the article body that you are an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box, and the reader probably did not get as far as your resource box anyway.

The second reason I say NAY! is because the resource box is Not About You, hence the strongly spoken word NAY!

An invitation for THEM!

Your resource box is not the place for a virtual ego wall to tell the reader all about your accomplishments, books, and degrees, etc. In most of mine, if I mention my name at all, it is only at the very end of the resource box.

Your resource box is all about the reader and what more they can learn from you and your resources. The purpose of your resource box is to invite the reader into your world by clicking through to your web site or blog and offering them something of value that will improve their lives. Offer them something of value and you can get a very loyal and responsive new prospect.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Turning Your Website Into A Moneymaking Webstore - Part 2

Ask Not What They Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Them

Creating a website that generates new sales and new leads is all about your customers. What matters is what happens when they step inside your online shop. Do they buy or not? You can create a website that ensures they do buy, and often!

Make sure your website grabs their attention, speaks their language, gets personal and keeps it simple. Give them a clear reason why they need your products or services. Compel them to take action.

Do The Work For Them

Be straightforward. Tell your customers what you want them to do: Buy Here, Review This, or Book Now.

Create an easy-to-use website. Be consistent from page to page and use clear navigation tools.

Be sure to show pictures, offer crisp descriptions, and list prices with multiple currency options if applicable. Make it easy for them to shop and buy.

Keep It Fresh

There's nothing worse than visiting a website that has not been updated in a while. Keep your website alive and kicking. Add an article or new survey once a month. This gives your customers a reason to check in. It also lets them know you are there, working for them, keeping your website relevant.

Create Great Experiences

Win your customers over, one at a time. Word of mouth from one satisfied customer can travel far and wide on the web.

Do the little things that, surprisingly, not everyone does. Make it easy for your customers to contact you. Respond to their inquiries right away and deliver what you promise.

Give Them More Than They Bargained For

Your website doesn't just have to be a place to shop. Make it a useful resource for your customers. Offer them links to related websites. Share free advice, tips, inspiring stories, or e-cards. Send them a monthly newsletter.

Creating a user-friendly, personal experience for every visitor will help you sell products and services, attract leads, widen your customer base and improve your bottom line.

Steve Klein, CEO, Marketing Breakthroughs Inc., is one of Canada's foremost marketing strategists and a recognized specialist in breakthrough marketing, communications, branding and advertising techniques.

Productive Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Amazing and Powerful Methods to Amplify Your Article Market

In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Millions of webmasters who have benefited from this tool would surely attest to this. Some even say that this is the "magic pill" that any marketer should take in order to popularize their website and increase their online revenue in the process.

Here are the 4 amazing and powerful methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be search-engine friendly. As a marketer, you need to understand the importance of search engines in bringing qualified traffic to your website. Determine how your articles are being indexed to increase their chances of showing up on search results page when online users search for keywords to which your articles are based on.

2. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. Every submission site has its own rules and regulations. To minimize the chances of your articles being rejected, make sure that they adhere to the standards set by publishers.

3. Your articles must be reader-friendly. While keeping search engines in mind, you also need to consider your readers when optimizing your content. By this, I mean that your keywords must sound natural and logical to your content. In addition, you also need to give your readers great reading experience so they will like you and eventually trust you. You can do so by making your articles content-rich, informative, useful, and direct to the point.

4. Your articles must be relevant to your business. One of your main objectives in sinking your teeth into article marketing is to promote and sell your products, right? Then, you must write articles that are relevant to your offerings to drive interested people to your website. Simply put, writing about laptops when you are selling cars will not give you potential clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Linking Myths Exposed

In this article I would like to cover some of the linking myths that exist on the internet. Please note that this is based on my own personal experience. Once you understand these you will learn how to get good quality search engine traffic without paying for it.

You may be wondering if reciprocal links still work? Let me tell you in my experience what has happened. On one of my websites I had a reciprocal links page and for some reason Google did not like this. My rankings suffered heavily and I decided to remove this. After I removed the reciprocal links page I recovered my rankings.

So based on my experience I do not recommend this strategy at all as it is likely to hurt your search engine rankings. I think if you are a very old website like at least 5 years old then this may still be beneficial. However, for newer websites Google has got a lot stricter criteria that you need to meet. If you have a few links that are from very reputable websites pr 6 or higher and they are related to your theme then this may help your rankings. However, in most cases you are better off getting one way links to your website as it does not matter on which websites they appear.

Getting links from many directories will boost your rankings. This is a really exaggerated myth. In the older days 2004 and earlier all you needed was a link from Yahoo and Open directory with a few links from a few other reputable websites and you would get very good search engine rankings. These days a link from a directory like Yahoo or Open directory counts towards a link from any other website. So you only really need a link from these two directories. The other directories will not really help your rankings in Google, but will have a positive effect in Yahoo and MSN.

Getting one way links to your website is the best bet for good search engine rankings. The best way to do this is article marketing.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

How Articles Can Help Improve Your Network Marketing Strategies

Network marketing is a great business to get into. While many people think it's a simple sort of business, the ones who are truly successful understand that there are many different layers and many different techniques. The network marketers who have hit the big time know that success lies in utilizing every one of these techniques and peeling back every layer of opportunity. Articles are one great way to improve your marketing strategies. Here are just a few different ways that they can help you get ahead:

Article Marketing -

Part of network marketing is to get your name out there and get the opportunity out there to as many interested people as possible. Article marketing is a great way to do this. You simply have a freelance writer craft an article that is based on the opportunity or is related somehow, and you submit it to one of the article marketing databases. Of course, the writer has placed strategic keywords within the article, so that when someone searches for those keywords, your article will pop up. Then, as the readers read the article and become interested, there is a link at the bottom that leads to your website. This is a great way to generate traffic to your site and get the information out there to more people. Also, others are able to use these articles as long as they include your byline and information, so this is another way to get your information out and around the web!

Articles on Your Site -

This is another great way to improve your strategy. Readers who may be interested in joining your network will trust you more if they can read about the opportunity, or things related to the opportunity. This can be accomplished with articles that you write, or that you have a ghostwriter take care of. This simply means that you pay once for the article, and the copyrights are yours. You put your name on the article as the writer. When people read the information that you provide, you establish yourself as an expert in your niche. This makes you the "go to" guy or girl when someone wants to learn more or even join your network. People would rather go with the person who they feel is more experienced and who is the expert. Through informative pieces on your site, you can build up this persona of the expert.

Newsletters -

You can include informative pieces in your newsletters to people who are in your network, or people who may want to join your network. This is simply another way to get your information and your name out there. When you add articles to your newsletter, you can add interest and another way to build your list and your network. Articles really are a great way to boost your existing strategy and create a magnet to draw people in! Using the articles in the different ways described above will help you create and establish credibility and interest with all of your pursuits.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing - You Are Missing Out if You Are Missing Article Marketing

If you are spending your hard earned advertising funds on traditional mail or email marketing, or if you constantly working to improve your ranking on search engines with costly and time consuming search engine optimization operations, then you need to discover article marketing. Article marketing is HOT, and there is a reason for that. The reason is simply this: article marketing can generate traffic to your website quickly, effectively, and at little or not cost to you. If this sounds attractive, then read on.

How does article marketing work? It is actually incredibly simple. Many websites have developed that simply provide informative articles on specific or various topics to interested readers. Someone has to write these articles, so why not you? If you have an online business, then select a topic that relates to the products and services you provide. Write a few informative or persuasive articles on that topic, and then distribute them. Most websites that publish such articles will post your article at no cost to you (some may even pay you, although this is rare), and will add a brief biography and a link to your home website at the end. Then, when interested readers finish your article, they are drawn to your website.

Not only is this easy and fast, it also draws only traffic that is truly interested in your products and services, not a bunch of people who are only clicking the link to your site in order to try to receive a free iPod. Frankly, article marketing is one of the most efficient methods of online marketing that exists today. If you are missing article marketing, then you are missing out.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Article Submission - Methods to Get Good Backlinks

There are a few marketing tricks you can use to begin building traffic to your website. If you are an affiliate marketer, or network marketer, this method will bring you target traffic by using article submission.

The first thing to remember is that you should be the person writing your articles if you want this trick to work for free. You do not have to be a great writer at all. If this seems too daunting, then there are writers on the Internet that will take over this task for you.

Article submission to drive traffic to your site needs to have the subject matter of your articles be something about the product, or company you are trying to market on your site. It does no good to have your article be about pencils, if you are trying to market pens.

Break up your articles into small 500 word articles using SEO methods. Optimizing your articles for article submission to content sites is to get your articles listed naturally as part of that content site.

Google loves article sites. Their spiders index these article content sites on a regular basis. When your article submission is accepted, this then becomes a part of that site and gets indexed along with everything else for article submission into the search engine.

Use target keywords in your articles. If the product you're writing about is foreign auto parts with regards to hubcaps, then your keyword might be "foreign car hubcaps". You would want to use this keyword at least 6-8 times throughout your article.

This helps to make your article relevant to Google, when it is indexed. This also will go far to give your article a high ranking when someone is looking for foreign car hubcaps for their car. SEO article submission like this will target your market so your traffic is right on what you are marketing.

The key to people reading your articles then getting to your marketing page is simple. All of the article content sites will allow you to leave a link at the bottom of your article. This link would be the URL to your page so you receive the traffic generated from your article submission.

It helps to leave a closing comment to your readers, so if they are looking for a wide selection of foreign car hubcaps, they can follow your link to check out this resource. This is the key to making this trick work to receive targeted traffic.

Article submission to article content sites is not a new marketing trick, but it is an effective one. Done correctly, your article submission has the power to rank first page on Google and stay there for months, generating a steady income resource to you over and over again.

Another key to article submission is to engage your readers so they don't just leave without finishing the article. It has been shown that people reading online have a shorter attention span than when reading a magazine article. If your article entices the readers to want more information about the subject, then they are more than likely going to follow the link you left for them at the bottom of it.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: :Article Distribution

Keyword Research

When you are looking for help promoting your site, using keyword research may seem like a good idea. But, is it? And, if so, how do you know what to do, how to do it, or if you should pay someone else to do it? Sounds like a lot of hassle, but really it doesn't have to be.

Choosing the right words to use as your keywords is key to successful searches. So, how is it possible to find the right words to use? There are a number of companies who are willing to help you determine this information. But, choosing very commonly used keywords will get you nowhere as well. For instance, choosing a keyword that many other sites already use heavily means that your chances of having that keyword pop up your site is small. So, finding the right words are important.

There are several companies that will do keyword research for you as well. Instead of racking your brain to figure it all out and ending up with poor results, you can find and use one of the numerous keyword research companies. One such website that offers this type of help is There, you can input the information and get a list, so to speak of keywords for your website. Doesn't that sound easier then trying to do it to yourself.

While there are many keyword research sites to choose from, you may want to start with a basic, simple and free program first. This way, you waste little time and no money on your keyword research. If you do not like the results given there, you can simply search for one of the many companies who are willing to provide you with keyword research programs and search engines for a fee. Whatever method you use, it definitely beats the headache of trying to find the right keyword for on your own.

Keith Mallinson is author of the article exchange newsletter, offering subscribers up to date information on all aspects of article submissions and use of free articles for search engine optimization

Article Marketing And You

Article marketing is an easy and fast way to attract new visitors. It is the method by which anyone can tap into a desired, specialized target market. Classified as a viral marketing method, hundreds or even thousands of Internet users can follow the references or links included in a single article, back to the desired website.

This method of marketing is very cost effective in that it can be totally free. It does not cost you anything to write your own article. After writing the article, submitting the article to free article directories cost nothing as well. Investing just a little time writing and submitting an article which could result in an unlimited amount of visitors to your site is definitely worth it.

Besides being an easy and fast (not forgetting free) way of marketing, article marketing has numerous other benefits as well; it improves your search engine ranking. Search engines assigns website page rankings by determining the number of back-links to a website. Every article that you write, and which includes a link to your website, creates a back-link. Every article directory that you submit your article to creates another back-link. Once you have a number of articles live on the Internet, back-links from these articles will definitely increase traffic to your website. Last, but not least, you can gain credibility. You can establish yourself in your chosen niche by providing articles which are of good language, informative and interesting.

Some tips if you are new to article marketing; before submitting your article to directories, edit, edit and re-edit your work. Make sure you have corrected all grammatical errors. Ensure that the flow of the article is correct. You will only want to gain a reputation for providing quality articles, not otherwise. Check back on your articles from time to time and ensure that you have a substantial number of articles live at all times. This will ensure that you always have a certain number of back-links to your website.

Finally, having just one avenue of marketing is never enough. Get involved in business-specialized communities (e.g. You are able to promote your articles there too. Post classified ads with popular sites like, which provide free ad services.

Dean currently works in an IT firm, and writes short articles for leisure.

Intermediate Ways to Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies around and the best thing is that it is virtually free to do. You just need to look at the way marketers are flocking towards article marketing to drive traffic to their sites and to create backlinks for search engine optimization, and you would understand how effective this proves to be. So, if you have a site, you should surely make use of article marketing to drive targeted traffic.

Another advantage to article marketing is that it can actually result in generating viral traffic to your sites with the increase in the number of publishers publishing your articles on their sites. This kind of viral marketing really spreads your name and site throughout and several useful and beneficial avenues open up in front of you.

The best thing about article marketing is that it drives targeted traffic to your site. When someone clicks the link to your site, it means that he read the article and found it interesting enough to try to find more of it and it makes an image of you as an expert in your chosen field.

Each and every article of yours, that gets published results in more and more advertising for your site. After all you are allowed to place a link at the end of the article or in the about the author section. You can place a small snippet about you establishing yourself as some kind of an expert. That would build your credibility and would drive traffic

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Article Marketing and Traffic Building - 4 Practical Pointers on Increasing Your Customer Base

One way in which article marketing can serve your overall business interests on the Internet and World Wide Web is assisting you in traffic building your website. Towards this important goal, there are four practical pointers that you should bear in mind when it comes to increasing your traffic and customer base through article marketing.

First, with your well written, timely and topical articles you can include links back to your website. Provided you do prepare and create interesting and informative articles, you will find that an ever growing number of people will click over to your website after reading your articles.

Second, you can place your articles at article marketing websites or on ezines that bear some sort of more natural connection to your website and your business. This will be another technique through which you can increase traffic to your Internet website.

Third, you can utilize article marketing as a means to connect directly with potential customers. In this regard, you can send informative and useful articles to individuals that are on your opt-in email list. Time and time again this technique has proved effective at drawing people to your site with increasing regularity.

Fourth, article marketing can be used as a means of more generally promoting your business, website, products or services to a broad audience. This can be accomplished by making certain that you widely distribute a significant number of your articles on a regular basis.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Article Research And Writing An Article Outline

When you write as many articles as I have it is easy to forget that not everyone can just sit down and write an article. Being able to write is the backbone of your future success, however, so you need to get your own system for writing quality articles.

It all starts with an idea and a little article research. One of my favorite tools I use everyday is called Search Automator. This makes researching content for any article a breeze.

Here's a couple of more things on writing articles. When you write try and write like you talk. Using fancy words and writing like you think will impress people does not work because it never sounds natural. Writing like you talk works because you are being yourself and you as become a better writer your articles will sound more natural and interesting.

Here is a simple formula you can use as an outline for your articles called AIDA.

When writing an article break it into 4 parts.





Your title should attract attention. If you don't get read your dead. For this reason we try to write around a primary keyword and include it in the title of the article.

Your introduction should create interest and lead people into the body. Let you reader know what the article is about and why they should read it.

The body should continue to create interest in the subject. Try and write short 2-3 word paragraphs which will help get the whole article read and not have people skimming down the article. Long paragraphs get skimmed over because they are hard to read on the Internet.

If you write a compelling article you will create desire to know more which leads into your resource box.

The resource box is where you sell yourself or your website. Your goal is to get action. The action you want is to get the click through to your website.

Using Search Automator to do good research and following this outline is a great way to develop a quality article and increase your website traffic with it.

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online website for hundreds of make money ideas, articles, and products. To see how he uses JV With Jeff to help you make money please visit his web site here now:

Press Releases - Grab 'Em Fast and Don't Let Go


For radio and TV: Approach producers as if they have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Get their attention fast. If your press release doesn't capture the producers' attention within the first ten seconds, you're dead; they'll be off on something else. They seldom read press releases, but when they do, they usually just scan the headlines and bullets. Producers' lives are blurs. Everything is an emergency or a make press releases for producers shorter than those you send to print journalists. Tips:

Headlines are critical. They should be one line only, take seconds to read and focus on value and benefit.

The media is obsessed with three topics that it thinks audiences crave: money, sex and health. So, whenever possible, tie your headlines to those topics.

Establish a "Who Gives a Damn" meter. Determine if anyone would care about the information presented. If so, identify specifically who would care. Then determine why they would care. Once done, write headlines and bullets targeted to those who would care.

For print: For the print media the first paragraph of your press release is vital. It should run no more than three or four sentences and set forth all of the main points covered in the release. Don't muddy your opening paragraph with too much detail...Use subsequent paragraphs to further explain your story, including background, more specific information, and even include quotes or endorsements. But keep the entire release to one page. After you've drafted the release, tie it together with a catchy headline...always include your contact information at both the top and bottom of the page. [And remember] that print media can publish a press release, or parts of it, with little or no change, and their job is done. ___

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "The Author 101 Newsletter" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter " Subscribe at and receive free by email my "Million Dollar Rolodex"

If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

Rick Frishman President Planned TV Arts

Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts, since 1982 is the driving force behind PTA's exceptional growth. In 1993 PTA merged with Ruder*Finn and Rick serves as an Executive Vice President at Ruder Finn. While supervising PTA's success, he has remained one of the most powerful and energetic publicists in the media industry.

Rick continues to work with many of the top editors, agents and publishers in America including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.Rick joined the company in 1976 after working as a producer at WOR-AM in New York City. He has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications.

Sales + Marketing = Profits

Sales and marketing go together. Without one, there is no need for the other. Unfortunately, many business people have not figured out the formula for success. To realize true profit, the target consumer must be identified, successful marketing strategies implemented, and salesmanship exercised.

So, who is your target consumer? Who is most likely to purchase your product or service? For example, toy companies obviously target children. Why would they want to target the kids, when the parents are usually the ones who actually spend the money?

Think about when toy advertisements are most prevalent. Right before major holidays and during peak times of cartoon viewing, you kids and mine are inundated with commercials of the latest toys. The child actors are always having an absolutely marvelous time with the amazingly wonderful latest toy craze. Children are sold! Then, the kids sell Mum and Dad. Targeting an audience of eager young children has been a successful campaign for toy manufacturers.

If you have a specific product or service in mind, you probably already have a good idea of your target consumer; now you have to implement marketing strategies. Unfortunately, this step is where many entrepreneurs make a potentially fatal mistake. They assume advertising is the strategy. Not quite!

For instance, if you want to sell a line of ladies perfumes, you are probably not going to advertise in an auto mechanic magazine. Common sense will tell you that if you are looking for car parts, you are not going to be looking for the next fabulous fragrance.

However, even the best advertising methods do not always work. But, instead of checking the statistics, after a marketing strategy has been implemented, businesspeople often keep pouring good money after bad, because advertising is simply necessary. No one stops to check if another strategy would be more effective. In fact, many individuals invest all their hard earned money, before even determining if consumers will be interested in the product or service at all.

In short, you have to test and retest the market and the best marketing strategies. It is not something you get right and then ignore. You keep at the process. Dump what does not work, enhance or improve what does seem to be working, and then concentrate on your sales.

Without marketing, you will have no significant sales, other than those made by happenstance. However, even with the best marketing strategies, you will not realize true profit, without good salesmanship. For example, if you come across a crabby salesperson, or try to get information from someone who does not really know the product; are you likely to return to that establishment in the future?

At the end of the day, when you check your bottom line, it essentially comes down to whether you believe in the product or service you are selling. If you are excited, the consumer will be more likely to get excited and spend money. Your attitude and exuberance will be contagious. Plus, the customer will remember the experience and seek you out for future needs.

So, if you want to be a successful businessperson, remember a simple equation: marketing + sales = profits. One without the other and your venture will be missing an essential component. Realize your dreams by determining your target consumer, if any; practice various marketing strategies and test for success; and believe in what you are selling. If you make the effort and believe in your product or service, they will come!

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International - helps corporate and SMEs to grow their businesses with tried tested and proven techniques and strategies, increasing their bottom line profits in 90 days or less. Pick up a FREE copy of "The 7 Big Mistakes" report when you visit the site and request a FREE 45 minute consultation.

Marketing to Realtors with A Powerful Positioning Statement

If you want to attract the attention of real estate agents, you need to develop a relationship with agents that serve luxury, custom building.around a position. All of your efforts at marketing to realtors should be built around this position.

Your position provides the focus and direction around your expertise. It tells the agent what you do, for whom, explores your niche, differentiates you from the competition and shows the benefit to the customer.

The first step is developing a position statement that describes your business.

Who are you and whats your business?

The first part of your statement describes, in detail, your preferred client. It can be a focus on a geographic area, or it can focus on your experience. For instance, you can either state that you service agents that work Scottsdale, or you could say you work

What kinds of problems do you solve?

This is the heart of your positioning statement. It creates the interest with the reader or agent. To get their attention, you need to focus on problem solving. For instance, say you are focusing on helping agents struggling to produce more referrals. You positioning statement could be, John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality Mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals.

Whats your competition?

Take a look at your competition. What do they offer and how do they offer it. Does their offer sound similar to yours, or are you unique. Understanding your competition helps you recognize your unique value and expertise. It also helps you refine your position.

For instance, if your competing with agencies with in-house lenders, you could structure your position statement along the lines of: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies.

With your position statement, you are addressing the competition so you can highlight how you are different from them, without being negative or derogatory.

Whats the benefit of your expertise?

List the benefits your audience will receive from their perspective. Be careful to keep the benefits separate from the features. Features are defining elements of your service, while benefits are what the agent gains from your service, the result of solving the problem.

For instance, you might state: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies so the agent can predict a steady stream of new referrals.

Your benefit to the agent is the same as your unique competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is what you use to generate interest.

Your positioning statement should be the foundation of your marketing strategy. Once you define your position, you can build your marketing plans around it.

All of your efforts at marketing to Realtors will begin with your positioning statement. Its key to establishing your unique brand identity, the one thing agents consider when they come to doing business with you and keeps them coming back.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

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