Saturday, June 7, 2008

Article Income Mistake #1 - Having No Product Created with Your Articles

Some people will tell you that you cannot make money with your articles. My simple response to those people is that they are wrong.

You can make money with your articles. You can do well with your articles.

You gotta have a product

Now here is a profound statement. You have to have a product in order to sell a product.

Now I know people quiver in their shoes about the notion of creating products. It looks difficult and it takes a lot of concentrated work. You need to have a system to make it very doable.

You can do it! If you can write a 7-item grocery list, you can write a 7 tips article that brings you more prospects, publicity and profits.

And if you can write a 7 tips article, you can turn that article into many products. A 7 tips article can become an ecourse or an ebook, just to name two of the many products you can create with your articles.

Another quick way to create products with your articles is to create a collection of your articles on a particular subject and turn it into an ebook. I have many mentees and students who do this all the time. I do it all the time.

Dont fall for some of the stuff on the internet that says it takes you weeks to create a product . You can create a product in a couple days when you know how to do it correctly and quickly, and turn your articles into cash.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Submit Articles For Money Or Love?

Targeted traffic to your website is the lifeblood of free money online. Submit articles for free article directories such as ezinearticles and you are assured of success. Submitting articles has been a proven method of generating free traffic and free money from advertisers willing and eager to capture some of your traffic to their more lucrative websites.

There are many advantages to yourself and your advertisers if you submit articles for money making websites. Firstly there is the advantage of a generous back link to your website targeted to entice the search engines spiders to follow along. Secondly, there is also the benefits of a reader of your submitted article being interested in your content and duplicating it for the benefits of their readers, this again brings additional benefits.

Submit articles for money generating purposes and you could be in serious danger of making it to the front pages of google and other search engines if you can possibly write interesting enough content with sufficient keyword optimization skills to satisfy the search engines. I am not here to discuss all the merits of submitting an article, however I do suggest you add article writing and article submission to your arsenal of online marketing strategies.

Our advice is to submit articles about those things you feel at ease writing about. It tends to assist your article submission when published to the world wide web. Words always tend to flow with ease when articles are written in this way.

Now, the fun part begins when you begin to submit articles for money making websites online. These particular articles are genuinely written with the sole intention of driving highly targeted visitors to your website. Their purpose as an article is to generate genuine interest in the subject written.

If we were to take this article as an example, it would obviously be written in such a style as to generate interest in article submission and the benefits thereof. We would suggest to submit articles written in this type of style and to do so on a regular basis. I personally submit articles on a two or three day basis, this of course is no more than maybe two or three articles per week, the subjects of those articles are never the same and they are spread across several topics of interest.

When you submit articles in this way, it allows for a larger catchment of people and as we mentioned earlier the purpose of the article is to generate additional traffic. I do not believe for an instant that there are authors that do not keep this in the forefront of their mind when creating a masterpiece to submit to article directories.

If you find manually inputting your article is too much like hard work, then why not submit articles to your favorite free article directories using purpose made article submitter software. They have the capabilities to automatically fill in forms and article content onto article submission pages at a breeze.

I am still a great believer in the personal approach when I submit articles. Creating an original article on one source, however, the day is fast approaching where this type of automated article submission will overtake the capacity of us die hard article writers. I guess the internet has room for us all, but for how much longer?

David 'Goldie' Edwards is a search engine optimizer and website designer working from his UK office. His Links Dude website gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their link building skills.

His Seo Elite Reviews are also designed to assist clients with their seo and website design skills

Article Marketing - The Fourth Step to a Profit-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing requires you to ask the reader to take an action at the end of the article. One of the great things about article marketing is that at the end of every article is a resource box, that when used properly, drives the reader back to your website or blog.

The problem that I see every day with my students, members, and mentees, is that most writers do not know how to create or craft a powerful call to action.

How to create a powerful call to action

One of the principles on the Internet is that you cannot assume, ever, that the reader or visitor knows what to do next. In fact many readers do not know what to do next and therefore do not think.

I'll call to action is simply a request or invitation for the reader to take your most desired action. If you want the reader to download a free information product that your most desired action. If you want the reader to subscribe to a newsletter, then that your most desired action.

The point is simply this - you must invite the reader to take the next step which is your most desired action.

Here is an example of a call to action -

"Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to (my url)."

In the above example I have taken the reader by the hand and invited them to take the next action that I desire them to take. That is a gentle yet powerful call to action for your resource box at the end of your articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Remarkable Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best internet marketing techniques that is proven to augment a website's traffic. It's success largely depend on the quality and quantity of articles submitted to publishing sites. So, if you have the knack for writing and you have enough time to submit your articles, this technique is the best for you. Here are the 3 remarkable secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Use interesting, attention-grabbing titles. Your title is one of the elements in article marketing that plays a very crucial role. The quality of your titles can either make or break your marketing campaign. If your titles are lousy, there is a slim chance that your articles will be read by online users. Thus, it is very important that you know how to create titles that will pique the curiosity of your potential readers. Communicate the summary and benefits of your articles through your headline and make it brief, concise, and keyword-rich.

2. Specific vs. general topics. To make your articles more targeted, I suggest that you go with specific topics where your article can focus on one central theme. Discussing one broad topic in your article can cause confusion among your readers because of the amount of information they have to digest. Learn how to break down broad topics to more specific ones so you can get your message across easier.

3. Create your own template. If you have been using article marketing for quite sometime, you probably have an idea which of your articles that are generating interest. Make use of these articles when you draft a template. Take note of the elements that make them appealing to your potential clients and apply those on your template. This will make your writing easier and more effective.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Inbound Link Mania - 10 Key Content Strategies to Increase Online Visibility

Now more than ever, if you want to be a successful business owner, you need a successful business website. Which means you have to make nice with the search engines. And the long-standing rule of search engine friendliness is to create inbound links -- links from other sites pointing to your site.

Ten-ish years ago, when Google started the shift away from code to content (including inbound links) as the preferred way of determining "relevance," the world changed. Immediately, businesses owners started scrambling, and begging, for every link they could get. Thank goodness that's not the case anymore! But inbound links are still important. In many ways they're more vital than ever.

How then, does one go about getting those precious nuggets of hypertext anchor tagging? Social Media maven and "Chief Nut" Kevin Skarritt, our good friend and strategic ally at Acorn Creative, offered up these 10 strategies on his "Nuts and Bolts of Brand" blog. Good guy that he is, he gave us permission to share those key linking strategies with you here. Hit it!


Go out of your way to read other people's blogs. Your Mother always told you that reading is good for you. She was right! But, when you do so, be sure to productively interact with those bloggers. It makes them feel good. It validates what they're writing about. It starts up a relationship between the two of you. AND, here's the best part, it gives you an inbound link to your site.


Start your own blog and refer to all of those blogs you're reading in the form of a "trackback" in your posts. Don't know what this means? Check out the entry for "trackback" on Wikipedia, or go deeper with a tutorial. However you learn more about this linking strategy, please do, because it's a smart, easy, and effective way to get your website lots of inbound links.


Yes, PPC advertising is indeed an added marketing expense. However, it's a controllable, predictable means to build ROI, and a great way to build inbound links where you have control over the text used in the link tag.


Similar to blog comments and trackbacks, participating on industry forums will get you hooked up with other like-minded professionals, keep you abreast of current trends, and you get to build your own inbound links in the signature line of your posts.


Some new social networking sites on the web allow you to create content and post it in their domain as new pages. One great example of this is Seth Godin's By creating "lenses" that focus readers on a particular topic of interest, you get to engage readers and create more inbound links to your main site.


The concept of a wiki (like is that readers also become content contributors. Anyone who is registered can log in and change content. Understand that other readers of this information-rich content have zero tolerance for salesy/advertising tactics, so, be careful with this one. Be purely informative and helpful with your newly posted content. If the content survives peer scrutiny, you'll have a nice little inbound link that's potentially seen by millions.


MySpace and FaceBook for sure, but there's an explosion of social networking web sites out there. Dive in and start participating. Doing so allows you to interact with other professionals and, you guessed it, builds up inbound links.


Different than social networking, social bookmarking is similar to how you used to bookmark sites in your browser but, instead, you bookmark your favorite sites publicly, in sites like,,,, Google bookmarks ... the list goes on and on. The goal is to have people discover these bookmarks, and then your site. An added benefit to social bookmarking (and blog posts) is you get to "tag" your content with words and phrases that are relevant to the content. These tags are used to identify the content in the search process.


This is a variation of social bookmarking. There are sites that organize how people surf the web in an effort to make the process of finding the right content faster and more focused. (available as a Firefox plugin) is one of my favorites but others like Technorati (blog content), Digg (blogs, articles and news stories) and newcomer Trailfire (another Firefox plugin) allow users to power-surf, finding your site via inbound links.


Don't discount it just yet. Asking another site owner for a link sometimes still works. However, with all of the other options listed above, you'll quickly learn that this tactic is largely time-consuming and unproductive.

Any good car salesman will recite the old adage, "plan your work and work your plan." This especially holds true for your inbound link strategy. Whether you focus on one or set up a tactic to diversify, divide and conquer, don't wait. The success of your website -- and ultimately, your business -- depends on it!

(c) 2007 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help lifestyle entrepreneurs and bold-thinking small businesses "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. If you'd like to see the FREE report that generated over six figures of additional client work in less than two months, you can check it out at!

Article Marketing - Attract Millions of Visitors to Your Site for Free

If you want to drive millions of people to your website annually without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so, you must become an expert in article marketing. This progressive, low cost marketing revolution is changing the face of advertising and public relations across the U.S., and indeed around the world. Before the dawn of the Internet, only companies with tens of millions of dollars set aside for marketing and advertising could make an impact on the psyche of an entire country. And where did all of those tens of millions of dollars go? To television, radio, newspaper, telemarketing and direct mail campaigns. Yes, these marketing vehicles are still effective, but they are losing their power hold month by month around the globe. Usage of traditional media is decreasing daily.

Article marketing (writing pivotal articles and publishing them online) can help build your site and your company in many significant ways. Not only you will drive astronomical numbers of visitors to your site, but you will also achieve a high level of credibility with your target audience, increase your Google ranking (which in turn will bring you lots of free advertising), and build your name in ways that only expensive PR firms were able to do in the past.

Why you ask? As already mentioned, people are increasingly turning to the Internet for information, entertainment, communication and shopping. According to, growth of Internet use in North America rose 106.7% from 2000 to 2005 alone.

Mega publishers and media outlets such as newspapers in major cities, network television and large radio syndicates used to have all the power. In the past, they dictated to the populous what we should be interested in. But the rise in consumer media has changed all that. Nowadays, people just want information about the issues that are of most interest to them. And since most people now turn to the Internet for answers, search engines now rule. What is the first thing you do when you want information? You go to your computer and type in your subject in a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. The goal of article marketing is to get people to click on one of your articles, and that article is hosted on your website of course! Once they are already on your site, your chances of engaging them with the rest of what you have to offer (and ultimately becoming a customer) goes up exponentially. The more you understand the logic behind search engine ranking systems, the more you can tweak your articles to garner the coveted higher positions in search results.

How much will this cost you? The good news is that article marketing is extremely low cost, and in many cases, totally free. You can achieve wide visibility of your articles with very little or no money at all. There are some inexpensive software packages (such as automated article submitters, etc) but these are generally low cost ($70-$300) and are not absolutely essential for success. Article submission software normally comes with a few hundred article "hubs" already installed (websites whose sole purpose is distribution of articles to thousands of other information sites). You can discover these hubs on your own, but it will take you much more time to find, test and learn to navigate each one. A simple rule - what you don't have in resources, you will end up investing in time.

Masterful Article Marketing can accomplish something even more important for you. When people find and are impressed with what you've written, you become an expert in their minds, which translates to a high level of credibility. And let us not forget that this respect is being nurtured in the minds of the exact demographic you seek to reach - you perfect target audience.

Another amazing benefit of publishing articles online is the free publicity that follows beyond the places you post. Well conceived, clearly written and smartly distributed articles can be as effective as press releases by top PR firms. Remember, the goal of successful marketing is increased business and profitability.

Increasing visitors to your site does something more for you - it improves your page ranking with the major search properties, which actually becomes free advertising for you. Search engines can see how much traffic each site has and rewards more highly visited sites with better ranking for articles housed on them. This is only one element in their alga rhythms, but an important one to keep in mind.

I have written extensively about the other secrets to super charging your articles for high positioning in search engines. Just remember, search engines are continually being tweaked to deliver the most relevant results to the information seeker.

In summary, there are many reasons why one should add article marketing to their advertising mix. Among these reasons are that article marketing is free, it drives tons of traffic, is highly valued with search engines and makes you an expert in the field. Bottom line, you can't afford not use article marketing as part of your advertising.

This article has been brought to you by Peter Grundner. For his new training "Article Marketing Made Easy" visit

Peter Grundner, a top advertising and marketing professional for over 20 years, is now a Home Business Entrepreneur and founder of &

Targeted Article Marketing - Discover 3 Interesting Secrets to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the greatest and most effective ways in creating avalanches of leads. It is being used by millions of people in promoting affiliate products to generate commission, making money through AdSense, and generating qualified traffic to their website.

Here are the 3 interesting secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles with compelling titles. Experts agree that as an article marketer, you should understand that your titles are your most effective tools in getting people to notice your content. Thus, pay close attention to them and make sure that they are interesting and attention-grabbing.

2. Make your first paragraph equally interesting. Online users are known to have short attention span. If you can't offer them something that they will find valuable in the first 100 words of your articles, they will quickly click that big X button on the upper right hand of their screen and move to the next article. You don't want this to happen to you as you would like them to read your articles in their entirety to increase the chances of your resource box being clicked. So, offer your readers the juiciest details on your first paragraph. If possible, spill in everything they need to know in the first 100 words of your articles. This will keep them interested and hopefully, this will compel them to click on your resource box.

3. Keep your articles short. As mentioned a while ago, people online have short attention span and they would like to get the information they need upfront. If you can offer them article than runs 300 words that contain all the information they need, the better. Based on researches and studies, short articles are preferred by more than 87% of online users.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.