Monday, June 23, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you want to become a great article marketer, you have to realize, your articles are not supposed to be great! Your articles have to be good! Not great! We aren't writing a work of art here people. We're just writing simple articles.

Don't try to create the perfect article. Chances are, that when you do, you will create a bad article. Your article will either be too long or too boring. Of course you don't want this! You want your articles to be entertaining and short at the same time. The shorter the better! Don't sit down writing a brainstorm, and then a rough draft! This is a horrible article marketing tactic!

As an article marketer, time is everything. By the time your done writing a brainstorm and your rough draft, and you finally type in your final draft, you can already have 10 or more articles waiting to be submitted, rather than having just 1 waiting to be submitted!

10 good articles, are way better than just 1 great article! As an article marketer, you need to know, that in order to get your market to notice you, you have to create the most amount of articles the fastest in order to win. If you don't, your just going to be left in the dust! Your article marketing strategy should be to write as many articles you can in the time that you have available. Don't try to write perfect articles, just write good articles! Good enough articles where your reader can get information out of it.

Just make it good, not great. Only when you shoot for trying to create a good article, will you actually create a great article.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

With the steady and fast acceleration of the web in every aspect of life, internet marketing services has now grown to become the most popular web service used to strategically proceed towards a profitable return for any business. Many describe internet marketing as an endorsement of your products and services online. For an effective and profitable business endorsement, one requires to religiously follow certain set guidelines so as to ensure better return from your investment.

The most essential use of any internet marketing service is that it adds to your website traffic inflow. It creates a brand name for your website through its ad campaigns and it also establishes a place for your goods and products in the industry. Before you begin your internet marketing plan there are a few things that you should always remember in order to ensure a profitable internet marketing strategy.

The first step in internet marketing service is to set your target buyers. Meaning, you need to identify the niche market for your product. This will help you to further take steps considering the requirement of your buyers so that you serve only what they wish to have on their plate.

Once your buyers or clients have been set aside, you need to concentrate in making a wholesome internet marketing strategy. Here you shall not only consider your market and their requirement but also your goals, your objectives and your resources. Without these fundamental facts it is difficult to proceed in your internet marketing services.

Next comes the designing and branding part of your online business. Here you need to keep your target audience in mind always, and then move forward towards designing your banners and ads. The content for these ads must be catchy and appealing to the target audience. You must also always remember to adapt newer and different approaches to your internet marketing strategy in order to excel in what ever you are doing.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services and search engine marketing over the globe.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you have been using article marketing but can't seem to achieve your projected numbers or can't seem to attract enough attention online, I'd say you need to energize your marketing strategies. Here's how:

1. If your clickthrough rate is not that impressive, it sends a strong signal that there is something wrong with your titles. They are not effective in grabbing online users' attention that is why your articles remain unread. This can easily be remedied by editing and improving your titles to make them more interesting, intriguing, and truly compelling. Start by using powerful words on your headlines that are proven to evoke action and communicate the benefits that your readers can get from your content upfront.

2. If your clickthrough rate is skyrocketing but you can't seem to convert readers to potential clients, it only means one thing; you have great, well-written titles but your content is not that impressive. That is why people open your articles but close them even before they reach your resource box. To easily convince online users to check on your website, you need to offer them useful and valuable information on your articles. You need to let them know that you are an expert on your chosen niche and you possess the type of information that they need. Thus, strive to make your content well-written, informative, useful, and valuable to the lives of your readers. By doing this, you will surely be able to increase your clickthrough rate by tenfold.

3. The quantity of your articles is a crucial element in article marketing. Even if you are able to produce compelling articles but if they are just few, you will still not be able to generate enough attention online. To boost the number of your inbound links (that can help you pull up your search engine ranking) and to strengthen your online presence, strive to multiply the number of your articles. If you have the money to spare, you can hire a ghostwriter who can offer you with great copies for reasonable prices. If you are on a tight budget, you can do the legwork and just extend your writing hours so you can produce more copies.

4. Monitor your performance. Make it a habit to check the performance of your articles by knowing how many times they were opened and read. Identify the copies that are not performing well so you can improve on them and make them more enticing to the eyes of online users.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this:

Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Have you ever stopped and really thought about who your readers are? The more directly you write to the person who is reading your article, the more impact what you write is going to have on her. Let's assume for a moment, that you have thought about whom she is, have you thought about what is most important to her?

I see it again and again, article after article turns into a three to five hundred word ad on your topic of choice. So, who are you writing this article for again? There is one word that you should be thinking about every time you write an article. That word is, *PREsell.* If you don't know what that is, then you will find this information invaluable.

One of the most important considerations for every human being on earth before they buy something from another person is can they trust that person. Learning to establish that trust can be the difference between your voice blending into the noise and chatter of daily life, or you being a trusted advisor in your area of expertise. Understanding this is to understand PREsell.

When writing articles, PREselling is when you give something of value to a person before you try to sell them anything. Usually, what you give them is information on a topic that they are interested in. As an expert author, you share with them your value as a resource on a topic. You give them information that they either did not know, or that makes it clear to them that what you do know is beyond a conversational understanding, you have knowledge and expertise that they are looking for.

Why would you do this? You do this not to provide all the answers to their questions, but to help them get some of the answers that they are looking for, and to provide them a resource for getting fuller, more in-depth information. This is a win win. They are getting a chance to test drive your information and see if it meets their particular needs and interests, and you have a free platform (article directories) in which to show your expertise and build your credibility as well as find new prospects.

Let's say you are going to walk buy 100 people that are all trying to sell you something. As you walk buy each person they have 3 seconds to get your attention. So they say things like, look at me, buy from me, I have what you've been looking for, this one will make you sexy. Now they say these things in high voices, low voices, funny voices, and sad voices. The more of them you walk by, the more they all sound the same.

Now, when you walk by me I ask a question, *Did you know that an understanding of key words can be the foundation for all successful internet marketing?* Ask yourself, if you are interested in Internet marketing, who are you going to stop and talk to? Your article gives you a chance to put a specific message out there so that you find the people looking for the information, and just as importantly, they find you.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most affiliate marketers have experience it at least once. You go to check your site stats and notice that your site has gotten more than 5 times the amount of traffic you usually see in a month and all that brand new traffic has arrived TODAY. Your heart slams in your chest a little as you check the source and notice that it is StumbleUpon and all those crazed stumblers that have made your traffic go through the roof.

The problem is, and youll discover this the moment you start checking other stats, those Stumblers arent sticking around. The bounce rate nearly matches the incoming traffic and your Adsense account isnt exactly feeling the StumbleUpon love either. No one seems to be clicking on those juicy Adsense boxes at all. So you check your affiliate accounts. Affiliate earnings are better than Adsense money any day, right? Darn it! Those Stumblers arent buying anything either! What is wrong with these people?

Nothings wrong with them actually. Its just a different mindset and its common to all the social networks. Social networkers arent generally in a shopping mood when they are surfing Digg or Stumbleupon or Reddit. Theyre in the mood to be entertained and they want to be entertained quickly. So they move on from one site to the next, barely stopping to read what you have to say as they kill time looking for a fix to their boredom.

This is a whole lot different than what youll see when your article links are clicked. Your articles are usually found during a search at one of the big search engines. The reader is looking for something specific and theyve just found your article. If your article has managed to capture their interest and they actually click a link in your resource box, they are that much more likely to be interested in anything you might suggest for them to buy. Theyll also spend more time reading about the benefits and advantages of what you are selling so the bounce rate for article traffic is significantly lower than that social network traffic.

Sure, it often takes longer to see significant traffic from article marketing, but since that traffic also converts to paying customers at much higher rates than social network traffic, you need much less of it to fatten your wallet.

So stick to article marketing and leave the social network link baiting to the Flickrites and Youtubers. If you want to make money, slow and steady article writing wins the race.

Emma Martin loves to Stumble, but prefers writing articles to bring home the bacon. Article marketing is a brilliant traffic producer and method of pre-selling your buyers. For more tips on how to generate traffic and sales, visit her Article Marketing page to download a free copy of 77 Ways to Get Traffic. No email required.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

For anyone who doubts that link building is one of the most important factors in ranking at the top of the search engines, just type the phrase miserable failure into Google to see what happens. You will see the president of our nation coming up as number one. I find it very interesting that the words miserable failure do not appear a single time on George Bush's site. Why, you may ask, is this so?

This is so from a technique called Google bombing. Google spiders while they go out and index the world wide web, look for quantity and quality and relevance of links pointing to a website. A large group of politically minded astute computer people chose to link the words miserable failure to George Bush's site. In turn, they Google bombed him.

This alone is proof that linking is very affective to rank at the top of the search engines. It is a known fact that Google and the Google- bots are constantly surveying the entire net. In this process of surveying, they follow the links to and from almost every site on the internet. Google is currently indexing over 8 billion sites. You can imagine when their spiders and bots are trying to figure out who to put this at the top, they need to be able to use several factors. Linking becomes a democratic process. The more links you get, the more votes for you websites you obtain. The way Google sees it, is that the other websites are willing to link to you, so you must be important! They also look at how important and relevant the sites that link to you are. Therefore, it is not just quantity, it is also quality.

In my articles, I will always give some suggestions on things to avoid, as well as things to do. Two of the worst things to avoid in terms of linking are called link farms and webrings. Linkfarms and webrings are where hundreds and sometimes thousands of websites all agree to link to each other quickly. This is not a natural technique and therefore Google spiders will red flag and sometimes even ban sites from doing well in the rankings.

Ethical Search Engine Optimization Specialist San Diego, California. Andrew Zirkin has been working diligently in the search engine optimization field for many years now.

As an SEO Expert, his focus is to be one of the very best on the planet at ethical search engine optimization.

Andrew currently runs an SEO consulting and Optimization Firm that prides itself not only on ethical but also economical search engine optimization.

For more information please visit