Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Popular Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has earned the nods of most webmasters, bloggers, and ebusiness owners as it consistently delivers great results that usually lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking. Because of this, almost everyone in the internet are exerting so much effort to perfect this technique and get ahead of the pack. In this article, you will find the top 3 popular steps that can help you advance in article marketing and these are:

1. Content. Although there are various elements that can improve your article marketing campaign, its success will largely depend on the quality of your content. Thus, it is of outmost importance that you make sure that all of your articles are useful, informative, brief, direct to the point, factual, easy and entertaining to read, unique, and highly relevant to your target niche. If you are able to consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you will surely rise above from the rest in no time.

2. Publishing sites. Once you are able to produce quality articles, picking the best publishing sites will be your next task. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can distribute your articles to other avenues aside from article submission sites. You can post them on your blog, website, social networking sites, forums, and you can even convert them to an ebook which you can use as a viral marketing tool.

3. Resource box. Your resource box serves as a gateway so your readers will be directed to your website. To maximize its full potential, make sure that your resource box is compelling and contains all the essential elements that will entice online users to click your website's URL. Some of these elements are the following: your name, website address, elevator pitch and a powerful call to action.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Writing or Article Marketing - Do Both

Article authors are interesting creatures if you study the way that they operate on online article submission websites. Some say that there are two-types; those who write for the sake of writing and those who write to sell something online. Article Writers and Article Marketers, so which one are you?

If we separate the categories of types of writers in this venue into only two categories, even though there are many, we still get some interesting comparisons. I very much like this thought and examination between to distinct types of article authors that participate here. In considering only these two types of article authors, I have a thought.

What if an Article Marketer is only concerned with one thing - traffic. Then often they will resort to key words which are in and around mass media appeal, thus they end up blending to what is, rather than what could be. This means current public perception of each domain and subject is being re-enforced to the point of nausea.

Not good or bad, and I certainly make no judgment, as I see many article authors who write some of both types of articles often enough, if a writer also understands article marketing, they stand to impact a lot more people getting them to their works in the first place. Perhaps more online video education is needed for the authors here?

Since there are two distinct types of authors in this comparison, what if we blend them together - instead of one or the other allow them to be both? A hybrid article author might be best for all concerned?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

How Writers Can Master The Internet

This is not hype. You are a writer. You browse the Internet almost every day now, looking for both entertainment and information. You see other writers having blogs and web pages on the Internet.

And you wonder: where does that leave you?

Here is the most startling current piece of information there is now in 2007.

The Internet, the World Wide Web, has become the publisher of choice for the world's information needs.


Do you doubt this?

You don't feel the Internet has the prestige that having a book published with a big publishing house would bring you, and maybe you are right.

However, those places at the top of the traditional publishing world are few and far between. Interesting metaphor.

While at the same time organically the biggest publishing house by far has developed just next door!!!

Is it not time for you as a writer to claim your niche on the World Wide Web?

A writer is a packager and conveyer of information, even if you write successfully sold novels.

People in the millions look to their computers and the Internet for most of their information needs.

This is natural since the Internet publishes information quickly and in a relevant manner, and with more experts per subject area than any paper book publisher can muster.


An economic analysis of what writers are paid in the traditional publishing world shows that all but the top writers are getting screwed royally. How is this?

Writers traditionally are paid eight percent about of the retail price of a book. The author does the big labor creating a book and the publisher and book sellers take over ninety percent of the cover price the consumer pays for that book.

We don't complain that this is totally unfair. We say to the writer: move to the Internet, the biggest and best publisher in the world.

On the Internet selling your work you will get at least fifty percent of what your electronic books sells for after expenses are paid.

There are no printing and paper costs, or if there are they are taken up in the Print On Demand, POD, publishing service. You get even here twenty to forty percent of your book cover price.

So that almost suddenly now paper book publishers, their editors, their printers, your agent, your publicist, and any other people such as sales people, have become limited or irrelevant.

The world has gone largely Internet for its information needs, free and paid for.

It will only get worse for writers who rely on paper book publishers. You, the writer, will never make much money there unless you are one of the very few.

You will have to go Internet now. These are some of the key ideas you need to know and follow to survive and grow as a writer making a living from your work.

  1. Create a web site or a web blog site where you make your presence as an author known.
  2. Don't rely on your web site or blog to sell your books in paper for you.
  3. You don't make a pretty, author-like, book-cover like, web site. These pretty sites do not sell books or products. They just look nice, but few of these pretty sites have that many paying visitors who will buy your books from them. I as an author with a pretty website, dreamwork2000, since 1999 know because very few of my paper book have sold from this website.
  4. You don't just create a website. You create a marketing website from which you give away good information you are expert in through short articles, and also through which you sell expert information as downloadable books, fiction and non-fiction.
  5. You as a writer are not selling your style. You are selling your expert knowledge. Therefore, you must position yourself successfully on the web as not just an author but an expert in a certain subject also. THIS IS THE KEY!!!
  6. Check out what we say here. Go to author's pretty web sites. Do you read them and buy from them? Do you? Go to Internet marketing websites and note the difference in how they are designed and written. March 15, 2007 - you feel a pull to read some of their free articles, and also to buy some of their reports and services.
  7. This is the marketing pull. As a writer these days you are responsible for also marketing your work and writing it in a style that alerts people to the fact they may need your information.
  8. This article comes from a working writer who has sold over 350,000 books published in paper. He has now moved his writing and publishing career to the Internet.

He has changed also how he writes some of his information, including fiction and non-fiction to formats that work well currently on the Internet.

He has bought marketing reports and services that help him get sales through the Internet of his work. He has produced new work Internet style in his effort to become relevant to this new way of publishing information with the biggest publisher in the world, the Internet.

You will find these and a lot more ideas and resources in a full report for sale at a reasonable price at this author's regular website: http://www.creativewritingandwriters.com

See his other free information articles and paid-for reports, plus examples of his own fiction-writing work. Strephon Kaplan-Williams is a well-published writer and expert psychologist now selling his new work solely from the Internet. He offers solely his own experiences as a resource for new writers coming on the Internet.

How Writers Can Master The Internet

This is not hype. You are a writer. You browse the Internet almost every day now, looking for both entertainment and information. You see other writers having blogs and web pages on the Internet.

And you wonder: where does that leave you?

Here is the most startling current piece of information there is now in 2007.

The Internet, the World Wide Web, has become the publisher of choice for the world's information needs.


Do you doubt this?

You don't feel the Internet has the prestige that having a book published with a big publishing house would bring you, and maybe you are right.

However, those places at the top of the traditional publishing world are few and far between. Interesting metaphor.

While at the same time organically the biggest publishing house by far has developed just next door!!!

Is it not time for you as a writer to claim your niche on the World Wide Web?

A writer is a packager and conveyer of information, even if you write successfully sold novels.

People in the millions look to their computers and the Internet for most of their information needs.

This is natural since the Internet publishes information quickly and in a relevant manner, and with more experts per subject area than any paper book publisher can muster.


An economic analysis of what writers are paid in the traditional publishing world shows that all but the top writers are getting screwed royally. How is this?

Writers traditionally are paid eight percent about of the retail price of a book. The author does the big labor creating a book and the publisher and book sellers take over ninety percent of the cover price the consumer pays for that book.

We don't complain that this is totally unfair. We say to the writer: move to the Internet, the biggest and best publisher in the world.

On the Internet selling your work you will get at least fifty percent of what your electronic books sells for after expenses are paid.

There are no printing and paper costs, or if there are they are taken up in the Print On Demand, POD, publishing service. You get even here twenty to forty percent of your book cover price.

So that almost suddenly now paper book publishers, their editors, their printers, your agent, your publicist, and any other people such as sales people, have become limited or irrelevant.

The world has gone largely Internet for its information needs, free and paid for.

It will only get worse for writers who rely on paper book publishers. You, the writer, will never make much money there unless you are one of the very few.

You will have to go Internet now. These are some of the key ideas you need to know and follow to survive and grow as a writer making a living from your work.

  1. Create a web site or a web blog site where you make your presence as an author known.
  2. Don't rely on your web site or blog to sell your books in paper for you.
  3. You don't make a pretty, author-like, book-cover like, web site. These pretty sites do not sell books or products. They just look nice, but few of these pretty sites have that many paying visitors who will buy your books from them. I as an author with a pretty website, dreamwork2000, since 1999 know because very few of my paper book have sold from this website.
  4. You don't just create a website. You create a marketing website from which you give away good information you are expert in through short articles, and also through which you sell expert information as downloadable books, fiction and non-fiction.
  5. You as a writer are not selling your style. You are selling your expert knowledge. Therefore, you must position yourself successfully on the web as not just an author but an expert in a certain subject also. THIS IS THE KEY!!!
  6. Check out what we say here. Go to author's pretty web sites. Do you read them and buy from them? Do you? Go to Internet marketing websites and note the difference in how they are designed and written. March 15, 2007 - you feel a pull to read some of their free articles, and also to buy some of their reports and services.
  7. This is the marketing pull. As a writer these days you are responsible for also marketing your work and writing it in a style that alerts people to the fact they may need your information.
  8. This article comes from a working writer who has sold over 350,000 books published in paper. He has now moved his writing and publishing career to the Internet.

He has changed also how he writes some of his information, including fiction and non-fiction to formats that work well currently on the Internet.

He has bought marketing reports and services that help him get sales through the Internet of his work. He has produced new work Internet style in his effort to become relevant to this new way of publishing information with the biggest publisher in the world, the Internet.

You will find these and a lot more ideas and resources in a full report for sale at a reasonable price at this author's regular website: http://www.creativewritingandwriters.com

See his other free information articles and paid-for reports, plus examples of his own fiction-writing work. Strephon Kaplan-Williams is a well-published writer and expert psychologist now selling his new work solely from the Internet. He offers solely his own experiences as a resource for new writers coming on the Internet.

Articles to eBooks - How to Turn a Great 7 Tips Article into a Great eBook

Can you really really turn a seven tips article into an ebook?

You sure can. Follow me here:

If you can write a 7 item grocery list, you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise.

If you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise, you can quickly and easily turn it into an ebook.

From article to ebook in steps

Step 1 - Write a great seven tips in your area of expertise - Come up with seven suggestions, tips, warning signs, etc.

Step 2 - Take one tip and write an article on that tip - Just expand on what you wrote for each tip.

Setp 3 - Do the same thing for the other six tips - Just repeat what you did in step two for each of your tips.

Step 4 - Take one of your tips articles and turn it into a chapter - Do what I call a brain and heart dump and just write everything you know about that tip. Use examples, case studies, stories, etc to illustrate the points you are making in this chapter.

Step 5 - Do the same thing for the other six articles - Take them one at a time and get it done.

Step 6 - Add an introduction - Tell the reader what to expect in the ebook.

Step 7 - Add some invitations - Instead of a conclusion, invite the reader to further engage you through other web sites, services, and products.

Repeat this process over and over again and you can grow many of your articles into ebooks.

And now I would like to invite you to check out http://www.ArticlestoeBooks.com for the very best traing in article marketing and ebook marketing.

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Articles to eBooks - How to Turn a Great 7 Tips Article into a Great eBook

Can you really really turn a seven tips article into an ebook?

You sure can. Follow me here:

If you can write a 7 item grocery list, you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise.

If you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise, you can quickly and easily turn it into an ebook.

From article to ebook in steps

Step 1 - Write a great seven tips in your area of expertise - Come up with seven suggestions, tips, warning signs, etc.

Step 2 - Take one tip and write an article on that tip - Just expand on what you wrote for each tip.

Setp 3 - Do the same thing for the other six tips - Just repeat what you did in step two for each of your tips.

Step 4 - Take one of your tips articles and turn it into a chapter - Do what I call a brain and heart dump and just write everything you know about that tip. Use examples, case studies, stories, etc to illustrate the points you are making in this chapter.

Step 5 - Do the same thing for the other six articles - Take them one at a time and get it done.

Step 6 - Add an introduction - Tell the reader what to expect in the ebook.

Step 7 - Add some invitations - Instead of a conclusion, invite the reader to further engage you through other web sites, services, and products.

Repeat this process over and over again and you can grow many of your articles into ebooks.

And now I would like to invite you to check out http://www.ArticlestoeBooks.com for the very best traing in article marketing and ebook marketing.

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

How to Make Your Coastal Vacations Business Stand Out

Being an independent business owner under the Coastal Vacations direct selling home business umbrella, means that you will more than likely have to compete for traffic and sales from your peers.

Being part of the larger Coastal Vacations business structure does not make you immune to bargain hunters and hagglers.

Having a unique sales proposal for your prospects will place you on a higher level when you are put into a comparison line up.

Here are some tips to make your independent business stand out against the other Coastal Vacations teams.

Training. Coastal Vacations offers corporate training. There is however, no substitute for the security a new member feels from being offered one on one training, guidance and support.

Marketing Tools: When a new member joins Coastal, they are not provided with websites or leads. Providing your new member with instant ways to generate leads or to purchase leads for them to get started deters procrastination and loss of enthusiasm.

Team Specific Training Tools and Tips: Sharing with your new team members what is working and what is not will save them time and money and frustration and will ultimately lead to a more successful and happy team.

Bonuses: A time sensitive call to action bonus with tangible value will speed up the buying process. A mistake many marketers make is to offer too many time sensitive, one time only bonuses too frequently. If your prospect knows that the time sensitive offer will be repeated within a short time span, they will hold off for the next one rather than making a decision today.

Know What the Competition Is Doing: If you have no idea what the other directors are offering their new members as incentives, you will be missing out on sales. The trick is not to copy, but to excel in all aspects of your marketing and advertising repertoire. Uniqueness is a sought after commodity in the home business environment.

Would you like to know about internet marketing and effective website promotion? Click Here to download a powerful free report. Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for free advertising advice on how to promote your online business.

How to Make Your Coastal Vacations Business Stand Out

Being an independent business owner under the Coastal Vacations direct selling home business umbrella, means that you will more than likely have to compete for traffic and sales from your peers.

Being part of the larger Coastal Vacations business structure does not make you immune to bargain hunters and hagglers.

Having a unique sales proposal for your prospects will place you on a higher level when you are put into a comparison line up.

Here are some tips to make your independent business stand out against the other Coastal Vacations teams.

Training. Coastal Vacations offers corporate training. There is however, no substitute for the security a new member feels from being offered one on one training, guidance and support.

Marketing Tools: When a new member joins Coastal, they are not provided with websites or leads. Providing your new member with instant ways to generate leads or to purchase leads for them to get started deters procrastination and loss of enthusiasm.

Team Specific Training Tools and Tips: Sharing with your new team members what is working and what is not will save them time and money and frustration and will ultimately lead to a more successful and happy team.

Bonuses: A time sensitive call to action bonus with tangible value will speed up the buying process. A mistake many marketers make is to offer too many time sensitive, one time only bonuses too frequently. If your prospect knows that the time sensitive offer will be repeated within a short time span, they will hold off for the next one rather than making a decision today.

Know What the Competition Is Doing: If you have no idea what the other directors are offering their new members as incentives, you will be missing out on sales. The trick is not to copy, but to excel in all aspects of your marketing and advertising repertoire. Uniqueness is a sought after commodity in the home business environment.

Would you like to know about internet marketing and effective website promotion? Click Here to download a powerful free report. Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for free advertising advice on how to promote your online business.

Fresh Content Should Be Your First Thought In Website Marketing Strategies!

What would you say is the number one reason a blogsite fails? The answer to that question is probably lack of fresh content. You see if a person has the idea that they want to have multiple blogs with the thought of making big money it becomes quite an effort to produce fresh content regularly. But producing fresh content is imperative in your website marketing strategies.

It seems difficult and even kind of frightening at first to produce fresh content to your blog on a regular basis. But like I've said in the past, "it should really not be that big an issue". The most important part of proven website marketing strategies, especially where blogs are concerned, is providing your readers or visitors with informative, interesting, and even entertaining information. This should be your primary concern.

Producing enlightening and interesting information on your blog will not only help to make your blog popular, but will also attract the search engine spiders. Obviously it is the business of search engines to provide answers to search queries.

Taken one step further, to make it even more simple, if the search engine spiders see your web pages as providing more relative information, then your web pages will be displayed to provide the answers to keyword searches. Which means relative, interesting, informative, and even entertaining CONTENT is still KING of website marketing strategies, period.

Why should producing fresh content for your blog or website be such a struggle? You know your niche, right? You know the questions that people are searching for answers to in your niche, right? If you don't know then you had better find out! You better start providing the answers to the questions your visitors are asking for when they do a search using the keywords your blog is targeting.

The Captain of my ship made me realize something last night while we were navigating through the St. Mary's River. He said; "At least you have your business to keep you occupied in your off time". He is so right, isn't he? I can write my content in my chosen niche anytime I feel like it. And, the content I write is going to make my blogs successful without much more effort than that if I've chosen my niche carefully and done my keyword research well. Again, in a nutshell, Content is King of website marketing strategies!

Doug LaLonde writes about blogging, fitness and boxing, and his greatest interest, internet marketing. To visit his blog and receive the latest free gift go to;


Fresh Content Should Be Your First Thought In Website Marketing Strategies!

What would you say is the number one reason a blogsite fails? The answer to that question is probably lack of fresh content. You see if a person has the idea that they want to have multiple blogs with the thought of making big money it becomes quite an effort to produce fresh content regularly. But producing fresh content is imperative in your website marketing strategies.

It seems difficult and even kind of frightening at first to produce fresh content to your blog on a regular basis. But like I've said in the past, "it should really not be that big an issue". The most important part of proven website marketing strategies, especially where blogs are concerned, is providing your readers or visitors with informative, interesting, and even entertaining information. This should be your primary concern.

Producing enlightening and interesting information on your blog will not only help to make your blog popular, but will also attract the search engine spiders. Obviously it is the business of search engines to provide answers to search queries.

Taken one step further, to make it even more simple, if the search engine spiders see your web pages as providing more relative information, then your web pages will be displayed to provide the answers to keyword searches. Which means relative, interesting, informative, and even entertaining CONTENT is still KING of website marketing strategies, period.

Why should producing fresh content for your blog or website be such a struggle? You know your niche, right? You know the questions that people are searching for answers to in your niche, right? If you don't know then you had better find out! You better start providing the answers to the questions your visitors are asking for when they do a search using the keywords your blog is targeting.

The Captain of my ship made me realize something last night while we were navigating through the St. Mary's River. He said; "At least you have your business to keep you occupied in your off time". He is so right, isn't he? I can write my content in my chosen niche anytime I feel like it. And, the content I write is going to make my blogs successful without much more effort than that if I've chosen my niche carefully and done my keyword research well. Again, in a nutshell, Content is King of website marketing strategies!

Doug LaLonde writes about blogging, fitness and boxing, and his greatest interest, internet marketing. To visit his blog and receive the latest free gift go to;


Article Marketing - Secrets of Titles That Sell

One of the most important aspects of your article marketing, is your titles. Titles pull people in. Titles make people take notice. Without a decent title - you're screwed . It's a good idea to start your title by summing up the whole article. For example rather than -

The Secrets of Quickly Learning Disco Dancing.

It would be much more effective to use:

Disco Dancing - 7 Speedy Secrets Exposed.

This way when someone searched "disco dancing" they will find your article easier. You also want to make your article title catchy. It is a good idea to use numbers, such as:

  • Lose Weight Fast - 6 Key Secrets for Maximum Weight Loss

It shows people that the article will be concise. People don't want to spend all day reading your article. You want to pull them in, so by using words such as "secrets", "key" and "exposed" it will make people think they are getting something special, which they will be with the information you provide them with. Also, remember to Keep It Short and Concise . The title simply draws people in, it does not have to explain everything the article will cover.

Monitor which articles are clicked on more than others, by keeping an eye on your stats. This will help you see which articles have the most successful titles and which topics are most popular.

Keep at it. With all aspects of article writing, thinking of creative and effective titles becomes easier with time. It is possible to succeed, as long as you don't give up to quickly.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out http://www.article-wizard.info

Article Marketing - Secrets of Titles That Sell

One of the most important aspects of your article marketing, is your titles. Titles pull people in. Titles make people take notice. Without a decent title - you're screwed . It's a good idea to start your title by summing up the whole article. For example rather than -

The Secrets of Quickly Learning Disco Dancing.

It would be much more effective to use:

Disco Dancing - 7 Speedy Secrets Exposed.

This way when someone searched "disco dancing" they will find your article easier. You also want to make your article title catchy. It is a good idea to use numbers, such as:

  • Lose Weight Fast - 6 Key Secrets for Maximum Weight Loss

It shows people that the article will be concise. People don't want to spend all day reading your article. You want to pull them in, so by using words such as "secrets", "key" and "exposed" it will make people think they are getting something special, which they will be with the information you provide them with. Also, remember to Keep It Short and Concise . The title simply draws people in, it does not have to explain everything the article will cover.

Monitor which articles are clicked on more than others, by keeping an eye on your stats. This will help you see which articles have the most successful titles and which topics are most popular.

Keep at it. With all aspects of article writing, thinking of creative and effective titles becomes easier with time. It is possible to succeed, as long as you don't give up to quickly.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out http://www.article-wizard.info